A915619 - A915655
JUL-DEC. 1977
S915619. Sttnfield. HI, NoTenber 1977. Central Telephone Co«pany; 270ct77; A9 15619.
4915620. Uashinqton County, HE, telephone directory, Sovenber 1977. O Blair Telephone Coapany: 31iov77; A915620.
S915621. Charleston, Areola, Ashmore, IL, and others, telephone directory, Boveiaber 1977. Illinois Consolidated Telephone Coapany: 280ct77; A915621.
A915622. Charleston. Ashnore, Oakland, It, classified telephone directory, Bovember 1977. (Kith Charleston, Areola, Ashmore, IL, and others, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. 1 The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 280ct77: A9 15622.
A9 15623. Nashville, II, telephone directory, Novenber, 1977. e Illinois Bell Telephone COBpany; 310ct77; A91S623.
A91562». Nashville, IL. classified telephone directory. Novenber 1977- (Rith Nashville, IL, telephone directory, Novenber 1977.) e The Eeuben a. Donnelley Corporation: 3iOct77: A915624.
A9 15625. Hattoon. Areola. Ashnore, IL, telephone directory, Novenber 1977. O Illinois Consolidated Telephone Company; 1Nov77: A9 15625.
A9 15626. Hattoon, Areola. Says, IL, and others, classified telephone directory, November 1977. (Hith Hattoon, Areola. Ashnore, IL, and others, telephone directory. November 1977.) C The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation: 1Nov77: A91562e.
A915627. - oH .a^stWci Analytical key to the Old Testanenti- Exodus. By John Joseph Owens. 245 p. Hebreu S Enqlish. e John Joseph ovens; 16NOV77: A9 15627.
A915628. Instructor's nanual to acconpaoy Hierobioloqy in practice; individualized instruction for the allied health sciences, second edition. By Lois Doral Beishir. 45 p. NH: additional text, revisions £ changes. 6 Lois Beishir; 19Sep77: A915628.
A915629. Instructor's nanual to accompany The Process of interpersonal connunication, by Fred Edmund Jandt, instructor's nanual by Allan D. Frank, with Fred Ednund Jandt. 77 p. Add. ti; Instructor's manual for The Process of interpersonal conmuni- cation. e Fred £. Jandt; 6Feb76; A915629.
A915630. Even-nuabered answers to Lessons in colleqe alqebra. By Robert A. Novlan. 56 p. O Hobert A. No¥lan; 2't0ct77 ; A9 15630.
i915631. Instructor's manual to accoapany Experinental psycholoqy: theory and practice. By Philip Janes Dunhan. 59 p. Philip J. Dunham: 1400177; A915631.
A915632. Systematic readinq instruction. By Gerald G. Duffy t, Georqe B. Sh<^i.-man. 2nd ed. 519 p. e Gerald G. Duffy S Georqe B. Sherman; 21Jan77: A915632.
A915633. Hatheaatlcal software 3; proceedings of a symposium conducted by the Hathematics Besearch Center, the Oniversity of Bisconsin, Hadison, Har. 28-30. 1977. Edited by John fi. Sice. 388 p. Proceedings of the Symposium on Hat- hematical Software. O Academic Press, Inc.; 240ct77; A915633.
A915634. Fade and rationeil approxination: theory and applications; proceedings of an international symposium held at the Oniversity of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Dec. 15-17. 1976. Edited by E. B. Saff S Bichard S. Varga. 491 p. Proceedings of the Conference on Rational Approximation with Emphasis on Appli- cations of Fade Approximants. 6 Academic Press, Inc.; 24oct77; A915634.
A915635. Biochemical aspects of prostaglandins and thromboxanes; proceedings of the 1976 Intra-Science Besearch Foundation Symposium. Dec. 1-3, Santa Honica. California. Editors: Nornan Kharasch G Josef Fried, associate editors: Annette Baumgartner & Gordon Leonard Ratkios. 245 p. Proceedings of the Intra-Science Symposium on Biochemistry of Prostag- landins and Thromboxanes. Academic Press, Inc.; 240ct77; A91S63S.
A915636. Biochemical mechanisns of paraquat toxicity; proceedings of the First Iowa Synposium on Toxic Hechanisns, June 28-29, 1976, Iowa City, Iowa. Edited by Anne Pomeroy Autor. 240 p. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by Governaent employees within the scope of their enployment. e Academic Press. Inc.; 140ct77; A9 15636.
A915637. Properties of solid polymeric materials. Pt. A. Edited by Jerold H. Schultz. 451 p. (Treatise on materials science and technology, vol. 10) 3 Academic Press, Inc.; 7Sep77; A915637.
A915638. Primate conservation. Edited by Prince Balnier 3rd of Monaco & Geoffrey Howard Bourne. 658 p. Q Academic Press. Inc. ; 240ct77; A915638.
A915639. Effects of petroleum on Arctic and subarctic marine environments and organisms. Edited by Donald C. Halins. 500 p. (Biological effects, vol. 2) Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. Academic Press, Inc.; 50ct77; A915639.
A915640. Agriculture and energy; proceedings of a conference held at Hashiugton Oniversity, Saint Louis, Missouri, June 17-19, 1976. Edited by Hilliam Lockeretz. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by Government employees within the scope of their employment. Q Academic Press, Inc. (in notice: Hashington Oniversity through Academic Press, Inc.); 23Sep77: A9 15640.
A915641. Colloid and interface science; proceedings of the International Conference on Colloids and Surfaces — 50th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, held in San Juan, Puerto Bico on June 21-25, 1976. Vol. 1: plenary and invited lectures. Edited by Milton Kerker, Albert C. Zettlemoyer £ Bobert L. Bowell. O Academic Press. Inc.; 140ct77; A915641.
A915642. Proceedings of the San Diego BiomedicaJ^ Symposiun: 1977. Vol. 16. Edited by James Ingram Martin. 501 p. Synposium ^^ was held in San Diego, Feb. 2-4, 1977. 'i e Academic Press, Inc.; 26Sep77; A91S642.
A915643. Investing in the United States. '" 1798-1893: upper wealth-holders in a market economy. By James Lester Starm. '>) 196 p. James Lester Sturm; 22Har-77:~oD A915643.
A915644. Land and labor productivity in Onited<'oil States cotton production, 1800-1840. By 3 Franklee Gilbert Hhartenby. 191 p. e Franklee Gilbert Hhartenby; 22Mar77; v* A915644. iijjoH
isdmavoa A915645. Ynr.Tmoa Economic analysis of antebellun sugar plantations in Louisiana. By Hark '•'& Schmitz. 252 p. Hark Schnitz; 22Har77; A91S64S.
A915646. European origins of the economic ideas-'-' of Alexander Hamilton. By Bobert Janes Parks. 170 p. Q Bobert James Parks; 22Bar77; A915646.
A915647. British trade cycles and American bank credit; some aspects of economic fluctuations in the Onited States, -' ' 1815-1840. By Burke Adrian Parsons. 354 p. Burke Adrian Parsons; 22Mar77; i'!^ A9 15647.
A915648. .JoViSt ;Yfl6qBo;> Growth and fluctuations in the ante-bellum textile industry. By Henry Louis Stettler 3rd. 283 p. Henry Louis Stettler 3rd G Purdue Besearch Foundation; 22Har77: A915648.
A915649. fielative productivity, factor-intensity"' and technology in the manufacturing sectors of the O.S. and the O.K. during ^4 the nineteenth century. By Ephrain Asher. 159 p. e Ephrain Asher; 22Mar77; ^J A915649.
4915650. The Production of human capital': a of minority achievement. By Donald B. Hinkler. 321 p. O Donald H. iinkler; 22Mar77; A915650.
A915651. The Bole of state governnent in the nineteenth century American economy, 1820-1902: a quantitative study. By Charles Frank Holt. 325 p. O Charles Frank Holt; 22Mar77; A915651.
A915652. The Location of the onited States steel industry. 1879-1919. By Ann K. Harper. 266 p. e Ann K. Harper; 22Mar77; A9 15652.
A9 15653. An Historical and descriptive analysis ^ of the "Bhy we fight" series. By Thonas -8 Billian Bohn. 258 p. 6 Thomas Nilliaa Bohn; 25Jan77; A915653.
A9 15654. vn Evolution of style in the early work o£ Dziga Vertov. By Seth B. Feldaan. 203 p.- NM: appendix. Seth B. Feldaan; 25Jan77; A915654.
Response to -Innovation; a study of
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