JUL-DEC. 1977
• 9111 SO I. Kla«c the CioHn; laata-|>«ctv alnl pak. Kit. Appl. au: Lucy T. Kallock. O Lucy T. Kollock; flOct??: t91ll503.
tgttSUD. Saamy th« Uhust; liista-party ainl pak. Kit. kppl. au: Lucy T. Kollock. Lucy T. Kollock; t)Oct77; t9 1l»50l4.
t9|l|5aS. Bible taallr life seainar. By llaciy E. Coftaao. I V. Bible raally Lite Seainar/ llai i y K. Cutraaii t Bible Teaple; IOct77: k'Jllt'jOS.
t9|l4Sa6. Uea Heilco 1850 territorial ceuaus. Vol. <t: Beraalillo e Saota Ce Countleu. Traoscrlbed by tliu Nu« Helico i^enualoqlcal Society, Inc., edited by Hartiaret Leouatd Windliaa. 204 p. Nn: coapllatlon. O Ne« Heilcu ueoealoqlcal Soclaty, luc; 210ct76; k9 111506.
49111507. Ilea Neilco 1850 territorial census. Vol. 2: aio trciba G Santa kna Counties. Transcribed by the Ilea Neiico Genealoqlcal Society, Inc., edited by Harqaret Leonard Hlndhaa. 18H p. Nil: coapllatlon. O Ilea Neilco Genealogical Society, Inc.; 15Nay76; »9|l|507.
t91ll5a8. Nea Heiico 1850 territorial census. Vol. 3: Taos G San Hiquel Counties. Transcribed by the Nea Neilco Genealoqlcal Society, Inc., edited by Narqarut Leonard Vlndhaa. 201 p. NN: coapllatlon. O ilea Mexico Genealoqlcal Society, Inc.; 20ct76: »91i|508.
19111509. Bl Leon, la bruja y el quardacropa. By c. s. Leals, traductor: Julio C. Orozco. 17 1 p. (Cronlcas de narnla, 1) NN: translation to Spanish. O Editorial Caribe, Spanish trade naae (or Latin kaerica Nlaalon Publications, Inc.; 1tpr77: k91ll509.
>41i|Sia. No voltera a al vacial I v. kppl. au: Stephen Berq. O Editorial Caribe, Spanish trade naae (or Latin kaerlca Nission Publications, Inc.; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976): 1914510.
1914511. Infertility: causes and tceataenta. 11 p. Ippl. au: Coaaittue on Patient education ot the kaerican Colleqe of Obstetricians and Gynacoloqlsts. The laericau colleqe of obstetrlclaaa and Gvnecoloqlsts: 270ct77; 19 14511.
1914512. Causes and treataeiits tor qeuetic disorders. 12 p. Ippl. au: Coaaittee on Patient Education ot the laerican Colleqe of Obstetricians and Gynecoloqists. O The laerican Colleqe of obstetricians and Gynecoloqista: 240ct77; 19 14512.
1914513. Hlle-a-aatic. Card. Ippl. au : N. Georqe stratos. H. Geocqe stratos; 221uq77; 19 14513.
1914514. Plain talk about aedicare. 12 p. O Golden Rule and ConqteasLonal; 3Jan77: 1914514.
1914515. So you think you're not a sloa qolfer. By John L. Beckley. 1 «. Ippl. au: The Econoaica Press, Inc. The Econoalcs Press, Inc.; 140ct77; 19 14515.
1914516. Hold that line I Polder. The Econoaica Pceaa, Inc.; I00ct77: 191451b.
1914517. (ou have four chances to join these lucky Toa-Hat alnnersl, and other titles. Sheets (4 p.) £ card. Idd. ti: Discover hoa you can be a ainuei in the 1977 Toa-yat cash prize draaiiiql O Toa-Nat. Inc.; 120ct77: 1914517.
1914518. Dear shlpaates. By Charles 1. Nerqet. 156 p. Charles 1. Herqet; Iluq77; 1914518.
1914519. I have tao daddies. By Lillian Stover, draainqs by hobert B. Uavis. 26 p. O Lillian Stofer; BSep77; 1914519.
1914520. Ih, to be a child aqaiul Nritten C photoqraphed by Stephanie J. Patterson. 136 p. O Stephanie J. Patterson; 1Jun77; 1914520.
1914521. luldud eyes. By Doris Louise llsup. 40 p. o Doris Loui:>e llaup; 20Jul77: 1914521.
1914522. Balance, bend, luap and hop. By N. P. Neilson, Laarence Bestaaun £ hobert B. Davis. 34 p. N. P. Neilson, Laarence Be^taann £ Bobert B. Davis; 61pr77; 1914522.
1914523. The Heather surfer: a qulde to oceanography and aeteoroloqy for the Borld':. aave hunters. By Vic Horrls £ Joe Nelson. 101 p. O Vic Hurris £ Joe Nelson; 7Jul77; 1914523.
1914524. Health aeditatious. By John B. Hall. 96 p. John h. Hall; l5Uct77; 1914524.
1914525. iletireaeut ib. By Toa Evans. 26 p. O Toa Evans; 1Nov77; 1914525.
1914526. Cessna conquest aaiuteuauce aauual, aodel 441. Microfiche. O Cessna Aircraft Coapauy; Iluq77: 1914526.
1914527. Cessna conqueat virluq diaqraa aanual, aodel 441. Nicroflcbe. O Cessna llrcraft Coapanv; 11uq77; 1914527.
1914528. Cessna conquest parts cataloq, aodel 441. Hicrofiche. O Cessna llrcraft coapany; 11uq77; 1914528.
1914529. The Morgan aethod: hoa to play blackjack aqainst the shoe. By Tia Norqan, pseud, of Norrie 1. Perkel. 39 p. O Morrie i. Perkel, Mhose pseud, is Tia Morgan; 1Sep77; 1914529.
1914530. christaas carols for huaanists. By Edaln P. Grobe. 25 p. O Edaln P. Grobe; 1Sep77; 19 14530.
1914531. Christaaa is cancelled. By Edaln P. Grobe. 21 p. O Edaln P. Grobe; 1Sep77; 1914531.
1914532. Sonqs of life and being. Dy Edaln P. Grube. 40 p. O Eilaiii P. Grobe; 1Sep77: 1914532.
1914533. Souqs ot social aaarenesfi. By Edaiii P. Grobe. 46 p. O Edaln P. Grobe; 1Sep77; 1914513.
1914534. Polk songs of luiai uhio. Vui. 1-24. Collected by Haiiy Lee Uideuoui. edited by N. llayii l£,hbiirn. UN: coapllatlon, teit t, editing. O llaldain-Nallace College; 1Dec76; 19 14534.
1914535. The Majestic fourteenera, Colorado's highest. Photographed by Georqe crouter, edited by Carl Skitt. 144 p. NN: teit. O Sundance Publications. Ltd.; 18Jul77; 19 14535.
1914536. Ullliaa Heuiy Jackson's hocky Mountain railroad albua: steaa and steel ai.ross the Great Divide; U.^. Bicentennial i.oa- aeaoratlve ed. in huuoi ot H. H. Jackson. Introductory reaaiks by Terry Hilliaa Hangan. photographic captions by Buss Collaan £ Dell 1. McCoy, edited by Jackson C. Thode. 76 p. Ill pictorial aatter has been pub. prev. NH: nea teiL, editorial selection £ reproduction £ coapilation of pictorial aatter. O Sundance Publi- cations, Ltd.; 10ct76; 1914536.
1914537. The Johns Hopkins University School ot Medicine postgraduate course in internal aediclue. Vol. 3. prograa H, Nov. 1977. Medical editor: G. Ullliaa Benedict. J4 p., 51 slides £ folder. Iccoapanled by 2 cassettes, reg. II472U8, In bol. O The Johns Hopkins University; INav77; 1914537.
1914538. Biblical preaching: learning to present God's aessaqe; Hoalletlcs 230C, 2 seaeater hours, study guide £ eiaas. By Lloyd H. Perry £ C. Nilliaa Eldenlre. 227 p. Iccoapanied by 3 cassettes, reg. N47229. The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago; 29Sep77: 1914538.
1914539. 1 Surnaae indel to the 1H50 Kederal population census ot Kentucky. Mlcroflla publication no. M432, roll no. 206, city ot Louisville, districts I £ 2. Coapiler: Saa McDoaell (Saauel mley NcOoaell, Jr.) 127 p. NH: coapllatlon. O Saa McDoaell; 101ug77; 1914539.
1914540. 1 Surnaae iudei to the IU50 federal population census of Kentucky. Microfila publication no. M432, roll no. 201, Garrard. Grant £ Graves Counties. Coapiler: Saa McDoaell (Saauel Biley McDoaell, Jr.) 64 p. NM: coapllatlon. O Saa McDoaell; iaiug77; 1914540.
1914541. 1 Surnaae indei to the 1850 federal population census ot Kentucky. Hiciolila publication no. H432, roll no. 205, Hickaau, Hopkins £ jefteison Counties (eicluding Louisville) Coapiler: Saa McDoaell (Saauel lllley McDoaell, Jr.) 85 p. NN: coapllatlon. O Saa McOoaeli; 10lug77; 1914541.
1914 542. 1 Surnaae Indei to the 1850 Federal population census ot Kentucky. Microfila publication no. N432, roll no. 209, Kno>, Larue, Laurel, Laarence £ Letcher Counties. Coapiler: Saa McDoaell (Saauel Blley McDoaell, Jr.) 63 p. NM: coapllatlon. O Saa McDoaell; 101ug77i 1914542.
1914543. 1 Surnaae indei to the 1850 Federal
papulation census ot Kentucky. Microfila
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