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A8711775 - A87U811


JUL-DEC. 1977

A871t77l| (con.l £ 0. C. Ferrell. 207 p. e Houghton nifflin Coipany: 3Jan77: i87il77<i.

A87»775. Pets and pronises: workbook; teacher's ed- By A, Dickson Carroll G Cherie Clodfelter, under the editorial direction of Martha A. Hayes 6 Eddy Jo Bradley, illus.: Edward Aitchison, Kinuko Y. Craft. Larry Frederick 6 others. 128 p- Appl. au; Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. 6 on answers to questions; Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.: 2ilMav76: »871I775.

A8711776. Pets and promises: workbook By A. Dickson Carroll S Cherie Clodfelter, under the editorial direction of Hartha A. Hayes 6 Eddy Jo Bradley, illus.: Edward Aitchison, Kinuko Y. Craft, Larry Frederick 6 others. 128 p. Appl. au: Harper and Row, publishers. Inc. C Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 9Apr76; A37U776.

A874777. Pets and promises: teacher's ed. Contributors; Dolores R. Amato, A. Dickson Carroll, Cherie A. Clodfelter fi others. 271 p. Appl. au: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc. C Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc.: 9Apr76: A87«777.

A87U778. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 126, July 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and company. Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Jal77: A871I778.

A87U779. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 127, July 1977. By the Howard w. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. 6 Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177: A87«779.

A87U780. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 129, July 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177: A8711780.

A874781. Sams Photofact auto radio series. Vol. 215, July 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. d Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177: A8711781.

A87lt782. Sams Photofact auto radio series. Vol.. 2111, July 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177; A87II782.

A87il783. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 129, July 1977. By the Howard ». Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. C Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Jul77: A871I783.

A87t|78U. Color TV training manual. By the Howard w. Sams and Company, Inc. editorial staff. Dth ed. 232 p. C Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 20May77; i87"t78U.

A871t785. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 130, July 1977. By the Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p.. Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Jul77: A871I785.

A871t786. Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol. 97. 126 p. NM: compilation 6 additional text. O Howard w. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177; A87it786.

A87M787. Sams modular hi-fi components. Vol. 96. 128 p. Nn: compilation 6 additional text. Howard u. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1JU177; A871t787.

A87I4788. Sams scanner-monitor servicing data. Vol. 11. 128 p. NB: compilation 6 additional text. Howard N. Sams and Company, Inc.; 1Jal77; A8714788.

A87't789. Green business; poems. By John N. Horris. 66 p. Most poems first appeared in The Beloit poetry journal e others. NM: poems on p. 6, 21, 26, 29, 51, 55, 61 6 compilation. O John ». Morris; 31Aug70; A871I789.

A87lt790. Darker; poems. By Hark Strand. 17 p. Poems have appeared in Concerning poetry & others. NN: compilation. Bark Strand; 27Aag70; A8711790.

A871791. Residue of song; poems. By Marvin Bell. 71 p. Some poems prev. appeared in The American poetry review 6 others. NM: compilation. 6 Marvin Bell; 23Sep71: A871791.

A871792. The Carrier of ladders; poems. By «. S. Merwin. 138 p. Poems have appeared in Abraxas 6 others. NM: compilation. 6 ». S. Berwin; JUug70: A871792.

A871793. New York civil practice; by Joseph A. Cox, Joseph T. Arenson 6 Standish F. Medina. Vol. 10B, pt. 1-2, June 1977 revision, release no. 10. By Lois Arnold. 1 V. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 27Jun77: A871793.

A871791. The Shaping forces in music: an inquiry into the nature of harmony, melody, counterpoint, form. By Ernst Toch, with a new introd. by Lawrence Heschler. 260 p. prev. pub. 1918. NM: introd., checklist of composition (p. 239-257) 6 translation of letter (p. xvii-xix) C Estate of Ernest L. Toch (in notice: Estate of Ernst L. Toch); 2Bay77; A871791.

AB71795. Keyboard instruments: studies in keyboard organology, 1500-1800. Edited by Edwin M. Ripin. 86 p. Appl. au: Arley I. Eipin. Prev. pub. 1971. NM: pref., additions 6 revisions. Arley L. Ripin; 2Hay77; A871795.

A871796. Gist of art: principles and practise expounded in the classroom and studio. By John Sloan, recorded with the assistance of Helen Farr Sloan. 200 p. First pub. 1939. NM: introd. to the Dover ed., chronology, picture selection C textual revisions. Helen Farr Sloan; 3Bay77; A871796.

A871797. The Broadway musical: a picture quiz book. By Stanley Green. 1 v. C Dover Publications, Inc.; 2aay77; A871797.

A871798. The Civil Har songbook; complete original sheet music for 37 songs.. Selected £ with an introd. by Richard Crawford. 157 p. NB: editorial selection 6 introd. C Dover Publications, Inc.; 2May77; A871798.

A871799. Nineteenth-century European piano music: unfamiliar masterworks. Selected 6 introduced by John Gillespie. 313 p. NM: editorial selection 6 introd. Dover publications. Inc.; 2May77; 4871799.

A871800. The Complete light-pack camping and trail-foods cookbook. By Edwin P. Drew, 196 p. O Edwin P. Drew; 17Jun77: 1871800.

A871801. So you want to go back to school: facing the realities of reentry. By Elinor Lenz £ Hariorie Hansen Shaevitz. 252 p. O BcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 17Jun77; A871801.

A871802. Beading for concepts: a guide for teachers, with combined answer key. Books A-H. By William Liddle. 2nd ed . 1 v. O BcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 16Jun77; A871802.

A871803. Elementary structured Cobol: a step by step approach. By Gordon Bitter Davis, Bargrethe H. Olson £ Charles R. Litecky. 312 p. C BcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 10Jan77; A871803.

A871801. Gaffney, following the yellow pages, Blacksburg, SC, telephone directory, July 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 7Jul77; A871801.

A871805. Saint George, following the yellow pages, Harleyville, SC, telephone directory, July 1977. e Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 7Jal77; A871805.

A871806. Blacksburg, following the yellow pages, Gaffney, Grover, Hickory Grove, SC, telephone directory, July 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 7Jul77; A871806.

A871807. Great commission prayer crusade prayer handbook. Vol. 1. 113 p. Add. ti: Learn how you can help change the world thru prayer. © Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc.; 15Dec75; A871807.

A871808. Regulation versus compensation in land use control: a recommended accommodation, a critique, and an interpretation. Essays by John J. Costonis, Curtis J. Berger 6 Stanley Scott, foreword by Todd R. la Porte, issued by Institute of Governmental Studies, Onivcrsity of California, Berkeley. 91 p. 2 essays prev. pub. in Columbia law review, Oct. 1975 £ June 1976. NM: compilation £ additions. The Regents of the Dniversity of California; 7Jun77: A871808.

A871809. Integrative budgeting system: a new approach from old failures. By Douglas u. Ayres. 22 p. Douglas W. Ayres; 18flay77; A871809.

A871810. Faith on the frontier: religion in Colorado before August 1876. Edited by Louisa Bard Arps, bibliography compiled by Harold H. Parker, Jr. 155 p. O The Colorado Council of Churches; 11Jul76; A871810.

A871811. McGregor, Oglesby, TX, telephone directory, July 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell

Telephone Company; 28Jun77; A871811.


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