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A915354 - A915399


JUL-DEC. 1977

1915353 (con.) Shatry Crof ford-Gould; 15Ho»77; 4915353. &9153511. Eich craft: avaken the financial vizard ithln. BT Janis C. Shira. 42 p. Janis C. Shira; 1Ho»77; A9 15354.

A915355. Solf qrip. No. 1. By Jiany Slaas, psead. of Carl D. Strickler. 3 p. HM: additional text e illas. e Golf specialties: 12No»77; A9 15355.

A9 15356. To edacate the people: an experisental model for urban higher education for the workinci adult. By Otto feinstein S Prank Anqelo. 112 p. Otto Feinstein 6 Frank Anqelo: 7JU177: A915356.

A915357. Season's qreetinqs fron our base to yours: 3's, B's and 7 thirds. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Oann. 6 Fenfoot, Inc. ; 21Ho»77: A915357.

A915358. He hear you bouqht a 65 watt linear! Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn. e Penfoot, Inc.; 21No»77; A915358.

A9 15359. Let's OSO more often! Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Ounn. Penfoot, Inc.; 21NOV77; A9 15359.

A91S3ea. You're By favorite C.B. friend. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn. Penfoot, Inc. ; 21Ho»77: A9 15360.

A915361. Pick a channel and I'll 10-25 »ith you and say. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn, e Penfoot, Inc.; 2mo»77; A915361.

A9 15362. Dear Dncle Charlie. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn. Penfoot, Inc.: 21IIot77: A915362.

A915363. The Channel is too quiet, noH that you're in the hospital. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn. Penfoot, Inc.; 21IIOV77: A91S363.

A9i5364. Hov about it, season's qreetinqs, good buddy? Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn, e Penfoot, Inc.; 211iov77; A9 15364.

A915365. Break! Breaker! Breaker! Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn. O Penfoot, Inc. ; 211loy77; A9 15365.

A915366. Tell the doctor you want a power pack. Folder. Appl. au: Gail E. Dunn, e Penfoot, Inc.; 21Nov77: A915366.

A915367. JournalisB at Hest Virqinia Oniversity. By Bobert S. ours. 28 p. The School of Journalisi, Rest yirgioia Dniversity; 60ct77; A91S367.

A915368. Newsletters to newspapers: eighteenth-- century lournalisn; papers presented at a Bicentennial syaposiua at Rest Virginia Dniversity, Horgantown, Bar. 31-Apr. 2, 1976. Edited by Doaoyan B. Bond E H. Reynolds HcLeod. 318 p. O The School of Journalisa, Rest Virginia Oniversity; 30Sep77; A9 15368.

A915369. Governance of Federal regulatory agencies. By David H. Helborn. 179 p. O Oniversity of Tennessee Press; 290ct77; A915369.

A915370. Tennessee studies in literature. Vol. 22. Editor: Allison a. Ensor, associate editor: Thonas J. Heffernan. 184 p. The Oniversity of Tennessee Press; 290ct77; A915370.

A915371. Hornswoggled. By Joan Hebb, hand lettering by Cathy Dawson. 1 v. Appl. au: Joseph Home conpany. Joseph Borne Company, a division of Associated Dry Goods Company; 14Hov77: A91S371.

A915372. Mississippi black history makers. By George Alexander Sewell, introd. by Hargaret Ralker. 420 p. Oniversity Press of Mississippi; 260ct77; 19 15372.

A9 15373. Ontil tomorrow unknown. A poetical portrait by Person Product. 142 p. Appl. au: Alfred B. Person, Sr. Alfred B. Person, Sr. : 22Nov77: A915373.

A915374. Treffles playing cards. Folder (16 p.) & cards. Appl. au: David Greenwald. 1st pub. 16Dec74. NM: revisions e additions. O Games and Names; 1Dec76; A9 15374.

A9 15375. I can multiply and divide; games & activities for multiplication 6 division. By carl Seltzer. 27 cards 6 folder. Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Daiqger and Company; 16aay77; A915375.

A915376. I can count; games & activities for counting for primary children- By Carl Seltzer. Cards & folder. Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Daigger and Company: 16Hay77; A915176.

A915377. I can add and subtract; games & activities for addition 6 subtraction for primary children. By Carl Seltzer. 30 cards 6 folder. Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Daigger and Company; 16May77: A915377.

A915378. ETA'S Metric starter kit. By Carl B. Seltzer. 51 p. Educational Teaching Aids, a division of A. Daigger and Company: 1Aug77: A91537S.

A915379. The Gardener. By Lyman P. Taylor. Card. Lyman P. Taylor: 20Hay77: A915379.

A9153B0. Prisoners Ehetoric Theatre, Inc. chapter charter. 8 p. O Prisoners Bhetoric Theatre, Inc.; 7Nov77; A915380.

A915381. Bef lections. Poems by Joyce A. Murphy. 1 V. Joyce A. Murphy: ieNov77: A915381.

A915382. Divorce and separation. By George E. Heisinger. 87 p. George E. Heisinger; 15NOV77: A915382.

A915383. Slo-qo. By vernette Landers, illas. by Audrea Donnelly. 1 v. S Vernette Landers: 19Nov77: A9 15383.

A915384. Reflections. By Ethel Boyd Morganston. 1 V. O Ethel Boyd Morganston; 12Hov77; A915384.

A915385. Household and society in Ethiopia: aA>J.^3 economic and social analysis of Tigray laeA social principles and household orga- Jsa nization. By Dan Franz Bauer. 183 p. uuaA Q The Board of Trustees of Michigan State Oniversity; 270ct77; A915385. JtSfl

A9 15386. j^iio King Tut's wine cellar. By Leonard jft^. o Lesko. 46 p. O Leonard H. Lesko; . MfazoS, 10ct77: A9 15386.

A9 15387. J iuboK Refreshing reign. By Lai, pseud, of .hbt Pauline F. Harrison. 34 p. Pauline iB«o Harrison: 18Bov77; A915387. -i-'S

A9 15388. John Deere 200, 208, 210. 2V2 and 214 lawn and garden tractors; service manual SM-2105, Sept. 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: John Deere Horicon Horks & Deere and Company Service Publications Department. O Deere and company: 18Nov77; A915388.

A915389. A Cowboy and his horses. By Paul L. Huntley. 141 p. Paul L. Huntley; 15NOV77; A915389. oar!;

A915390. 21 «s How will you manage your money? 1 V.IT Appl. au: Continental Illinois Nationaijo:tq Bank and Trust Company of Chicago, a i^vub subsidiary of Continental Illinois ~i:f3i^n Corporation. 6 Continental Xllinoi-s ;<ioi,. U corporation: 10Nov77; A915390.

A915391. Du Pont Lucite acrylic enamel. Folder. E. I. Ou Pont De Nemours and Company; 20Sep77: A915391.

A915392. -erf?rp«  B-Z method how to play the violin. S'lp. NM: compilation G editorial revision. e Rilliam J. Smith Music Company, Inc.; 18NOV77; A915392.

A915393. An hour, or two. 1 p. Appl. au: Bonan J. Belter. O Bonan J. Belter; 240ct77: A915393.

A915394. Strange passageways. 1 p. Appl. au: Bonan J. Belter. Bonan J. Belter ;:: ?t f A 310ct77: A915394.

A915395. Letter to Doctor Rilliam G. Carnahan, APGB, dated 21 November 1977. From John Paul Fernandez. 5 p. O John Paul Fernandez; 22Nov77: A915395. .SSEZre*

, DdidoooT A915396. T :»;>i3J6'9 Just a dream away. 1 p. Appl. aur'^IXsS Nettie Lou Beiman. Nettie Lou Reiman; 15NOV77; A915396. '^rv;.

A915397. Grossman areolar marker-stencil for reduction mammoplasty, mammopexy and augmentation mammoplasty. 1 p. 6 Kansas City Assemblage company. Inc. d. b.a. Padgett Instruments; 1Nov77; A915397.

A915398. Tl vd A Vas Methods system: winning at a .;. Jai-Alai. 7 p. Appl. au: Steven M. Stack. Steven M. Stack d. b.a. VaSSferej Methods; 5May77; A915398. cOxnsdosM

A915399. Literary genres: drama; English 524D. By Ben M. Bennani, partially revised by Elizabeth Neely. 24 p. NM: lesson 3: Tartuffe 6 lesson 4: A Doll's house. n: e The Oniversity of Hyoming: 15Nov77; lloa

A915399. j30.»s

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