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JUL-DEC. 1977

4913353. Believinq Bible study; key to the space aqe. By Edward P. Hills, illus. by ACDOld JODlcer. 2nd ed. 258 p. O Ed«ard t. Hills: 15No»77: J9133b3.

A91335II. Code of ethics. 8 p. Delaware Trust COBpany: 15No»77; A91335l».

A9 13355. OesiqDers, specifiers and buyers handbook for perforated netals. 96 p. O Industrial Perforators Association, Inc.; 19Apr77; A913355.

A913356. Stained qlass and wood decorative light fixtures. 16 p. (Bainbow series '78) Interiors Collaborati»e. Inc.; 16Nov77: A913356.

A913357. Dental treatnent of the spinal cord iniured patient. By nark H. Schubert, aichele Snow t Doris J. Stiefel. 1 v. e Hark H. Schubert. Hichele Snow e Doris J. Stiefel; 22Sep77; A913357.

A913358. The Gospel of Saint Paul. By Bain L. HcKinnon. 46 p. C Bain L. HcKinnon; 22Bar77: A913358.

A913359. To the churches. By Bain L. HcKinnon. 15 p. O Bain L. HcKinnoo; 1Noy77: A913359.

A913360. Beckaan aodel 126 data systen ins- truction aanual. 1 v. Beckaan Instruaents. Inc.; 1Auq77: A913360.

A913361. The Barqaininq process: offered acceptance. By E. Allan Farnsworth. p. 135-305. (An Introduction to the law of contracts, chap. 3) © E. Allan Far- nsworth; 3Nov77: A913361.

A913362. Psychoeducationai therapy: an int- roduction. By Hichael P. Cutrona. 2 p. O Hichael p. cutrona: 12No»77: A913362.

A913363. Bank vault alara systea. 2 p. 6 American District Teleqraph Company; tNov77: A913363.

A9133611. Cardqard 2 hotel security systen. 2 p. Aierican District Teleqraph Coapany; HNOV77; A91336").

4913365. Bank security froa ADT: we look at protection fron your viewpoint. 8 p. American District Teleqraph Coapany; 1Nov77: A913365.

A9 13366. Photoelectric beam instrusion detection. 2 p. NH: revisions & new illus. O Aaerican District Teleqraph Coapany; ltNov77: A913366.

A913367. Thouqbt soccer. By Donald Davis. 18 p. Donald Davis; 7Apr77: A9 13367.

A913368. Black poetry. By Han, pseud, of Donald Davis. 10 p. O Donald Davis; 21Feb77; A913368.

4913369. Take in soccer and take it up, all you need to know about soccer to enloy it! 26 p. Appl. au: Luis H. Garcia. O Luis H. Garcia: 11lllov77; A913369. naamals. Green. <

4913370. Ln the wonderful world of 2 p. 4ppl. au: Villiaa S. Hilliam S. Green; 16Nov77:

A913371. Denver's Civic Center: a walking tour. By David Kent Ballast. 1 v. David Kent Ballast; 15llov77; A913371.

A913372. Climbers/hikers photoaap guide to the High Olympics of Uashington. 2 folders. (Pic-Tour guide maps) Appl. au: Bobert H. Kinzebach. O Bobert H. Kinzebach; 30Sep77; A913372.

A913373. olyapic peninsula, olyapic National Park. Photo: Bobert H. Kinzebach. 2 folders. (Pic-Tour guide maps) Bobert M. Kinzebach; 29Jun77; A913373.

A913374. BiD*fa: the tao of war; the game of oriental strategy and conquest. Kit. NH: revisions 6 additional text C diagrams. Taoist Arts, Inc.; 120ct77; A91337'(.

4913375. Hypnosis of dying an Appl. au: Roy Masters. 1HOV77; A9 13375.

A913376. The Hypnosis of sin. death. 17 p. Boy Hasters. Boy Ha O Boy Hasters; A913376.

A913377. A Comparative analysis of the aat- hematical achievement of students taaqht by three distinctly different modes of instruction. By Katie Lee Cochran Thompson. dicrofilm. Katie Lee Cochran Thompson; 15Sep77; A913377.

A913378. The Effects of reward and contingent reinforcement on satisfaction and task performance — a re-examination. By Bobert Elmo Craft, Jr. Microfilm. C Bobert Elmo Craft, Jr.; 15Sep77; A91J378.

A913379. American immigration to Australia, 1945 to the present. By Dennis Laurence Cuddy. Hicrofilm. O Dennis Laurence Cuddy; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); A913379.

4913380. Design as a factor in elderly coping ability and satisfaction. By Ann Edwards Sloan Devlin. Hicrofilm. O Ann Edwards Sloan Devlin; 15Sep77; A913380.

A913381. The Hatarity of Dickens' flartin Chuzzlewit. By Ernest Lowell Hartin. Hicrofilm. O Ernest Lowell Hartin; 15Sep77; 4913381.

A913382. Experiment in matching the structure of instructional modules on astrophysics to cognitive levels aaong urban comaunity college students. By Dinah L. Hoche. Hicrofilm. O Dinah L. Hoche; 15Auq77: A913382.

A913383. The Structure of nucleic acids as revealed by sediaentation in aqueous neutral trichloroacetates- By Bae Lyn Burke. Hicrofila. O Bae Lyn Burke; 15Sep77; A913383.

A9133814. Pharnacological and endocrinoloqical effects of thyrotropin-releasing horaone (TfiU) and a structural analogue of TfiH ([non-printable data ]-alanine TSH) in rats and aice. By Charles Barnet Nemeroff. Hicrofila. O Charles Barnet Bemeroff; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A913384.

A913385. The Late 4th millennium universe of a highland comaunity in Iran: problems of Proto-Elam and Jamdat Nasr Hesopotaaia. By Daniel Thomas Potts. Hicrofilm. Daniel Thomas Potts; 15Sep77; A913385.

A913386. A Study of some factors which increase the likelihood of joining and benefiting from a personal growth group. By Jerry Dean Epps. Hicrofila. Q Jerry Dean Epps; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); A913386.

A913387. Decision reliability and classification validity for decision oriented criterion- referenced tests. By Jane Faggen. Hicrofilm. Jane Faggen; 15Sep77; A913387.

A913388. The Political and organizational dynamics of reform in the Onited States House of Bepresentatives. By Herbert Charles Smith. Hicrofilm. Q Herbert Charles Smith; 15Sep77; A913388.

A913389. Beading performance of relaxation trained children. By Davida Dee Padawer. Hicrofila. O Davida Dee Padawer; 15Sep77; A913389.

A913390. Besponse preferences of blacks and rolepiaying whites to affirmative action subscripts in 30b advertisements. By David Bichard HacDonald. Hicrofilm. O David Bichard HacDonald: 1 5Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A913390.

A913391. Adaptive strategies and process on the plains: the 19th century cultural sink. By Alan Hichael Klein. Hicrofila. e Alan Hichael Klein; 15Sep77: A9 13391.

A91339 2. A Hodel for multi-period regional wastewater planning. By Cheng Bsiung Chiang. Hicrofilm. Cheng Hsiung Chiang; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976); 4913392.

A913393. Analysis of the degree to which teachers realize unified science guidelines. By Hicah Atsiaya Oriedo. Hicrofilm. 6 Hicah Atsiaya Oriedo; 1S4ug77; 49 13393.

A913394. Han's impact on wilderness vegetation: an example from Eagle Cap Hilderness, northeastern Oregon. By David Naylor Cole. Hicrofila. O David Baylor Cole; 15Sep77; A913394.

4913395. Design of task environments for evaluation of aedical diagnosis. By George Mott Bass, Jr. Hicrofila. e George Hott Bass, Jr.; 15Sep77; A913395.

A913396. 4 Study of the relationships between both the cognitive style of the principal and the principal-faculty cognitive style natch and the principal's leadership effectiveness as perceived by the staff. By Bichard Charles Bonen. Hicrofilm. Bichard Charles Bonen; 154ug77; 4913396.

A913397. Exaaination of the subgroups A1 and A2 by microagglutination of erythrocytic

stromal preparations in agar gel. By


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