»91»8mt - »911t880
JUL-DEC. 1977
i91<l3It3 (con.) 176-179) Appl. au: Bicliard 8. SalznaDD. The Besearch Institute of Aaerica* loc. 27Sep77: A9 14813.
A9U844. BIA Sales ilert: sales actiOD. Vol. 6, no. 37, Sept. 13, 1977. Polder (p. 168-171) Appl. au: Bichacd R. SalzBano. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc. 13Sep77; A9ia84lt.
Agiitats. BIA aarketinq alert: personal report. Vol. 14, no. 71, Sept. 7, 1977. Folder (p. 153-156) Appl. au: Bichard G. Salziann. The Besearch Institute of Anerica, Inc.; 7Sep77: A914845.
A914846. BIA aarketinq alert: sales aanaqeaent action. Vol. 14, no. 77, Sept. 28, 1977. Folder (p. 165-168) Appl. an: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 28Sep77; A914846.
A914a47. BIA aarketinq alert: sales aanaqeaent action. Vol. 14, no. 73, Sept. 14, 1977. Folder (p. 157-160) Appl. au: Bichard a. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 14Sep77: A914847.
A914848. BIA aanaqeaent alert: personal report. Vol. 6, no. 75, Sept. 21, 1977. Folder (p. 180-183) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 21Sep77: A914848.
A914849. BIA manaqement alert: aanaqeaent action vol. 6, no. 77, Sept. 28, 1977. Folder (p. 184-187) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 28Sep77; A9 14849.
A914850. BIA aanaqeaent alert: aanaqeaent action Vol. 6, no. 73, Sept. 14, 1977. Folder (p. 176-179) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 14Sep77; A9 14850.
A914851. Bequlatory alert, September 28, 1977. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 28Sep77: A914851.
A914852. Bequlatory alert, September 21, 1977. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 21Sep77; A914852.
A914853. Bequlatory alert, September 14, 1977. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Bichard B. salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 14Sep77; A914853.
A9 14854. Bequlatory alert, September 7, 1977. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 7Sep77; A914854.
A914855. Besearch Institute recoaaendations. Vol. 28, no. 39, Sept. 30, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of liecica. Inc. 30Sep77: A914855.
A914856. Besearch Institute recoaaendations. vol. 28, no. 38, Sept. 23, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc. 23Sep77: A9 14856.
A914857. Besearch Institute Harketing for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 18, Sept. 29, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 29Sep77; A9148S7.
A914858. Besearch Institute Harketinq for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 17, Sept. 15, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 15Sep77; A914858.
A914859. Besearch Institute Harketinq for sales executives. Vol. 3, no. 16, Sept. 1, 1977. 6 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 1Sep77; A914859.
A914360. Alert, September 28, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 28Sep77; A914e60.
A914861. Alert, September 21, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 21Sep77; A914861.
A914862. Besearch Institute pension coordinator. Vol. 4, no. 17, Sept. 14, 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: James E. cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 14Sep77; A914862.
A914B63. Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23, no. 37, Sept. 15, 1977. 2 ». Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica. Inc.; 15Sep77; A914863.
A914864. Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23, no. 39, Sept. 29, 1977. 3 ». 6 2 p. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 29Sep77; A914864.
A914865. Tax quide. Vol. 12, no. 37, Sept. 1, 1977. 8 p. S sheets. Appl. au: Jaaes E. cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 1Sep77; A914865.
A914866. Tax quide. Vol. 12, no. 39, Sept. 15, 1977. 8 p. £ sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 15Sep77; A914866.
A914867. Tax quide. Vol. 12, no. 41, Sept. 29, 1977. e p. £ sheets. Appl. au: Jaaes E. Cheeks. Appl. states no copyriqbt claimed for section 1 in its entirety. 6 The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc. ; 29Sep77; A914867.
A914868. lour business and the law. Vol. 7, no. 18, Sept. 6, 1977. Prepared for top executives by the Besearch Institute of America, Inc. 2 p. S p. 103-108. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 6Sep77; A914868.
A914869. Your business and the law- Vol. 7, no- 19, Sept. 19, 1977. Prepared for top executives by the Besearch Institute of America, Inc. p. 109-114. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 19Sep77; A914869.
rdinator. Vol. Oct. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of Aaerica, Inc.; 3QSep77; A914870.
A914871. EvanqelisB. By Paul a. Lederach. lip. (The Foundation series) O Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press e Hennonite Publishing House; lApr77; A914871.
A914872. Sing with ae; songbook for preschool, ages 3 £ 4. Art by Harcelle Horauz Lake. 56 p. (The Foundation series) Appl. au: The Foundation Series. O Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; lSep77; A914872.
A914873. Infants, toddlers, and twos; parent's £ teacher's guide, nursery to 36 months. By Hary Ann Jost £ Philip Osborne, designed by Jauie Bussell, illustrated by Leu Epstein, photography by Jia Stucky. 126 p. (The Foundation series) O Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; 1Sep77: A914873.
A914874. Living with 3s, 4s, and 5s; for parents 6 teachers of children, ages 3 to 5. By Paul H. Lederach, designed by Janie Bussell. 100 p. (The Foundation series) Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press S Hennonite Publishing House; 1Sep77; A914874.
A914875. Signs and wonders; teacher's guide, student guide. Action news. Grades 7 £ 8, year 1, guarter 1. By Harie H- Hoyer, designed by Janie Bussell, illustrated by Allan Eitzen, photography by Lindsay Bussell. 4 V. (The Foundation series) Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; lSep77; A914875.
A9 14876. All God's faaily; teacher's guide, teaching packet, student story book £ student workbook. Grades 1 £ 2, year 1, quarter 1. By Theresa C. Eshbach £ Harren H. Eshbach, designed by Janie Bussell, illustrated by Erica Herkling, photography by Jim Stucky Photographies. Kit. (The Foundation series) O Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; 1Sep77: A914876.
A914877. Besource book for teachers. Editor: Laurence Hartin, designed by Janie Bussell. 30 p. (The Foundation series) e Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite publishing House; 1Har77; A914877.
A914878. God loves families; teacher's guide £ student activity papers. Kindergarten, age 5, quarter 1. By Hary Bempel, designed by Janie Bussell, illustrated by Beatrice Darwin. 2 v. (The Foundation series) NH: editorial revision £ additional pictorial matter. Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; 1Sep77; A914878.
A914879. Guide to teacher training. By Laurence Hartin. designed by Janie Bussell. 31 p. (The Foundation series) O Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press £ Hennonite Publishing House; 1Har77; A914879.
A914880. Leader's guide. By Paul H. Lederach. 47 p. (The Foundation series) Evangel Press, Faith and Life Press 6 Hennonite
Publishing House; 1Har77; A914880.
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