A91it302 - i91«38
JUL-DEC. 1977
&91lt302. The Law of trusts and trustees; a treatise covering the law relating to trusts and allied sublects affecting trust creation and aduinistration. Sections 271-360. By George Gleason Bogert fi George Taylor Bogert, contributing author for chap. 15: Billian K. Stevens. Eev. 2nd ed. 701 p. Add. ti: Bogert trusts and trustees. O Best Publishing Company; 21Sep77: 491U302.
&914303. Best's Illinois decisions. Vol- 6. 1 v. UM: compilation, revisions 6 additions. 6 Best Publishing Company; <tOct77: 4914303.
4914304. Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 553. 1 V. NB: compilation, revisions 6 additions, e Best Publishing Company: I»0ct77: 8914301.
i914305. NeH York supplement, second series. Vol. 392. 1 V. Nil: compilation, revisions 6 additions. e Best Publishing Company; 190ct77; 4914305.
A914306. Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 554. 1391 p. MM: compilation of prev. pub. case reports, key number classi- fications, tables 6 index digest, revisions 6 additions. O Best publishing company: 200ct77: 4914306.
4914307. Eighth decennial digest: American digest system. 1966-1976. 2 v. KH: compilation of prev. pub. cases, revisions 6 additions. Best Publishing Company: 23Sep77; 4914307.
4914308. Oklahoma statutes. 1977 suppl. 1932 p. O Best Publishing Company: 17oct77; A914308.
4914309. Washington digest annotated. Vol. 7, 74 6 7B. 3 V. NH: compilation, Mith revisions 6 additions. Best Publishing Company; 29Sep77; 4914309.
4914310. Best's Teias forms. Vol. 6-7: minerals, oil and gas. By Frank i. Elliott E Bichard B. Heming«ay. NM: compilation, »ith revisions 6 additions. Best Publishing company; 22Sep77: 4914310.
4914311. New Oregon digest; digest of Oregon legal authorities. State 6 Federal. Vol. 20-204. 2 V. NH: compilation, liith revisions 6 additions. Best Publishing Company; 21Sep77; 49 14311.
4914312. Tennessee digest, vol. 6-64. 2 v- NM: compilation, revisions S additions. West Publishing Company; 180ct77: 4914312.
4914313. Best's California code forms: with practice commentaries; business and professions. Sections 1-6999, 7000-end. By David H. Adams, Katherine 1. Dealey 6 Byron C. Foster. 2nd ed. 2 v. O Best Publishing Company; 21Sep77: A914313.
A914314. Landlord and tenant Ian with forms. By Harold Stavisky S Robert A. Greeley- 2 v. (Hassachusetts practice, vol. 33-34) NM: compilation 6 additions. 6 Best Publishing Company; 190ct77: 4914314.
Vol. 64 G 6B: criminal law. 2 V. NM: compilation, revisions & additions. Best Publishing Company; 50ct77; A914315.
A914316. Best's Annotated California codes. Vol. 28C, 29 6 294. Special articles on California election laws by Edward B. Gaylord £ Bruce C. Bolinger. 3 v. Appl. au: Best Publishing Company, employer for hire. NM; compilation, revisions S additions. S Best Publishing Company; 20Oct77: A914316.
A914317. The Southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by Ann Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. Appl. au: The Junior League of Atlanta, Georgia. NM: new text, p. 25, 64, 129-130, 140, 160-161, 176, 185-186, 190-191, 217, 243-244, 255. 290, 308, 350. 383, 406-407, 419-420, 444, 471-472, 497. 507. 514-515. 543, 552 6 577. e The Junior League of Atlanta, Georgia: 28Jul77: 4914317.
4914318. The Southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by Ann Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. Appl. au: The Junior League of Jackson. NM: new text, p. 34, 39-40, 44, 54, 84-85. 177-178. 181, 230, 239-240, 260-261, 272, 297-298, 300, 303-304, 362, 383-384, 412, 439-440, 466, 505-506, 534-535, 553, 574-575. 580-581 6 597. e The Junior League of Jackson; 28JU177: A914318.
A914319. The southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by Ann Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. Appl. au: The Junior Service League of Odessa. Inc. NM: new text, p. 31, 48-49, 96, 99-100, 104, 135-136, 154, 169, 194-195, 275-276, 284, 289, 303, 305, 431-432, 438, 440-441, 453, 478, 501, 587, 599. The Junior Service League of Odessa, Inc. ; 28JU177: A914319.
A914320. The southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by Ann Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. Appl. au: The Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc. NM: new text, p. 19, 28, 51, 82-83, 137-138, 149-150, 172, 184, 214, 223-224, 265-266, 269, 301, 316, 335-336, 392, 415, 461-462, 479-480, 484, 488, 501-502, 512, 550-551 £ 575. © The Junior League of Spartanburg, Inc.; 28JU177; A914320.
4914321. The Southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by 4nn Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. 4ppl. au: The Junior League of Bilmington, North Carolina, Inc. NM: new text, p. 8-9, 78-79, 87-88, 228-229, 231-232, 242-243, 244-245, 248, 251-252, 254-256, 258-259, 262-264, 314-315, 319-320, 441 6 454-455. The Junior League o£ Bilmington, North Carolina, Inc.; 28Jul77: 4914321.
A914322. The Southern Junior League cookbook. Edited by Ann Seranne, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 626 p. Appl. au: David McKay Company, Inc. on illus.; David McKay Company, Inc.; 28JU177: A914322.
4914323. Out of the garden into the kitchen. By Beryl M. Barton, illus. by Lauren Jarrett. 309 p. e Beryl M. Marton: 28Jul77; 4914323.
A914324. Physicians' desk reference for radiology and nuclear medicine, 1977/78. Managing editor: Barbara B. Huff 6 other editors. 203 p. Appl. au: Medical Economics company. Litton Industries, Inc. ; 310ct77: A914324.
4914325. An Introduction to paper industry instrumentation. Consultant: John fi- Lavigne. 488 p. NM: editorial revision 6 additional text 6 illus. John E. Lavigne; 7Nov77; 4914325.
A914326. The Eyrie study Bible, New Testament; King James Version. By Charles Caldwell Eyrie. 496 p. NM: introd. S explanatory notes, e Moody Bible Institute of Chicago; 30Nov76; A9 14326.
4914327. The Eyrie study Bible, New Testament; New 4merican Standard Version. By Charles Caldwell Eyrie. 498 p. NM: introd. 6 explanatory notes. Moody Bible Institute of Chicago; 30Nov76; 4914327.
4914328. Two P's in a pod. By Susan lerris. 181 p. Susan Terris; 154ug77; 4914328.
A914329. Jack the bum and the haunted house. By Janet Schulman, pictures by James Stevenson. 56 p. O on text; Janet Schulman; 154ug77; A914329.
4914330. Jack, the bum and the haunted house. By Janet Schulman, pictures by James Stevenson. 56 p. on illus.; James Stevenson: 15Aug77; A914330.
A914331. Hilfred, the rat. By James Stevenson. IV. 6 James Stevenson; 15Aug77: A914331.
A914332. The Art of Djuna Barnes: duality and damnation. By Louis F. Kannenstine. 194 p. NM: text £ editorial selection of quoted material. © New York Oniversity; 16Aug77: 4914332.
A914333. Cases on the law of the sea. Vol. 1. Compiled 6 edited by Kenneth B. Simmonds, with the collaboration of Amrit Sarup. 470 p. 6 Oceana Publications, Inc. ; 140ct76; A914333.
A9 14334. Cases on the law of the sea. Vol. 2. Compiled £ edited by Kenneth B. Simmonds with the collaboration of Amrit Sarup. 432 p. e Oceana Publications, Inc. ; 2May77; 4914334.
4914335. Freedom in the Caribbean: a study in constitutional change. By Fred Phillips, with a foreword by E. V. Luckhoo. 737 p. Appl. states all new except documents. Fred Phillips; 23Mar77; A9143J5.
A9 14336. Beform of court rule-making procedures. By Jack B. Beinstein. 216 p. Ohio State Oniversity Press; 50ct77; A914336.
A914337. Illinois Appellate reports, third series. Vol 47. 1130 p. 4ppl. au: Reporter of Decisions, State of Illinois. NM: additional text, index fi compilation. Supreme Court, State of Illinois fi Reporter of Decisions, State of Illinois; 1NOV77: 4914337.
4914338. 477 practice building and office procedure ideas. Vol. 1. 343 p. Prev. pub. in Share magazine. NM: compilation, e Parker Chiropractic Eesearch Foundation,
Inc.; 2NOV77; A914338.
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