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JUL-DEC. 1977

&913397 (con.) Janes Francis Bates. Hiccofila. Jaaes Francis Bates; 15Sep77; A913397.

A913398. Helville's man: the character of bceakdovn. Bt Christopher Kim Hollas, nicrofila. 6 Christopher Kin Bollas; 15Sep77: 4913398.

A913399. The Theoloqy of Karl Barth as an interpretative key to the fiction of John Dpdike. By iilliaa Bay Heal. Microfilm. Rilliaa Bay Heal; 15Sep77; 1913399.

A913II00. Variant readings in Gudmundur And- resson's Icelandic-Latin dictionary: a prolegomenon. By Donald Robert Jacoby. HicrofilB. Donald Bobert Jacoby: 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976): A913a00.

A913401. The Relationship betnecn years of Hontessori schooling and student learning outcomes. By Hecheline Heuwese-Bibberink. Microfil*. e Secheline Beuiiese-Eibberink; 15Sep77: A913U01.

A913it02. Hedical thermography: a bibliometric approach to a new concept. By Ann Belmuth Shimko. uicrofilm. Ann Belauth Shimko; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A913402.

A9 131103. A Study of the youth revitalization movement with two ethnographic examples. By Ashley Dean Harable, Jr- Hicrofilm. e Ashley Dean Harable, Jr.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A913»03.

A913404. The Effects of chronic lead acetate administration on fixed interval performance in the rat. By Deborah Ann Slechta. Hicrofilm. Deborah Ann Slechta: 15Sep77; A9 13101.

A913105. Identification of behavioral responses of preschool— age children before, during, and after hospitalization in a pediatric intensive care unit. By Bita aary Carty. Microfilm. C Eita Mary Carty; 15Sep77: A913105.

A91310e. High efficiency gas-solid chromatog- raphic columns. By Jerry Marvin demons. Microfilm. Jerry Marvin demons; 15Sep77: A913106.

A913407. A Computer data acquisition and control system for turbulence research. By Paul Jay Belnmiller. Microfilm. Paul Jay Heinmiller; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A913107.

A913I108. BelatioQship of language ability to symbolic operations in the acquisition of the conservation concept. By Elizabeth D. Boepple. Microfilm. Elizabeth D. Boepple; 15Sep77; A913108.

A913109. The Influence of laterality training upon visual discrimination of direction in kindergarten children: an experiment in cross-modal transfer. By Stephanie Hemser O'Callaghan. Microfilm. O Stephanie Nemser O'Callaghan; 15Sep77; A913109.

A913110. A Physiological and genetic approach to the identification of the mechanism of action of epidermal growth factor. By Bebecca Cheryl Hatteson Pruss. Microfilm. O Bebecca Cheryl Matteson Pruss; 15Aug77; A913110.

A913111. An Individualized, alphabetic, and vocabulary-controlled shorthand program. By Jeremy Mark Grossman. Hicrofilm. e Jeremy Mark Grossman; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A913111.

A913112. The Mest Street Theatre, Annapolis, Maryland: 1771-1774. By Martha Ann Chidsey. Microfilm. © Martha Ann Chidsey; 15Sep77; A913412.

A913413. Lived inner silence: an attitude of expectancy. By Sister Anita Louise Viens, S.S.Ch. Microfilm. O Sister Anita Louise Viens, S.S.Ch.; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A913413.

A913411. The Pension and Profit-Sharing Beporter, September 1977. 7 p. Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913414.

A913415. Tax Trends, September 1977. 7 p. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc. ; 29Aug77: A913415.

A913416. Hatch out for breakdowns if your financial plans aren't in line with today's economy. 7 p. (Estate and Tax Topics, Sept. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913116.

A913417. Down to Business. Vol. 1, no. 9, Sept. 1977. Polder. Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77: A913417.

A913418. The collector's estate — a look at some income and estate tax problems it may create. Polder. (The Estate Analyst, Sept. 1977) O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913118.

A913119. A Thoughtful gift, made in trust, can assure continuing security and enjoyment for someone you love. Folder. (New Directions in financial planning. Sept. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913119.

A913420. Don't you be fooled by the illusory attractiveness of joint ownership: it could cost your family plenty! Folder. (Honey Matters, Sept. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire. Inc.; 29Aug77; A913120.

A913421. Becent Decisions affecting wills, trusts and taxation (with estate planning comment) September 1977. 7 p. e Kennedy Sinclaire. Inc.; 29Aug77; A9 13421.

A913122. You can make your family's future more secure by starting now to develop a sound financial plan. Folder (5 p.) (Tax Talks, Sept. 1977) Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913122.

A913423. Honey saving facts about year end giving: learn how proper timing of your gift can stretch the value of your deductions — especially under our new income tax laws. Folder (5 p.) (Economy of Giving) S Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Auq77; A913423.

A913424. Judqinq by appearances can lead to costly consequences: it's true in finemcial planning as well as other aspects of everyday life. Folder. O Kennedy Sinclaire, Inc.; 29Aug77; A913424.

A913425. Star of hope for the dying, January 8, 1978. By Frank Lee. Folder. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. 6 Liguori Publications: 310ct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A913425.

A913126. Human rights in today's world, January 15, 1978. By Hugh J. O'Connell. Folder. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. 6 Liguori Publications; 310ct77 (in notice: 1978); A913426.

A913427. How far do civil rights extend? January 29, 1978. By Hugh J. O'Connell. Folder. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications: 310ct77 (in notice: 1978) ; A9 13427.

A913428. Scrupulosity, January 22, 1978. By John Parnik. Folder. Appl. au: Liguori Publications. Liguori Publications; 310ct77 (in notice: 1978); A913428.

A913429. Introductory geology: laboratory manual. By Jack i. Travis. 1 v. Appl. states Onited States copyright not claimed in any material taken from United States sources. e Jack «. Travis; 12Jul77: A913129.

A913130. Nutrition and activity for weight control. By Marylou J. Morgan, pho- tographic work: Denise Dedman, Mary Virginia Morgan £ Thomas E. Morgan. 124 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material taken from United States sources. NM: text 6 illus. Marylou J. Morgan; 21Sep77; A913430.

A913131. Laboratory experiments in General chemistry. Editors: Nilliam L. Mecay, James E. Johnson 6 George H. Stewart. 100 p. 6 Department of Chemistry, a department of Texas Roman's Oniversity (in notice: Department of Chemistry, Texas ioman's Oniversity, Denton); 29Aug77; A913131.

A9 13132. Laboratory exercises for Introductory physical geography 1 and 2. By Gary S. Elbow, C. Judy Davidson E Celeste F. Pardee, issued by Texas Tech Oniversity, Lubbock. 135 sheets in envelope. Accompanied by 0. s. Geological Survey map. Onited States copyright not claimed in any material taken from Onited States sources. Gary S. Elbow, C. Judy Davidson E Celeste F. Pardee; 19Aug77; A913132.

A913133. Fundamental piping design handbook. By Albert H. Butledge 6 Iva D. Butledge. 523 p. Albert H. Butledge E Iva D. Butledge; 4Sep77; A9 13133.

A913131. The Kindergarten log. By Mary Jackson Ellis B Joy Ellis Bartlett. 75 p. T. S. Denison and Company, Inc. ; 7Nov77; A913131.

A913135. BELO sales success program; leader guide. 1 v. Appl. au: Seal Estate Education Company- NM: additions 6 revisions. (9 Development Systems Corporation; 15Jul77; A9 13135.

A913436. Fly tyer- Developed under the direction of the Dtah State Board for Vocational Education. 24 p. (Industrial arts career exploration, career no. 11) Appl. au: Gary Campbell. Otah State Board for

Vocational Education; 1Jan77; A9 13436.


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