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A915656 - A915696


JUL-DEC. 1977

A915655 (con.) popular arquaent about oev aass aedia. By Bobert Edvard Davis. 725 p. Bobert Ediiard Davis; 10Auq76; A915655.

H915656. Death and the visual acts. 226 p. NM: arr. & compilation. C Acno Press* Inc.; 7Feb77; A915656.

A915657. Beturn to life: tvo iaagioinqs of the Lazarus these. 1 v. NH: ace. E coupilation. 6 Arno Press, Inc. ; 7Feb77; A915657.

A915658. Death as a speculative theae in leliqious, scientific, and social thouqht. 1 V. NH: arr. & coapilation. Arno Press, Inc.; 7Peb77: A915658.

A9 15659. Surveys for travellers, eaiqrants and others. By John aelish. 1 v. Appl. au: Arno Press, Inc« Nfl: arr. & coapilation. Arno Press. Inc.; 224pr76: A915659.

A915660. Hho*s who in the Onited Nations and related aqencies. 785 p. O Arno Press* Inc.; 10Jal75: A915660.

A915661. Hho's who in labor. 807 p. O Arno Press. Inc.; 15Hay76; A91S661.

A915662. The Procureaeot practices of the Hezican affiliates of selected United States autOBObile firas. By Guillerao S. Edelberq. 201 p. Guillerao S. Edelberq; 16tlov76: A915662.

A915663. Statistics on American business abroad* 1950-1975. 1 V. Ha: arr. coapilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 16Nov76: A915663.

A915661I. The Gaaes of the Aaericas: a book of readinqs. Pt. 1: Central & South Aaerica, pt. 2: North Aaerica. Editor; Brian Sutton-Saith. 1 v. NH: arr. £ coa- pilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 2itNo»76: A9 15661.

A9 15665. Faaine in India. 132 p. HH: arr. & coapilation. Arno Press, Inc. ; 22Jun76: A915665.

A9 15666. Prelections of United States agri- cultural production and deaand. 1 v. NM: arr. C coapilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 22Jun76: A91S666.

A915667. Fila as a national art; NFS of Canada and the Fila Board idea. By C. Bodney Janes. 760 p. C. Bodney Jaaes; 25Jan77; A915667.

A915668. The Late nineteenth century debate over depreciation, capital and incoae. Editor: Bichard P. Brief. 1 v. Add. ti; The Late 19th century debate over depreciation, capital and incoae. NH: arr. & coa- pilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 28aay77; A915668.

A915669. Death, qrief and bereaveaent: a bibliography, 1845-1975. Coapiled by Bobert Lester Fulton with the assistance of Jerry Carlson, Karl Krohn, Eric Harkusen, £ Greq Oven. 253 p. NH: arr. £ coapilation. O Bobert Fulton: 7Feb77; A915669.

A915670. Orban statistical surveys. 1 v. NH: arr. £ coapilation. O Arno Press, Inc.; 22Apr76; A915670.

A915671. Flight as reported by the New York tiaes. Edited by Suri Fleischer £ Arleen Keylin, introd. by Norbert Slepyan. 279 p. NH: arr., coapilation £ introd. The New york Tiaes Coapany; 17Jun77; A9 15671.

4915672. Disasters froa the pages of the New lork tiaes. Edited by Arleen Keylin £ Gene Brown. 31S p. NH: arr. £ compilation. The New York Tiaes Company; 31Jan76: A915672.

A915673. Principles of Speedwrit ing; preaier ed. 363 p. NH: revision, updating £ additional text. O The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.; 3Jan77; A915673.

A9156714. Speedwriting dictionary; laodaark ser., secondary ed. 351 p. NH: revision, updating £ additional text. The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A915671.

A915675. Speedwriting dictation and transc- ription; laudaark ser., secondary ed. By Jordan Bale. 402 p. Appl. au: The Bobbs-Herrill coapany. Inc. , eaployer for hire. NH: revision, updating £ additional text. The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.; 3Jan77; A915675.

A915676. Principles of Speedwriting; landaark ser., secondary ed. 304 p. NH: revision, updating £ additional text. The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc. ; 3Jan77; A9 15676.

A915677. Baggedy Granny; stories. By Doris Thorner Salzberg, illustrated by Johnny Gruelle, North Grnelle £ Justin Gruelle. 1 V. Appl. au: The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, eaployer for hire. The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.; 26Aug77: A915677.

A915678. Baggedy Andy stories; introducing the little rag brother of Baggedy Ann. Britten £ illustrated by Johnny Gruelle. 95 p. Appl. au: The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, eaployer for hire of cover illus. Text prev. reg. 1920, A576419: renewed 1948, B22793. O on cover illus.; The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.; 28Feb75; A915678.

A91S679. Baggedy Ann stories. Britten £ illustrated by Johnny Gruelle. 95 p. Appl. au: The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, eaployer for hire of cover illus. Text prev. reg. 1918, A503593 £ 1947, A1746S; renewed 1946. B143215 fi 1975, B6067S1. on cover illus. ; The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc.; 13Bac75; A915679.

A9 15680. His Hajesty's Hark. By Barbara J. Berry, illustrated by John E. Hopper. 130 p. Barbara Berry; iasep7e; A915680.

A915681. Acadeaia nuts; or. The Collected works of Clara LePage. By Charles B. Larson. 177 p. NH: coapilation £ revisions of prev. pub. articles. O Charles fi. Larson; 18Apr77: A915681.

A915682. Baggedy Ann and Andy's sewing book. By Lydia Proenza Encinas. 126 p. Appl. au: The Bobbs-Herrill Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. The Bobbs-Herrill coapany. Inc.; 150ct77; A915682.

A915683. Shell craft. By lirginie Fowler Elbert, photos, by the author, drawings by Loretta Trezzo. 288 p. O »icginie Fowler Elbert; 15Sep77; A91S683.

A915684. Bugoaking: 3 quick and easy ways. By Joan Scobey £ Harjorie Sablow. 136 p. Joan Scobey £ Harjorie Sablow; 23Sep77; A9156e4.

A915685. All about doll houses. By Barbara L. Farlie with Charlotte L. Clarke. 240 p. O Barbara L. Farlie; 1Sep75: A915685.

A915686. Foxfire 4: water systems, fiddle making, logging, gardening, sassafras tea, wood carving, and further affairs of plain living. Edited with an introd. by Eliot Bigginton, afterword by Bichard H. Dorson. 496 p. Portions prev. appeared in Foxfire magazine. NH: additional text, coa- pilation £ afterword. The Foxfire Fund, Inc.; 4NOV77; A915686.

A915687. The Long way down. A novel by Bobb Uhite. 185 p. Bobb Bhite; 4Nov77; A915687.

A91568a. The Great American belly dance. By Daniela Gioseffi. 182 p. NH: additional text. Daniela Gioseffi; 18Nav77; A915688.

A91S689. Han: the fallen ape. By Branko Bokun. 216 p. Branko Bokun; 18Nov77; A915689.

A915690. The Grand Prix carpetbaggers. The autobiography of John Cooper with John Bentley, foreword by Ken Tyrrell. 230 p. O John Cooper £ John Bentley; 18Nov77: A915690.

A913691. Silence is deadly. By Lloyd Biggie, Jr. 164 p. An entirely different version appeared as a short story in If worlds of science fiction, Oct. 1957. Lloyd Biggie, Jr.; 18Nov77; A915691.

A915692. The Encyclopaedia Sherlockiana ; or, A Oniversal dictionary of the state of knowledge of Sherlock Bolaes and his biographer, John B. Batson, H.D. Coapiled £ edited by Jack B. Tracy. 411 p. Jack Tracy; 18Nov77; A915692.

1915693. Balanchine's Coaplete stories of the great ballets. By George Balanchioe & Francis Hason. 838 p. NH: additional text £ revisions. Doubleday and Coapany, Inc.; 1Nov77; A915693.

A915694. A Pictorial history of the Norld Bar 2 years. By Edward H. Jablonski, aaps by Bafael Palacios. 319 p. O Edward H. Jablonski; 16Nov77; A915694.

A915695. Kung fu: history, philosophy and technique. By David Chow £ Bichard Spangler. 228 p. David Chow £ Bichard Spangler; 18Nov77; A915695.

A9 15696. Carlyle's friendships and other studies.

By Charles Bichard Sanders. 342 p. HH:


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