JUL-DEC. 1977
A87U620 (con.) psychology. Vol. 10. Edited by Leonard BerKovitz. 3U1 p. C Icadealc Press. Inc.: 17Jan77; A87U620.
4874621. Laser applications. Vol. 3. Edited by Bonte Ross. 238 p. »cade«ic Press, Inc.; 10Jun77: »87ii621.
48711622. Advances in pharaacology and cheaot- herapv. Vol. 1«. Edited by Sil»io Garattini t others. U21 p. Jppl. states copyright is not claiied in any portion of this Borli Britten by Govcrnient employees within the scope of their eiployient. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 22Jan77; A87it622.
A87it623. Advances in iaage picKup and display. Vol. 3. Edited by B. Kazan. 302 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc.: 22Jud77: A87l)e23.
A87it62ll. Child discourse. Edited by Susan Hoore Ervin-Tripp 6 Claudia nitchell-Kernan. 266 p. (Language, thought and culture: advances in the study of cognitioni O Acadeaic Press. Inc.; 21Jun77: A87«62U.
4874625. nultivariate statistical inference. By Narayan C. Giri. 319 p. (Probability and aatheaatical statistics) Acadeaic Press, Inc.: 21Jun77: A87i(625.
487U626. Probleas vith teaperature regulation during enercise. Edited by Ethan B. Nadel. 141 p. C Acadeaic Press, Inc.: 15Jun77: A874626.
A874627. Jiggery-pokery: a coapendiua of double dactyls. Edited by Anthony Hecht 6 John Hollander, dravings by Hilton Glaser. 112 p. Appl. states text new excluding prev. pub. aaterial on p. 39. 47, 60, 72. 79. 81, 89 e 97. C Anthony Becfat e John Hollander: 19Jan67 (is notice: 19661: A874627.
A87U628. Answer back. By Donald Finkel. 38 p. O Donald Pinkel: 26Bar6e; A874628.
A874629. Seasons for aoving. Pocas by Bark Strand. 47 p. Hany of the poeas in this book originally appeared in The Atlantic monthly 6 others. B9: coapilation. Hark Strand: 8llar68: 4874629.
4874630. The Colour of blood. poeas by George HacBeth. 82 p. Host of these poeas have appeared in Aabit 6 others. HH: coapilation. George HacBeth: 18Jul67; A874630.
A874631. Cal 1ur 3: faaily law. Vol. 33. 3rd ed. 559 p. Bancroft- ihitncy Coapany: 6Hay77: A874631.
A874632. Cal 1ur 3. Vol. 34. Hanaging editor: Gene A. Holand G other editors. 3rd ed. 845 p. Appl. au: Bancrof t-Bhitney Coapany. Bancroft-Whitney Coapany: 3Jun77: A874632.
A874633. Reports of cases deterained in the courts of appeal of the State of California. Hay 4, 1976 to June 10. 1976. Vol. 58- 3d. Reporter of decisions: Robert E. Poraichi. 964 p. Add. ti: California appellate reports, 3d series. Appl. aa: Bancroft-Whitney Coapany. HH: headnotes, suaaaries, tables C index. Bancroft- Whitney Coapany: lOJun77: A874633.
A874634. Reports of cases deterained in the courts of appeal of the State of California, April 5, 1976 to Hay 4, 1976. Vol. 57-3d. Reporter of decisions: Robert E. Poraichi. 979 p. 4dd. ti: California appellate reports, 3d series. Appl. au: Bancroft-Whitney Coapany. »H: headnotes, suaaaries, tables C index. O Bancroft- Whitney Coapany: 18Hay77: A874634.
A874635. Reports of cases deterained in the courts of appeal of the State of California, Barch 4, 1976 to April 2, 1976. Vol. 56-3d. Reporter of decisions: Robert E. Poraichi. 989 p. Add. ti: California appellate reports, 3d series. Appl. au: Bancroft-Whitney Coapany. HH: headnotes, suaaaries, tables C index. C Bancroft-Whitney Coapany: 254pr77; A874635.
A674636. Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Brains Trust; froa Depression to Hew Deal. By Elliot A. Rosen. 446 p. O Coluabia University Press: 31Hay77; A87U636.
A874637. Research techniques for prograa planning, aonitoring, and evaluation. By Irwin Epstein £ Tony Tripodi. 178 p. Coluabia Oniversity Press; 14Jun77; Ae74637.
A874638. Escape froa predicaaent: neo-Confu- cianisa and China's evolving political culture. By Thoaas A. Hetzger. 303 p. O Coluabia University Press; 14Jun77; A874638.
A874639. Poland in the twentieth century. By H. K. Oziewanowski. 309 p. Coluabia Oniversity Press; 14Jun77; A874639.
A874640. Prograa behavior: aodels and aeasu- reaents. By Jeffrey R. Spirn. 277 p. (Operating and prograaaing systeas series) Elsevier Sorth- Holland, Inc.; 5Hay77; Ae74640.
4874641. Betal statistics, 1977. Coapiled by staff of pairchild Publications. 70th annual ed. 400 p. Pairchild Pub- lications, division of Capital Cities Bedia, Inc.; 23Jun77; 4874641.
A874642. First printing of Aaerican authors. Vol. 1. Series editor: Hatthew Joseph Bruccoli 6 other editors. 432 p. Appl. au: Gale Research Coapany. O Gale Research Coapany: 17Jun77: A874642.
A874643. Stratigraphic, paleontologic, and paleoenvironaental analysis of the Opper Cretaceous rocks of Ciaarron County, northwestern Oklahoaa. By Erie G. Kauffaan, Donald E. Hattin 6 J. Dan Powell. 150 p. e aicrofiche. Add. ti: Analysis of Opper cretaceous rocks, Ciaarron County, Oklahoaa C The Geological Society of Aaerica, Inc.; 29Jun77: A8746U3.
A674644. Exploring world cultures. By Esko E. Hewhill e Oaberto La Paglia. 617 p. «H: editorial revision £ additional text. Ginn and Coapany, Xerox Corporation; 3Jan77: A874644.
A874645. Aaerican historf for today. By Hargaret Stiaaann Branson. 59* p. IB: editorial revision C additional text. O Ginn and Coapany, Xerox Corporation; 3Jan77; A874645.
A874646. Instruaentation in the hearing sciences. By David L. HcPherson G John Hilllaa Thatcher, illus. by Diane HcPherson. 181 p. O Grune and Stratton, Inc. ; 20Jas77; A874646.
A874647. A Personal book. By Dorothy T. Bodgecs. 188 p. O Dorothy Bodgers; 4Bay77; A874647.
A874648. A Personal book. By Dorothy P. Bodgers. 188 p. Appl. au: Helen Barcus. O on illus. appearing in p. viii. bottoa, left to right: Helen Barcus; 4Bay77; A874648.
A874649. Turning points: essays on the art of science fiction. Edited by Daaon Francis Knight. 303 p. HB: coapilation C additional text. O Daaon Knight: 23Feb77; 4874649.
A874650. Job speaks. By David Rosenberg. 101 p. A few chapters first appeared in Sun C others. David Rosenberg: 30Bar77: A874650.
A8746S1. Barkets and aorals. Edited by Gerald Dworkln, Gordon Beraant C Peter G. Brown. 206 p. Beaisphere Publishing Cor- poration; 5JU177; A874651.
A874652. Security analysis and portfolio aanageaent: an analytical approach to investaents. By Steven E. Bolten. 510 p. Enl. C expanded version of Investaent analysis. HB: bibliography t additions. O Holt. Binehart and Winston, Inc.; 17Jan72: A874652.
A874653. A Buaor of war. By Philip Capoto. 346 p. O Philip Caputo; 26Apr77: 4874653.
A874654. Good stones. By Anne Berrick Epstein, illustrated by Susan Beddaugb. 204 p. O Anne Berrick Epstein; 4Apr77: A874654.
A874655. Statistical reasoning in sociology. By John B. Bueller, Karl F. Schuessler t Herbert L. Costner. 3rd ed. 544 p. Houghton Biff lis coapany: 3Jan77; A874655.
A874656. Hatching birds: an introduction to ornithology. By Roger Parrel Pasquier. illustrated by Hargaret La Farge, foreword by Roger Tory Peterson. 301 p. O Roger Parrel Pasquier: 2Hay77; A874656.
A874657. Horses and tack. By H. Eugene Enssinger. 446 p. H. E. Ensainger; 13Jun77; A874657.
1874658. Track: on rebuilding a worn-out pickup, and other post-technological adventures. By John Jeroae, with drawings by the author. 145 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 3. 7, 12 6 17. Portions prev. pub. in Car and driver 6 otiiers. John Jeroae: 21Peb77: A874658.
Tour garden hoaestead. on inches, yards.
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