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A914461 - A914502


JUL-DEC. 1977

A914460 (con.) H11. Kit. »ppl. au: G4P corporation. Hacvel Conies Group: 21Ha[77; &91I4U60.

A914461. Old-tine San Fcancisco. SAF vleH-Naster packet no. H7. Kit. 6 aur Corporation; 1Sep77: A914461.

t914462. The niqhtv TUoc in "The Neath of Odin." G»F Vleu-Master packet no. H39. Kit. ippl. au: G»p cocpocation. dacuei Coaics Group: 19oct77; 491H162.

k914463. kboalnaUe SnoHman. SKt VleH-Hastec packet no. HI. Kit. (Land of the lost, no. 2) Appl. au: GiF Corporation. Sid and Hartir Krofft Television productions. Inc.; 6&pr77; 49111463.

A91446II. Halt Dlsnev Productions presents The Bescuers. GAP Sieu-Naster packet no. H26. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. 6 Halt Disney Productions; 5Jul77; A9 1itii6M.

A914465. For the lowe of Ben1l. GAF View-Master packet no. HSI. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. flulbercy Square Pro- ductions. Inc.; 5JU177; A91it<l65.

A914466. Doctor Shr inker and yonderbuq. GAF VleH-Haster packet no. H2. Kit. Appl. au: GAF corporation. Sid and Nartv Krofft Productions, Inc.; 1Apr77: A91>11|66.

A914467. Harlan Globetrotters. GAF VlaM-Naster packet no. H69. Kit. Appl. au: GAF Corporation. O Harlen Globetrotters, Inc.; 23Sep77; A911t67.

A914468. The Effect of a criterion- referenced nanaqenent systea oa readlnq In the prlnarv qrades. By Leona Eleanor Dickey. Nlcrofllu. Leona Eleanor Dickey: 15tlov76; A9Ul|6a.

A914469. Pron one to another. By Anna Louise Arnott, photos by John Pearson. B2 p. O Anna Louise Arnott; 7Jul77 (In notice: 1976); A91lt469.

A914470. Instead it Is Hlnter. By Nancy Hales. 27 p. Appl. states all nev except poens appearlnq on p. 4, 5, 7, 8. 11, 15, 18, 21 G 27. Portions prey. pub. In Arlon's dolphin S, others. Nancy Hairs; 7oct77; A91447a.

A914471. Sequin: recreation and retirement paradise of the Pacific Northwest. Folder. Appl. au: Charlotte £ Robert Bldstrup. Dunqeness Realty, Inc.; 17Auq77; A914471.

A914472. Janes Clenents Municipal Airport, Bay City. Mlchlqan: fifty years of service. Photos, furnished by R. P. Baker Pioneer Aviation Collection, prepared by Geraldlne T. Hlqqs G Catherine c. Baker. 35 p. O Catherine C. Baker; 200ct77; A914472.

A914473. Tmo, three, many parties of a new type? aqalnst the Oltra-Left line. Issued by the Proletarian Bnity Leaque. 253 p. Appl. au: Dnlted Labor Press. O United Labor Press; iaMay77; A914473.

A914474. Christnas Ideas. No. 2. By Mary B. Hlddleton. 9 p. O Crochenit Creations, Inc.; 26Auq77; A914474.

A914475. Bone decor. No. 2. By Mary B. Middleton. Folder. 6 Crochenlt creations. Inc.; 2Sep77; A914475.

A914476. Bedspreads and afqhau stitches. By Hary B. Middleton. 8 p. Prev. req. A6B1105 £ A766956. NM: compilation, revisions £ additions. 6 Crochenlt Creations, Inc.; 15Sep77: A914476.

A914477. Cone and read with ne. 1 v. Appl. au: Dominic M. yerchlanl. O Dominic M. Verchiani; 6Sep77; A914477.

A914478. Atari Video Plnball oiiner's aanual, model C380. 15 p. 6 Atari, Inc.; 29Auq77: A91447B.

A914479. The Most excltlnq promotion you'll ever see: a suimninq pool In your nail and it's free! Folder. O Kayak Recreational Hanuf acturlnq Corporation; 14Sep77; A914479.

4914480. Direct order service; catalog. 35 p. C Nriqht Line, Inc.; 2SJul77; A914480.

A914481. Gernan for everyc By Beatrix Burqhaqen. 60 p. Batrlx Burqhagen; 27Sep77; A914481.

4914482. Founal: a rural Maine history. By Donna Fulton Boyles, Sherllyn Dietrich, Mary Goodvln, Harlorle Mason & Kathryne Moore, illustrated by Michael Hard. 112 p. O Pownal Scenic and Historical Society; 26Auq77; A9144B2.

A9144a3. Blqhuay vehicle dlesel engine and transmission microfiche. 5SP13. 42X. Form 5SP10. Auq. 1977. Microfiche In envelope. 4ppl. au: General Motors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel 411ison Division, General Motors Corporation (In notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 194uq77; 4914483.

A9144a4. Hlqhaay vehicle dlesel enqlne and transmission microfiche. Form 5SP6, 24X, Auq. 1977. Microfiche In envelope. Appl. au: General Motors corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation); 19Auq77; A914484.

A9144a5. Diesel engine microfiche. Forn 5SP5, 42X, Aug. 1977. Microfiche In envelope. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (In notice: General Motors Corporation); 19Auq77; A914485.

A914486. tlhat you should knoa about drug abuse. Public Affairs pamphlet no. 550. By Jules Saltman. 28 p. Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 30Sep77; A9144B6.

A914487. Clinical sign lanquaqe. By Kathy I. Mueller. Illustrated by Bob Berudou. 24 p. Kathy Mueller (In notice: K. I. Mueller) ; 10ct77: A914487.

A91448a. Dirty bum certificate. 1 p. Appl. au: Harold L. Durbln. O Harold L. Durbln; 30May77; A9144a8.

A9144a9. Electric heat looks up: it's Radex radiant heat cable In the ceiling. 7 p. Appl. au: Bob Wright. NM: revisions. O Proko Industries, Inc.; 29Aug77; A9144a9.

4914490. Deep grooving and cutoff tooling. Bulletin GT7-23a. 7 p. 6 General Electric Company. Carboloy Systems Department (in notice; General Electric Company); 1Sep77: 4914490.

A914491. Roberts introduces no-sueat no-bake: a great mixer, and more. Polder. Roberts Corporation; 1Sep77; A9 1449 1.

A914492. Olofsson series 70 and series 80 — a family of multiple-spindle machines designed for high-speed, high-horsepower machining. Folder. O Olofsson Cor- poration; 1Sep77; A914492.

A914493. Nhat every manager should know about programmable controllers, and why. 1 v. Add. tl: Bhat every controls engineer should know about programmable cont- rollers, and why. O Modlcon Corporation; 15JU177; A914493.

A914494. Celebration 76; a pictorial essay. Director of photography: David A. Lauver, associate photographers; Charles U. Gruver, Rande w. Styger, John Troxell, Jr. G Scott Nllllams, art director: John Troxell, Jr. 88 p. Oavld A. Lauvec; 1Dec76; A914494.

A914495. Self command: "stop smoking." J p. Appl. au: yalter K. Banks, Jr. (H.K.B. Enterprises) H.K.B. Enterprises; 170ct77j A914495.

A914496. License renewals and continuing ascertainment, 1978. Vol. 5. By James A. Murphy. 1 V. Appl. au: Hashlngton State Association of Broadcasters. Appl. states no copyright Is claimed for p. 200-42039 which are from Governnent sources. C Hashlngton state Association of Broadcasters; 1Sep77; A914496.

4914497. The Decanates: a full view. By Bernlce Prill Grebner. 100 p. O Bernlce Prill Grebner; 26Sep77; 4914497.

A914498. Hy brother Earl. 1 p. Appl. au: Alice S. caviness. O Alice S. Cavlness; 15Sep77; A914498.

A914499. uoodcraft catalog, fall-winter 1978. 104 p. Add. tl: Hoodcraft fall/winter catalog, 1978. 6 uoodcraft Supply corporation; 23Sep77; A914499.

A914500. Forever Elvis (will be king) By Dawna M. Lewis. 1 p. Dawna Leuis; 30Aug77; A914500.

A914501. Principles of pulmonary function testing. By Gisele Fournler-Massey G Douglas G. Massey. 85 p. O Gisele Fournler-Massey; 15Jan77; A914501.

A914502. Manual of basic vaginal cytology: a color slide atlas. By Hector Marguez- Monter. 81 p. Acconpanied by slides, reg. JP20882, In box. 6 California

Medical Publications; 7Jun77; A9 14502.


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