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A914995 - A915027


JUL-DEC. 1977

k9^^^99H (con.) Cecil Palaer C flaDaqeaent and TraiDioq Systeas for lodustry. Inc. Sheets. HaaaqeneDt and Tralninq Systeas for Industry. Inc.; 17Hot77; i9H*99a.

A91i*995. Activated Sludqe Plant HSH 6: acea utilities. Prepared by Cecil Palaer & Hanaqeaent and Trainioq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. Manaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17No»77; A91(l995.

i91'*996. Beport on a traininq needs study. Prepared for Aaoco Savannah Asphalt fiefinery by Ken Taylor. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry. O Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Mov77; A914996.

A91i*997. Operacion de instalacion de flujo controlado. Preparado por: personal, Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., traduccion: Serqio Sobredo. Sheets- (A Standard opecatinq procedure, PNO 15S) MH: translations. O Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 270ct77 ; A914997.

A9ia998- Operacion de f raccionaaiento de extracciones aultiples. Preparado por: personal, Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc., traduccion: Serqio Sobredo. Sheets. (A Standard operatinq procedure, PHO 30S) NH: translations. Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 270ct77: A914998-

A9ia999. Activated Sludqe Plant HSH 5: digestion step. Prepared by Hichael Burklov £ Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. Appl. au: Aaoco Oil Conpany. Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17nov77; A911I999.

A91S000. Aroaatics storage and transfer : Chearef Offsite Departaent; ezaaple aanual, SO 129. Prepared by: Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff- Sheets. O Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17»ov77; A915000.

A915001. Activated Sludqe Plant HSH U: final filtration step. Prepared by Hichael BurkloH £ Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Aaoco Oil Coapany, Hhltinq Refinery. Sheets. Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Nov77; A915001.

A915002. Luceat 12" x eO'O" and le*" i 77»0" double counterveiqbted aarine arns (D.C.H. A.) including hydraulics. Hanual H702. Prepared by Toa Strachan. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry. Hanaqeaent and Traininq systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 17Nov77; A915002.

A915003. Catalytic Crackinq control Center HSH lean oil absorber. Prepared by Cecil Palaer & Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry. Inc. Sheets. Appl. au; Aaoco Oil Coapany. Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 17NOV77; A9 15003-

A91S00(t. SO 31 solvent recovery step: Chearef Absorption Onit. Prepared by Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. Sheets. C Hanageaent and Traininq

A915005- Catalytic Crackinq Control Coaplex HSH 3: ?B0 sub-section overview. Prepared by Cecil Palaer & Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc., issued by Aaoco Oil Coapany, Hhiting fiefinery. Sheets. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 310ct77; A915005.

A915006. BH230 about steam turbines. Prepared by Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. 2nd revision. Sheets. O Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Nov77; A915006.

A915007. Catalytic cracking Control Center ASM 7: depropanizer. Prepared by Cecil Palaer 6 Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. O Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17WOV77; A915007.

A915008. Activated Sludqe Plant HSH 2: aeration step. Prepared by Hichael Burklov C Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. O Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc - 17NOV77; A915008.

A915009. HH330 about crushers and aills. Prepared by Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. Sheets. 6 Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Nov77; A915009.

A915010- Steaa and Power Division training aanual 1921: exhaust steaa supply and dist- ribution. Prepared by A. Goodall. Sheets. Appl. au: Corn Products. O Hanaqeaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 22Nov77; A915010.

A9150n. Gabbioneta centrifugal puaps; aanual H219S36. Prepared by H. H. Patten. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry. Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. ; 21Nov77; A915011.

A915012. Activated Sludqe Plant HSH 1 overview. Prepared by Kenard Taylor £ Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Sheets. Appl. au: Aaoco Oil Coapany, Hhitinq Befinery. O Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 21NOV77; A915012.

A915013. IH41 Barton D/P indicator. Prepared by J. G. Scott. 1st revision, Nov. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry. Hanaqeaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17NOV77; A915013.

k9^50^t^. Beport of a study of instruaent/e- lectrical traininq needs. Prepared for Honsanto Coapany, Ltd. by J. G. Scott £ T. C. strachan. 1 v. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 17Nov77; A91501»l.

A915015. Beport of a training needs study. Prepared for Aaoco Hhiting Catalytic Cracking Control coaplex by Ken Taylor. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Traininq Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 15Hay77; A915015.

A915016. Beport on a training needs audit. Prepared for C. E. Luaaus Coapany, Basrah Nuaber 1 Coaplex, by Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. staff. Sheets. 6 Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; lJul77; A915016.

A915017. A fieport on a training needs audit. Prepared for Arco Hatson Befinery by Dale Hauck £ Dick Ody. Sheets. Appl. au: Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc. Hanageaent and Training Systeas for Industry, Inc.; 15Aug77; A915017.

A915018. Inventory of habilitation prog ra as for aentally handicapped adults. 1 v. O Portland Habilitation Center, Inc.; 2l0ct76 (in notice: 1975); A915018.

A915019. Marketing research: a nanageaent inforaation approach; instructor's aanual. By Danny N. Bellenger £ Barnett A. Greenberq. 1 v. Add. ti: Instructor's aanual for Marketing research: a aanageaent Information approach. Blchard D. Irwin, Inc.; 15Sep77; A915019.

A915020. Statistical aethods for business and econoaics; instructor's aanual. By Boger C. Pf affenberger £ Jaaes H. Patterson. 296 p. Add. ti: Instructor's aanual for Statistical aethods for business and econoaics. Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 22Sep77; A915020.

A915021. Instructor's aanual for Principles of operations research for aanageaent. By Frank S. Budnick, Bichard Mojena £ Thoaas E. Voliaann. 325 p. fiichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 29Sep77: A915021.

A9 15022. Instructor's aanual for Introduction to decision theory. By J. Morgan Jones, prepared by S. Sitaraaan. 129 p. O Bichard D- Irwin, Inc.; 15Sep77; A9 15022.

A915023. Instructor's guide for Marketing: text and cases, fourth edition. By Harry L. Hansen. 213 p. NH: revisions £ updating. O Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 8Sep77; A9 15023.

A9 15024. International business and aultinational enterprises, revised edition; teacher's aanual. By Stefan H. fiobock, Kenneth Sioaonds € Jack Zwick. 120 p. NH: revisions £ updating. O Bichard D. Irwin^ Inc.; lSep77; A915024.

A915025. DOS/VS entry tiae sharing systea (ETSS/2J: terainal user's suaaary; prograa nuaber 5798-CLB. 95 p. (Field developed prograa) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 21Sep77; A915025.

A915026. 7480 uodels 1 and 2 store controller aaintenance inforoation. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBH aaintenance library) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation); 4Aug77; A915026.

A915027. 3661 Models 1 and 2 store controller

aaintenance inforaation. 3rd ed . 1 v .


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