1915819 -
JUL-DEC. 1977
i9158't8 (con.) art work. Science Research Associates, Inc.; 3aar77; i9158it8.
i915849. The Job ahead; a career reading series. Text level 1. By Berian B. Goldberg S Bernard Greenberger. 213 p. A najor revision of He* Rochester occupational reading series — The Job ahead. NM: additional text, editorial revision 6 new art work. Science Research Associates, Inc.: 3»ar77: A915819.
4915850. Literature: a collection of nythology and folklore, short stories, poetry, and draaa. By Janes Burl Bogins. 2nd ed. 971 p. Science fiesearch Associates, Inc.; 29Auq77; A915850.
A915851. An Everyday guide to the aetric systea. By Science Research Associates, Inc. 63 p. O Science Research Associates, Inc.; 1Jul76: A915851.
A9 15852. Discovering psychology: test itea file. By Bernard ieiner, iillard Runquist, Peggy A. Runquist, Bertraa a. Raven, lilliaa J. Beyer, Arnold Leiaan, Charles L. Kutscher, Ben-jaain Kleinnuntz S Ralph Noraan Haber. 1 V. Add. ti: Test itea file to accoapany Discovering psychology, Science Research Associates, Inc. ; 25Aug77: A9 15852.
A915853. The Job ahead: a career reading series. Resource book 1. By Heraan B. Goldberg 6 Bernard Greenberger. 18 p. H8: revision, additional text 6 ne» art Hork. Science Research Associates, Inc.; 3(lar77; A915853.
4915851. The Job ahead: a career reading series. Resource book 3. By Beraan R. Goldberg t Bernard Greenberger. 18 p. NB: revision, additional text 6 nen art uork. Science Research Associates, Inc.; 3Mar77; A915851.
A915855. Adolescent developaent and behavior; instructor's guide. By Jeroae B. Ousek. 81 p. O Science Research Associates, Inc.: 114ug77; 4915855.
4915856. The Job ahead: a career reading series. Resource book 1. By Beraan R. Goldberg 6 Bernard Greenberger. 18 p. NB: revision, additional text G neu art uork. O Science Research Associates, Inc.; 3Har77; 4915856.
4915857. The Job ahead: a career reading series; instructor's handbook. By Beraan R. Goldberg £ Bernard Greenberger. 106 p. 6 Science Research Associates, Inc.; 3Har77; A915857.
A915858. Business: the process of enterprise; lecture resource supplement and tran- sparency masters. By Gerald B. Grahaa. 1 V. O Science Research Associates, Inc.; 10Jun77: A91585e.
4915859. Personal aoney aanageaent, second edition: study guide. By Thoaas B. Bailard. David L. Biehl S Ronald H. Kaiser. 191 p. Nfl: revision 5 additional text. O Science Research Associates, Inc.: 16Auq77: A915859.
A915860. Psychology: the science of huaan behavior: instructor's guide. By David L. Science Research ; 16Sep77; A915860.
A915861. Personalized systea of instruction test bank, prepared by Richard Carlson, to accompany Discovering psychology, by Reiner, Runquist, Runquist, Raven, Beyer, Leiaan, Kutscher, Kleinauntz 6 Haber. 201 p. Add. ti: PSI test bank: Discovering psychology. O Science Research Asso- ciates, Inc.: 1Sep77; 4915861.
A915862. Communication probes. By Brent D. Peterson, Gerald H. Goldhaber 6 R. Bayne Pace. 2nd ed. 239 p. Science Research Associates, Inc.; 224ug77; A915862.
A915863. Belong; parent book. Grade 2. 72 p. Appl. au: Sinston Press staff. 6 iinston Press, Inc.; 40ct77; A9 15863.
4915861. CBC forum on energy. session 2: B.S. electricity through the year 2000: coal or nuclear? Editor-in-chief: Robert J. Budnitz. 1 V. (CRC forums) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. 1117372, in folder. Appl. au: CRC Press, Inc. CRC Press, Inc.; 11Nov77; A915861.
A915865. CRC forum on energy. Session 1: 0. S. energy through the year 2000: hou much Bill be required? Editor-in-chief: Robert J. Budnitz. 1 V. (CRC forums) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. B17373, in folder. Appl. au: CRC Press, Inc. O CRC Press, Inc.; 1111ov77; 4915865.
A915866. South Dakota codified laws. Vol. 12. 780 p. Appl. au: Allen Smith Company. Formerly South Dakota coapiled laws. KB: editing & additional textual matter. e State of South Dakota; 16Nov77; A915866.
A915867. Bears; a veteran outdoorsaan's account of the most fascinating & dangerous animals in Horth America. By Ben East, illustrated by Ton Beechaa. 275 p. Ben East; 11NOV77; A915867.
A915868. Selective attention in acute schi- zophrenia. By Eileen Jo Soloaon. 75 p. O Eileen Jo Soloaon; 27Apr77; A915868.
4915869. Locoaotives, liaiteds and locals. By Robert P. Olmsted. 136 p. O Robert P. Olmsted; 110ct77; 4915869.
4915870. Econoaic development in the third world; an introd. to problems & policies in a global perspective. By Bichael P. Todaro. 110 p. O Bichael P. Todaro; 1Jun77; 4915870.
A915871. Nursing care evaluation: concurrent and retrospective review criteria. Senior author: Sharon Lee Van Sell Davidson, coordinating authors: Bette Clark Burleson, Jean Ellen Scheel Crawford S Sue Christofferson. 120 p. O The C. V. Bosby Company; 310ct77; 4915871.
A915872. The Dentist and the assistant. Edited by Shailer Alvarey Peterson. 1th ed. 193 p. e The C. V. Hosby Company; 310ct77; 4915872.
A915873. Scott specialized catalogue of Dnited States stamps, 1978. Editor-in-chief: James B. Hatcher, associate editor: Irving Koslow, staff editors: Hilliao H. Cuaaings, Lilly B. Freed & Steven y. Bardiguian. 56th ed. 757 p. Add. ti: Scott 1978 specialized catalogue of United States staaps. O Scott Publishing Coapany; 100ct77; A915873.
A915871. Anselm of Canterbury. Vol. 2. Edited S translated by Jasper Hopkins & Herbert Richardson. 237 p. KB: English translation G additional text. The Edwin Bellen Press; 1^Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A915871.
A915875. Anselm of Canterbury. Vol. 3. Edited 6 translated by Jasper Hopkins G Herbert Richardson. 265 p. KB: English translation 6 additional text. The Edwin Bellen Press; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A915875.
A915876. Ansela of Canterbury. Vol. 1. By Jasper Hopkins. 202 p. The Edwin Bellen Press; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A915876.
A915877. Baterford, Baine, 1875-1976. 308 p. O Baterford Historical Society; 18Aug77: A915877.
A915878. Lincoln's little girl. By Frederick L. Trump. 123 p. Heritage Books; 60ct77; 4915878.
4915879. The Hispanic nations of the New Horld: a chronicle of our southern neighbors. By Billiaa B. Shepherd. 251 p. (Tale chronicles of America series, 50) Appl. au; Onited States Publishers Association, Inc. NB: editorial revision, bibliography 6 front matter. C Yale Oniversity Press; 2Upr77; A915879.
A915880. The American spirit in education: a chronicle of great teachers. By Edwin E. slosson. 309 p. (Yale chronicles of America series, 33) Appl. au: Onited States Publishers Association, Inc. NB: editorial revision, bibliography G front matter. C Yale Oniversity Press; 29Dec76; A915880.
A915881. Pioneers of the old southwest: a chronicle of the dark and bloody ground. By Constance I. Skinner. 301 p. (Yale chronicles of America serie's, 18) Appl. au: Onited States publishers Association, Inc. NB: editorial revision, bibliography 6 front matter. C Yale Oniversity Press; 30Jun77; A915881.
A915882. The Eve of the Revolution: a chronicle of the breach with Engleind. By Carl Becker. 267 p. (Yale chronicles of America series, 11) Appl. au: Onited States Publishers Association, Inc. NB: editorial revision, bibliography G front matter. 6 Yale Oniversity Press; 16Bay77: 4915882.
4915883. John Barshall and the Constitution: a chronicle of the Supreme Court. By Edward S. Corwin. 212 p. (Yale chronicles of America series, 16) Appl. au: Onited States Publishers Association, Inc. NB: editorial revision, bibliography G front matter. Yale Oniversity Press; 30Jun77: A915883.
4915881. Adventurers of Oregon: a chronicle of
the fur trade. By Constance L. Skinner.
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