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JUL-DEC. 1977

A915574 (con.) enployer for hire. Coluabia Pictuces Industries. Inc.; IWct??; A915574.

4915575. Charlie^s anqels. Created by Ivan Go££ & Ben fioberts. author: Georqe Kasbdao, illustrator: Jack Sparlinq. 32 p. Ippl. au: Spellinq-Goldberq Productions, enployer for hire. O Spellinq-Goldberq Productions: 1ilOct77; 4915575.

4915576. Pewaukee. il, telephone directory, November 197 7. O Hisconsin Telephone Coapany: 11!lo»77; 4915576.

4915577. Uaukesha, BI, telephone directory, Uoveaber 1977. O iisconsin Telephone Company: 11»ov77: 4915577.

4915578. North Lake, BI, telephone directory, Hovenber 1977. Bisconsin Telephone Coipany: 11Nov77: 4915578.

4915579. aerton, BI, telephone dicectocy. November 1977. Bisconsin Telephone Company: 111lov77; 4915579.

4915580. Huskeqo, BI, telephone directory, November 1977. Bisconsin Telephone Company: 11Nov77; 4915580.

49 15581. Hartland, BI, telephone directory, November 1977. O Bisconsin Telephone company: 11Nov77; 4915581.

4915 582. Biq Bend, HI, telephone directory, November 1977. Bisconsin Telephone Company: 11Nov77; 4915582.

4915583. Latin 4merica and Canada: directed activities. By Susan Dye Lee. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Eiplorinq our world) NH: revisions. O Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation: 8Sep77; 4915583.

»91558». The Americas: directed activities; teacher's ed. By Herbert H. Gross, Dmiqht B. Follett, Bobert E. Gabler. Billiam L. Burton e Ben ?. 4hlsch ede. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our world) NB: revisions. Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation: 8Sep77; 49155811.

4915585. Eastern Hemisphere: directed activities; teacher's ed. By Linda Hoscov. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Exploring our world) NH: revisions. O Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation: 8Sep77: 4915585.

49 15586. The 4mericas: directed activities. By Herbert B. Gross. Olliqht B. Follett, Bobert E. Gabler, Billiam L. Burton G Ben P. 4hlschuede. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our norld) NH: revisions. Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation: 8Sep77: 4915586.

4915587. Eastern Hemisphere: directed activities. By Linda Hoscov. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our world) NH: revisions. Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation; 8Sep77: 4915587.

Bedel D. Nilsen. 95 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our world) NH: revisions. O Follett Publishinq Company, a division of Follett Corporation: 8Sep77: 4915588.

4915589. Latin 4merica and Canada: directed activities; teacher's ed. By Susan Dye Lee. 128 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our world) NH: revisions. O Follett Publishing Company, a division of Follett Corporation; 8Sep77; A915589.

4915590. Groups: directed activities worksheets. 32 p. (Follett social studies) (Explorinq our world) O Follett Publishinq company, a division of Follett Corporation; 23Sep77: 4915590.

4915591. Bisconsin. 4uthors; Louis G. Bomano & Nicholas P. Georglady. 176 p. (Follett social studies) (Exploring our state) NH: revisions. O Follett Publishing Company, a division of Follett corporation; 25Sep77: A91SS91.

A915S92. In/circuit emulator/8Q; operator's manual. 1 v. NH: revisions. Intel Corporation; 1»Nov77; A915S92.

4915593. SBC 032/0«8/0b1 random access memory boards; hardware reference manual. 1 v. Intel Corporation: 190ct77; 4915593.

A91559*. SBC 202 double density diskette controller: hardware reference manual. 1 V. O Intel corporation; 140ct77; 4915594.

4915595. SBC 660 system chassis; hardware reference manual. 1 v. Intel Corporation; 1l*0ct77; 49 15595.

4915596. SBC 80P05; user's guide. 1 v. Intel Corporation: 210ct77: A915596.

A915597. BHX/80; usee's guide. 1 v. Intel Corporation; ««ov77; 4915597.

4915598. Dover. Hilltonia, Newington. G4, and others telephone directory, September 1977. O The South Georgia Telephone Company & The Planters Sural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.; 224ug77; 4915598.

4915599. Best Plains, Hountain yiew. Billow Springs. BO. telephone directory, November 1977. O central Telephone company of Hlssouci; 280ct77: 4915599.

4915600. Troy. Biscoe. Star, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Central Telephone Company; 190ct77: 4915600.

4915601. Berryville, Boyce, Gainesboro, ¥4, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Virginia; 280ct77; 4915601.

4915602. Iron Hountain. Klnqsford, includes separate alphabetical lists and combined Yellow pages for 4masa, BI, and others telephone directory, November 1977. Hichiqan Bell Telephone Company; 250ct77: 4915602.

491560 3. Savanna, Bount Carroll. Thomson, IL, telephone directory. November 1977. O Central Telephone Company of Illinois; 3NOV77: A915603.

4915601*. Front Boyal. Sperryville, Bashington, »A, telephone directory, November 1977. Central Telephone Company of Virginia; «Nov77; 4915604.

4915605. Elizabeth ton. Butler. Hampton, TN, and others, November 1977. O United Inter-Bountain Telephone Company; 2UOCt77: 4915605.

4915606. Oenison, Charter Oak, Dow City, 14, telephone directory. November 1977. Central Telephone Company; 27oct77; 4915606.

4915607. Berne, Decatur, Linn Grove, IN, November 1977. O United Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc.; 250ct77; 4915607.

4915608. Commerce, Cooper. TZ, including East Texas State Oniversity, November 1977. Gulf States Onited Telephone Company: 260ct77; 4915608.

4915609. Blackstone. Burkeville. Crewe. Kenbridge-victoria, V4, telephone directory, November 1977. O Central Telephone Company of Virginia; 2Bov77; 4915609.

4915610. Drbana and Terre Haute, OU, November 1977. The Champaign Telephone Company; 260ct77; 4915610.

4915611. Niagara, 4urora. Spread Eagle. BI, and others, November 1977. O Niagara Telephone Company; 210ct77; 4915611.

4915612. Ludovici. GA. telephone directory, November 1977. The South Georgia Telephone Company; 250ct77; A915612.

4915613. Le Bars, Brunsville, Struble, 14, telephone directory, November 1977. Central Telephone Company: 2«Oct77; 49 15613.

A915614. Germantown, OH. November 1977. O The Gernantown Independent Telephone Company; UNOV77; A915614.

A915615. Rochester, IN, November 1977. O Bochester Telephone Company, Inc. 260ct77; 4915615.

4915616. Alger, Lupton. Prescott. HI, and others telephone directory, November 1977. Issued by Hid-Bichigan Telephone Corporation, compiled by Bid-Continent Telephone corporation. O Bid-Continent Telephone Corporation: 310ct77: 4915616.

4915617. Edinburg. Hount Jackson, New Harket. VA. and others, telephone directory, November 1977. The Shenandoah Telephone Company: 250ct77: 4915617.

4915618. Hiawatha, Highland, Horton, KS, and others, November 1977. O Dnited Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 2Nov77;



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