A915736 - A915771
JUL-DEC. 1977
1915735 (con.) 13-16. 1976. Fleuua Pcess, a division o£ Pienua Publishinq Corporation: 9Sep77; i915735.
4915736. Atherosclerosis: aetabolic. aorpholoqic. and clinical aspects. Edited by George Hilliaa flanninq & Harla Daria Haust. 1017 p. (Advances in ezperiaeotal aedicine and biology, vol. 62) Proceedings of an International Norkshop-Confereace on Atherosclerosis held at the Oniversity of iestern Ontario. London. Ontario. Canada* Sept. 1-3. 1975. e Plenui Press, a division of Pienua Publishing Corporation: 1ItSep77: A915736.
A915737. The Fate of fossil fuel C02 in the oceans. Edited by Neil B. Andersen S Alexander Halahoff. 7i«9 p. (Harine science, vol. 6) Proceedings of a svaposiUB held at the (Jniversity of Baaaii, Honolulu. Jan. 16-20. 1976. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any portion of this aork written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Plenua Press, a division of Pienua Publishing Corporation; 50ct77: A915737.
1915738. Masters theses in the pure and applied sciences: accepted by colleges and universities of the Onited States and Canada. Vol. 21. Edited by iade B. Shafer. 290 p. Purdue Besearch Foundation: 270ct77: A915738.
A915739. Drugs, nearotransaitters and behavior. Edited by Leslie Lars Iversen. Susan 0. Iverseo S Soloaon B. Snyder. 590 p. (Handboolc of psycbopharaacology. vol. 8) Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Pienua Press, a division of Pienua Publishing Corporation; 280ct77: A915739.
A9157«0. The Science of photobiology. Edited by Kendric C. Soith^ i(30 p. O Pienua Press, a division of Pienua Publishing Cor- poration: 310ct77: A9157'10.
A9157111. The Organization of voluntary aoveaent: neurophysiological aechanisas. By lakov Hikhailovich Kots. translation edited fi with a foreword by Edward V. Evarts. 276 p. Appl. an: Pienua Press, as eaployer for Edward T. Evarts. in a translation for hire. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his official duties. Translation of Organizatsiia proizvol'nogo dvizheniia. O Pienua Press, a division of Pienua PuLliiLiuM CotiJotaLiou; 270cl77; 1915711.
1915742. The Monotypes of Jos<'Ph Solaan. Introd. by Ona E. Johnson, wxch technical notes by the artist on the aaking of the prints, m p. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in the introd. Joseph Solaan; 19Sep77: A9157it2.
A915743. The Honotypes of Joseph Solaan. Introd. by Ona E. Johnson, with technical notes by the artist on the aaking of the prints. 41 p. O on introd.; Ona E. Johnson; 19Sep77: A9157I13.
1915744. The Gift of winter. By John Leach 6 Jean Bankin. 1 v. Based on the aniaated fila of the saae title. NH: adaptation. of ainter. Inc.
1915745. Successful school coaaunications: a aanual and guide for adainistrators. By Hilliaa Goldstein & Joseph C. DeVita. 265 p. Parker Publishing Coapany. Inc. ; 10IIOV77: A915745.
A915746. Algebra and trigouoaetry. By Bernard J. Bice e Jerry D. Strange. 519 p. O Prindle. leber and Schaidt. Inc.; 1811ar77; A915746.
A915747. Calculus: a tool for analysis and decision. By Hichael L. Kovacic. 310 p. Prindle. ieber and Schaidt. Inc. : laar77; A915747.
1915748. Eleaentary aatrli algebra with applications. By Bichard J. painter S Bichard P. Tantis. 2nd ed. 424 p. C Prindle. Heber and schaidt. Inc.; 29llar77; 1915748.
1915749. College algebra. By Bernard J. Bice S Jerry D. Strange. 372 p. Prindle, Ueber and Schaidt. Inc.; 1Har77: 1915749.
A915750. Eleaentary college aatheaatics. By Sol Ueiss. 533 p. O Prindle. Heber and Schaidt. Inc.; 2Har77; A915750.
1915751. Inner skiing. By u. Tiaothy Gailwey e Bobert Kriegel. 142 p. O on all new text, revised text, editing & coapilation; H. Tiaothy Gailwey; 200ct77: 1915751.
1915752. Charlie Brown's second super book of questions and answers: about the Earth and space, froa plants to planets! By Charles a. Schulz, editor: Hedda Bussbaua. 145 p. Based on the Charles a. Schulz characters. Ippl. au: BandoB House. Inc. on new text, editing, revisions, coapilation. depiction of characters 6 new art; Onited Feature Syndicate, Inc.; 12Sep77; A915752.
A915753. Calder: An Autobiography with pictures. By Alexander Calder. with a new introd. by Jean Davidson. 288 p. NS: introd., revision, coapilation C editing. Jean Davidson; 7sep77; 1915753.
1915754. Designing your face. By Hay Bandy, illus. by the author. 101 p. on text. editing, coapilation £ new illus. ; Hay Bandy; 20Sep77; 1915754. The Best of Edaond Uaailton. Edited S with an introd. by Leigh Brackett (Leigh Brackett Haailton) , afterword by Edaond Uaailton. 334 p. on text, editing, coapilation & revisions; Edaond Haailton; 9Har77; 1915755.
1915756. The Best of Edaond Uaailton. Edited 6 with an introd. by Leigh Bracfeett (Leigh Brackett Haailton), afterword by Edaond Uaailton. 334 p. O on introd.; Leigh Brackett Haailton; 9aar77; 1915756.
A915757. Assault with a deadly weapon: the autobiography of a street criainal. By John Allen, edited by Dianne Hall Kelly S Philip Beyoann, with a foreword by Hylan Lewis. 247 p. o on text; John Allen,
A915758. Assault with a deadly weapon: the autobiography of a street criainal. By ^ John Allen, edited by Dianne Ball Kelly 6 Philip Beyaauu. with a foreword by Hylan Lewis. 247 p. O on foreword; Hylan Lewis; 210ct77; A9 15758.
1915759. Jaaes Joyce in Padua. Edited, translated & introduced by Louis Berrone. 146 p. on all prev. unpub. text G photos.; Trustees of the Jaaes Joyce Estate; 10Oct77; A915759.
A915760. Jaaes Joyce in Padua. Edited, translated G introduced by Louis Berrone. 146 p. on editing, notes £ translation; Louis Berrone; 100ct77; A915760.
A915761. If I could be ay grandoother. By Steven Kroll. illustrated by lady BcCrady. 1 v. O on text; Steven Kroll; 7Sep77; A915761.
A915762. If I could be ay grandaother. By Steven Kroll. illustrated by Lady HcCrady. 1 v. O on illus. ; Lady BcCrady; 7Sep77; A915762.
A915763. The Surprise party. By Annabelle Prager. pictures by Thonas Anthony De Paola. 43 p. Add. ti: The Surprise birthday party. on text; Annabelle Prager; 27Sep77; A915763.
1915764. The Surprise party. By Innabelle Prager, pictures by Toaie De Paola (Thoaas Inthony Oe Paola) 43 p. Add. ti: The Surprise birthday party. O on illus.; Toaie De Paola; 27Sep77; A915764.
A915765. The Gone Ban. By Heal bii -i Soloaon. 278 p. on new £ rev. text £ editing; Heal Bradley Soloaon; 27Sep77; A915765. (2nd print, deposited)
A915766. Black Odyssey: the Af ro-Aaerican ordeal in slavery. By Nathan Irvin Buggins. 250 p. NB: text, editing, coapilation £ revisions. O Nathan Irvin Buggins; 12Sep77; A915766.
A915767. Success! By Michael Korda. illus. by t Mel Klapholz. 256 p. O on new £ rev. text, coapilation £ editing; Success Besearch Corporation; 7Sep77; A915767.
A915768. Flesh and blood; a novel. By Peter Baaill. 276 p. Peter Haaill (in notice: Pete Baaill); 170ct77; A915768. .
A915769. The Bconoaic war against the Jews. By Halter Benry Nelson £ Terence Cornelius Faraer Prittie. 269 p. Halter Henry Nelson E Terence C. F. Prittie; 200ct77: A9 15769.
A915770. Boaan's day crockery cuisine: slow- cooking recipes for faaily and enter- tainaent. By Sylvia Vaughn Sheekaan Thoapson, illus. by Lilly Langotsky. 263 p. Appl. au: fiandoa House. Inc. £ Fawcett Publications, eaployers for hire of illus. O Fawcett Publications, Inc.; 4oct77; A915770.
Alfred Hitchcock and the three
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