4913588 - 4913631
JUL-DEC. 1977
A913588. Best's Florida diqest, October 1977. 320 p. Vest publishiog CoHpaDy; 130ct77: 4913588.
4913589. Uest*s Massachusetts leqislative service. 1977. No. 5. p. »87-717. O Hest PubXisbinq Coipany: 170ct77; 4913589.
4913590. New Jersey sessioo law service* 1977 laws. No. 1. p. 399-5i»8. O lest Publishinq Co»pany: 19Sep77; 4913590.
4913591. Best's Mississippi diqest, October 1977. 75 p. Suppleaents 1977 pocket parts. Best Publishinq Company; 190ct77; 4913591.
4913592. Pordon's Pennsylvania leqislative service. 1977. No. 2. p. 87-303. 4ppl. au: Best Publishinq Company, employer for hire. Best Publishinq Company & Georqe T. Bisel Company: 21Sep77; 4913592.
4913593. aichiqan compiled laws annotated. Sept. 1977 pamphlet. 393 p. Supplements Hichiqan compiled laws annotated. Hichiqan court rules annotated & Hichiqan court rules. 1977 pamphlet. Best Publishinq company; 23Sep77; 4913593.
4913594. Best's 4nnotated California codes. Oct. 1977 cumulative pamphlet. 1083 p. O Best Publishinq company; 200ct77: 491J59K.
4913595. Illinois leqislative service, 1977. No. 5. p. 417-10911. C Best Publishinq company: 60ct77; 4913595.
4913596. Best's California leqislative service, 1977-1978. No. 7. p. 1077-1899. O Best Publishinq Company: 70ct77: 4913596.
4913 597. Purdon's Pennsylvania statutes annotated. Sept. 1977 pamphlet. 739 p. Supplements Pocket parts for use in 1977-1978. Eules of appellate procedure, 1977 pamphlet, Bules of criminal procedure. 1977 pamphlet fi Pennsylvania rules of court, 1977 pamphlet. 4ppl. au: Best Publishinq Company, employer for hire. O Best Publishinq Company & Georqe T. Bisel company: 22Sep77: 4913597.
4913598. flunicipal code, city of HcHenry. Illinois; adopted 4uq. 1. 1977. effective Oct. 1, 1977. 1 V. e aunicipal Code corporation: 30ct77; 4913598.
4913599. Code of ordinances, city of Seaqoville. Texas: adopted July 5, 1977. effective Sept. 1, 197 7. 1 V. Hunicipal Code Corporation; 30ct77; 4913599.
4913500. Code of ordinances of the city of Graceville, Florida; adopted 4uq. 9. 1977. effective Oct. 1. 1977. 1 v. O Hunicipal Code Corporation; 29Sep77: 4913600.
4913601. Dunnell Minnesota diqest. third edition. Vol. 1-2 5. 1977 cumulative pocket parts. Multiple volumes. Mason Publishinq Company; 9Nov77; 4913601.
4913602. Spellinq: the application of research findings. By Buel 4. 411red. 51 p. National Education 4ssociation of the United states; 7Feb77 : 4913602.
4913603. Values education. By Michael Silver. 128 p. O National Education 4ssociation of the United States: 15Nov76: 4913603.
4913604. Science fiction as literature. By John 4quino. 64 p. O National Education 4ssociation of the Onited States; 244uq7e: 4913604.
4913605. Mainstreaminq. with special emphasis on the educable mentally retarded. By Mar-jorie Batson. iiitrod. by Myron Brenton. pref. by Myra MacPherson. 80 p. 4dd. ti: Mainstreaminq the educable mentally retarded. NM: new text. O National Education 4ssociation of the Onited States: 154uq75 (on copies: copyright 1975, rev. ed. 1977); 4913605.
4913606. Minicourses. By Hilliam Bay Ueitzmann. 120 p. NM: new text. National Education 4ssociation of the Onited states: 6Dec76 (in notice: 1977): 4913606.
4913607. Values education and the study of other cultures. By 41an L. LocJcwood. 30 p. d National Education 4ssociation of the Dnlted States: 22Sep76: 4913607.
4913608. Parent involvement in the schools. Editor: G. John Berclay. 48 p. 4ppl. au: NE4. O National Education 4ssociation of the United States; 10Jun77: 4913608.
4913609. Firm foundations. Book 3. By Billiam E. Kofmehl, Jr.. illus. by Sobert S. Bice. 79 p. 4ppl. au: Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. Q Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. ; 1Dec76: 4913609.
4913610. Firm foundations, a pre-reading program. By Billiam E. Kofmehl. Jr., illus. by fiobert S. Bice. 81 p. Appl. au: Literacy and Evangelism, Inc. C Literacy and Evangelism. Inc.; 1Dec76; 4913610.
4913611. Firm foundations. Book 1. By Billiam E. Kofmehl, Jr.. illus. by Bobert S. Bice. 48 p. 4ppl. au: Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. 6 Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. ; 1Dec76: 4913611.
4913612. Firm foundations. Book 2. By Billiam E. Kofmehl, Jr.. illus. by Bobert S. Bice. 61 p. 4ppl. au: Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. Literacy and Evangelism, Inc. ; lDec76; 4913612.
4913613. Firm foundations; teacher's guide. By Billiam E. Kofmehl, Jr., illus. by Bobert S. Bice. 55 p. 4ppl. au: Literacy and Evangelism, Inc. Literacy and Evanqelism, Inc.; 1Dec76: 4913613.
4913614. Firm foundations. Book 4. By Billiam E. Kofmehl, Jr., illus. by Bobert s. Bice. 65 p. 4ppl. au: Literacy and Evangelism, Inc. Literacy and Evangelism. Inc. ; lDec76; 4913614.
4913615. 4n Operator's guide for the Computer Software. Inc.. generalized mortgage closing system prepared for Nixdorf Computer. Inc. Prepared by Computer Software. Inc. 1 v. 6 Computer Software. Inc.; 224ug77; 4913615.
4913616. Hippo. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) Jean Bilkinson; 26Mar76: 4913616.
4913617. Hen. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals] O Jean Bilkinson: 26Mar76: 4913617.
4913618. Elephant. By Jean Bilkinson. sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) O Jean Bilkinson; 26Har76; 4913618.
4913619. Babbit. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) Jean Bilkinson; 26Mar76; 4913619.
4913620. Frog. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) Jean Bilkinson; 26aar76; 4913620.
4913621. Lion. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) O Jean Bilkinson; 26Mar76; 4913621.
4913622. Butterfly. By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) Jean Bilkinson; 26Har76; 4913622.
4913623. Owl, By Jean Bilkinson. Sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) O Jean Bilkinson; 26Mar76: 4913623.
4913624. Truck. By Jean Bilkinson. sheets (3 p.) in envelope. (Down on the farm originals) 6 Jean Bilkinson; 26Mar76: 49 13624.
4913625. Food service management and control: the profitable approach. By Caesar Villano with Gloria B. Eaqan. 178 p. Lebhar- Friedman Books; 29Jul77; 4913625.
4913626. Betail personnel management. By Bollin Glaser. 434 p. O Lebhar-Friedman Books; 314ug77; 4913626.
4913627. Store planning and design. By 4dolph Novak written with James Tolman. 235 p. e Lebhar-Friedman Books; 29Jul77: 4913627.
4913628. Designing restaurant interiors: a guide for food service operators. By Harry Backus. 92 p. Lebhar-Friedman Books; 31May77; 4913628.
4913629. Checkmate at Buweisat: 4uchinleck's finest hour. By Donald Grey Brownlov. foreword by Peter lounq. 209 p. NM: compilation of photos. S all oew text. Donald Grey Brownlow ; 260ct77: 4913629.
4913630. 4nti-apartheid: transnational conflict and Bestern policy in the liberation of South 4frica. By George B. Shepherd. Jr. 246 p. (Studies in human rights, no. 3) O Center on International fiace Belations; 26Aug77; 4913630.
4913631. 4fricans and Seminoles: from removal to emancipation. By Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr. 278 p. (Contributions in 4fro- 4merican and African studies, no. 32)
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