igiUSOl - &91I18I1^
JUL-DEC. 1977
iSltSOI. Burton, Coupland, Dale, TX, and others* Novembei: 197 7. Continental Telephone CoBpany of Teias; 11Nov77; A9111801.
49114802. Caro, HI, Hovenber 1977. e Continental Telephone Conpany of Hichiqan; 240ct77; A911IB02.
1914803. Grovespring, Hartville, Hanes, MO, and others, November 1977. Add. ti: Hartville, HO, Noveaber 1977. O Con- tinental Telephone Company of Hissouri; 3Nov77: A91i)803.
4914804. Bock port, Hatson, HO, telephone directory, Hovenber 1977. 6 Hock Port Telephone company: 200ct77: A9 14804.
A914B05. Cadiz, Markleville, Hccordsville, IB. and others, telephone directory, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Hancock Eural, IN, 1977-1978. Hancock Bural Telephone corporation: 4Nov77: A914805.
A9148ae. Fairfield, Buffalo, Centerville, TX, and others, November 1977. 6 Continental Telephone Company of Texas; 260ct77; A914806.
A914807. Sidney, NY, and vicinity, 1977-1978. 6 Chenango and Onadilla Telephone Corporation: 1Nov77; 4914807.
A914808. San niquel, Parkfield, Berrenda Hesa including listings for San Luis Obispo County, CA, November 1977. 6 Continental Telephone of California: 310ct77: A914808.
A914809. Bape: prevention and personal defense. Folder. e Champaign County Homen Against Bape, Inc.; 7Nov77: 4914809.
4914810. Bilingual reading — Spanish oriented, level three: liquid duplicating masters. No. BLB-3. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. 6 ESP, Inc.: 15Nov77; 4914810.
4914811. Phonetic sounds, grade 2: liquid duplicating masters. No. P-3. 24 p. e ESP, Inc.: 17KOV77: A914811.
A914812. The Healthy body, grades 4-6: liquid duplicating masters. No. H-6. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.: 10NOV77; A9 14812.
A914813. Basic reading comprehension, grade 7; liquid duplicating masters. No. B-7. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au; ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 10NOV77: 4914813.
4914814. Basic reading comprehension, grade 1; liquid duplicatinq masters. No. B-1. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. 9 ESP, Inc.; 10Nov77: 4914814.
4914815. Bilinqual readinq — Spanish oriented, level two: liquid duplicatinq masters. No. BLB-2. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. Appl. au: ESP, Inc. O ESP, Inc.: 17Nov77; A914815.
4914816. Basic readinq comprehension, qrade 2: liquid duplicating masters. No. E-2. By
4914817. Learning phonics; liquid duplicating masters. No. P-5. By Bearl Brooks. 24 p. 4ppl. au: ESP, Inc. e ESP, Inc.; 10NOV77: 4914817.
A914818. Beginners seatHork, readiness-l; liquid duplicating masters. No. K-3. 24 p. © ESP, Inc.: 10NOV77: A914818.
4914819. Daily Lottery Books, Inc.: a lucky number in this book could be your lucky oyster. 20 p. 4dd. ti: Lucky oyster book; new horoscope; Daily Lottery Book, Inc. 4ppl. au: Hurray A. Davis. NH: updating of statistical compilations, rearrangement e additions. O Hurray A. Davis; 14Nov77: A914819.
A914B20. cuesheet: an inquiry-discovery guide to dramatic literature and theatrical experience. Prepared by John c. Carr. 42 p. & inserts. NH: revisions & additions, e National Players; 110ct77; A914820.
A914821. Beview text in American history. By Irving L. Gordon. 666 p. Add. ti: American history, revieu text. NH: revisions & additions. Q Adsco School Publications, Inc.; 10Nov77: 4914821.
4914822. Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23, no. 35, Sept. 1, 1977. 4 v. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 1Sep77; A914822.
4914823. Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23, no. 36, Sept. 8, 1977. 2 v. 6 sheets. 4ppl. au: James E. Cheeks. 3 The Research Institute of America, Inc. ; 8Sep77; A914323.
4914824. Federal tax coordinator 2d. Vol. 23, no. 38, Sept. 22, 1977. 2 v. 6 sheets. Appl. au: James £. Cheeks. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 22Sep77; A914824.
A914825. Alert. Items no. 372-382, Sept. 14, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 14Sep77; 4914825.
4914826. 41ert. Items no. 360-371, Sept. 7, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 7Sep77: A914826.
A914827. Tax action coordinator. Vol. 8, no. 10, Sept. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of 4merlca, Inc.; 1Sep77; 49 14827.
4914828. Product liability: a candid assessment. 37 p. (Staff recommendations, file 33, Sept. 12, 1977) 4ppl. au: Richard E. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 12Sep77: A914828.
A914829. Besearch Institute recommendations, vol. 28, no. 37, Sept. 16, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 16Sep77; A914829.
A914830. Besearch Institute recommendations. Vol. 28, no. 36, Sept. 9, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard R. Salzmann. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 9Sep77; A914830.
A914831. Besearch Institute recommendations. Vol. 28, no. 35, Sept. 2, 1977. 2 folders. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. Q The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 2Sep77; 4914831.
4914832. Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol. 3, no. 19, Sept. 29, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 29Sep77; 4914832.
4914833. Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol. 3, no. 18, Sept. 15, 1977. 8 p. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 15Sep77: A914833.
A914834. Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the Professional Secretary. Vol. 3, no. 17, Sept. 1, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4914834.
4914835. Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the executive. Vol. 3* no. 19, Sept. 27, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. Q The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 27Sep77; A914835.
4914836. Besearch Institute Personal Beport for the executive. Vol. 3, no. 18, Sept. 13, 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 13Sep77; A914836.
A914837. Estate planners alert. Vol. 2, no. 10, Oct. 1977. 8 p. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 2eSep77; A9 14837.
4914838. Besearch Institute pension coordinator. Vol. 4, no. 18, Sept. 28, 1977. Folder (4 p.) e sheets. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. Q The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 28Sep77; A914838.
A914839. BIA supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 38, Sept. 20, 1977. Folder (p. 183-186) Appl. au: Bichard E. Salzmann. 3 The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 20Sep77: A914839.
A914640. RIA supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 36, Sept. 6, 1977. Folder (p. 175-178) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 3 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 6Sep77; A914840.
A914841. BIA supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 39, Sept. 27, 1977. Folder (p. 187-190) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 27Sep77; A914841.
4914842. EI4 supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 37, Sept. 13, 1977. Folder (p. 179-182) 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 3 The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 13Sep77; 4914842.
4914843. BIA Sales Alert; sales action. Vol. 6,
no. 39, Sept. 27, 1977. Folder (p.
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