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A87II583 - A8711620


JUL-DEC. 1977

A874583. Code of Georgia annotated advance annotation service, June 1976-Hay 1977. proiect manager: J. P. Bachian. 194 p. Add. ti: Georgia code annotated advance annotation service, June 1976-May 1977. Appl. au: The Harrison Company. C The Harrison Company: 29Jun77: 4874583.

4874584. Encyclopedia of Georgia law; a complete, narrative S encyclopedic statement of the living lau of Georgia. Vol. 9, 1977 revision. Compiled by James M- Clarlc. 470 p. C The Harrison Company; 27Jan77; A874584.

487U585. The Every other day exercise book; the easy-does-it program for better bodies. By Fern Lebo. 180 p. Prev. pub. as The Fitness myth: a neu approach to exercise. NM: revised introd., pt, 3 S revisions. a tester and Orpen, Ltd.; 23Bay77; A874585.

A874586. The T»ilight's last gleaming: Britain versus America, 1812-1815. By Kate Caffrey. 34 p. C Kate Caffrey; 17Jun77: A874586.

A874587. Aphasia therapeutics. By Mary Coates Longerich & Jean Bordeaux, forewords by Harold Eosen £ Fred B. Moor. 185 p. NM: additions. C Mary Coates Longerich; 17May77; 4874587.

A874588. The Gorgon's head; a study in tragedy and despair. By William R. Brashear. 164 p. e ailliam R. Brashear; 16Bar77; 4874588.

4874589. Maine State industrial directory, 1977. 1 V. & State Industrial Directories Corporation; 1Aug77: 4874589.

4874590. Hou to grow vegetables and herbs from seeds. By Elvin McDonald. 127 p. d Mason/Charter Publishers, Inc. ; 4May77; 4874590.

A874591. Sales management; a tactical approach. By Marvin A, Jolson. 304 p. (Priorities in marketing series) & Mason/Charter Publishers, Inc.; 204pr77; 4874591.

4874592. Japanese Naval Air Force camouflage and markings. World War 2. By Donald w. Thorpe, color 6 other drawings by the author. 192 p. 4ppl. states copyright is not claimed in any material secured from official O.S. Govt, sources. NM; compilation of photos. S text. Q 4ero Publishers, Inc.; 1Apr77; A874592.

A874593. Seashore life of Florida and the Caribbean; a guide to the common marine invertebrates of the Atlantic from Bermuda to the West Indies and of the Gulf of Mexico. By Gilbert L. Voss. 168 p. e Gilbert L. Voss; 23Dec76; A874593.

4874594. Pioneer in the Florida Keys; the life and times of Del Layton. By James HcLendon, with a foreword by Ted Williams. 148 p. C Del Layton; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976): 4874594.

A874595. How to cure yourself of positive thinking. By Donald G. Smith. 114 p. d Donald G. Smith; 14Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A874595.

A874596. SMD 1000W metal detection system. Folder. Sirchie Finger Print Labo- ratories; 1Jun77; 4874596.

A874597. Operating instructions and assembly: Sirchie 825 series 2-pose I.D. cameras; 825P, 825PX. 825P10 £, 825PX10. Folder. Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories: 1Jun77; A874597.

A874598. New finger print evidence presentation kits. Folder. Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories; 27May77: 4874598.

A874599. Operating instructions and assembly: Sirchie MZ107 and MZ108 identification cameras. Vol. no. 1024. Folder. d Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories: 1Jun77; 4874599.

4874600. Jacob Epstein (1880-1959): a loan exhibition; sculpture, drawings, watercolors, October 25-November 30, 1975. 24 p. 4dd. ti: Jacob Epstein: a loan exhibition. Appl. au; Stanton L. Catlin Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, College of Visual and performing Arts (in notice: Lowe Art Gallery, College of visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse Oniversity) ; 250ct75: A874600.

A874601. New Testament studies for homes, schools, churches. By the editorial committee, Hayes School Publishing Company, Inc. 128 p. NM: compilation, abridgment, revisions S text. 6 Hayes School Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Jun77; A874601.

A874602. Behavioral objectives assessment — art show group. 3 p. Appl. au: Anne Hiller Scott 6 Marion zukmann. d Anne Hiller Scott 6 Marion Zukmann; 30Jun77; A874602.

A874603. Review units: a unit approach to individualized instruction in basic math. 1 V. Appl. au: Elbert Heigh Moore 6 Anna Mae Wright. E. H. Moore 6 4. M. Wright: 1NOV76; A874603.

A874604. Self-scoring I.Q. test: intelligence test for adults and children. 1 v. Appl. au: 41fred w. Munzert. O 41frea s. Munzert; 1Mar77; 4874604.

4874605. Hydraulics fundamentals: course 319-1- Developed by General Education Services Department, Chrysler Institute- 101 p. (Management and professional education: skill improvement program) Add, ti: Hydraulic fundamentals. Appl. au: Chrysler Corporation (Chrysler Institute) - e Chrysler Corporation; 2Nov70; A874605. (Oct. 1973 2nd print., deposited)

A874606. 8* FHA annual disclosure table of monthly payments including FHA insurance premium. Publication no. 980. 89 p. NM: additions. 6 Financial Publishing Company; 10Feb77; A874606.

A874607. Love, life and thoughts. By Bonnie Jean, pseud, of Bonnie Jean Schroeder 15 p. d Bonnie J. Schroeder; 1Jun77; A874607.

A874608. Guidelines for research in business communication. Prepared by the Research Committee of the American Business Communication Association, editor: C. Jeanne Lewis. 96 p. Appl. au: C. Glenn Pearce. 6 American Business Communication Association; 7Jun77; A87460B.

A874609. Business communication casebook two. Prepared by the 1976 Reports, Letters and Cases Committee of the American Business Communication Association. 78 p. 4ppl. au: G. Pepper Holland. 6 American Business Communication Association; 29Apr77; A874609.

A874610. Suburban northeast business telephone directory serving Northeast Memphis, Shelby County, including Bartlett, IN, and others, April 1977. C Metro Publishing Company; SMay77: 4874610-

A874611. Anaconda metal hose products. Bulletin 4P(5ED). Folder (3 p..) Appl. au; Robert R. Bellemare. NM: new color, photos. G changes in text. C Anaconda Metal Hose, The Anaconda Company, Brass Division (in notice: Anaconda Metal Hose Division, Anaconda American Brass Company) : 7Sep76; A874611.

A874612. This is Anaconda Metal Hose. Bulletin AMH. Folder. 4ppl. au: Robert R. Bellemare. NM: color photos- & additional text. 6 4naconda Metal Hose, The 4naconda Company, Brass Division; 17Jun77; A874612.

A874613. Anaconda fabritite flexible ducting. Bulletin FPD (2ED) . Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: Robert R. Bellemare. NM: additions. O Anaconda Metal Hose, The Anaconda Company, Brass Division; 24Nov76; A874613.

A874614. Anaconda Teflon hose products: series 290 Teflon hose. Bulletin TFE (2ED) . 7 p. Appl. au; Robert R. Bellemare- NM: additions- 6 Anaconda Metal Hose, The Anaconda Company, Brass Division; 13Dec76; 4874614-

A874615. Anaconda expansion joints- Bulletin XJ (4ED). 11 p. Appl. au: Robert E. Bellemare. NM; additions and revisions. e Anaconda Metal Hose, The Anaconda Company, Brass Division; 2May77: A874615.

A874616. Anaconda expansion joints: engineering guide. Bulletin XJE. 15 p. Appl- au: Robert R- Bellemare- NM: text, photos- 6 charts- Anaconda Metal Hose, The Anaconda Company, Brass Division: 25Aug76: 4874616-

A874617. Available exclusively from Herder's cutlery: trident blade block sets. Folder- O Herder's Cutlery, Inc-; 10May77: A874617.

A874618. Foundations for equipment and machinery, 1920-1972; annotated. ACI bibliography no. 11. Prepared by American Concrete Institute Committee 351. 47 p. Appl. au; American Concrete Institute. 6 American Concrete Institute; 16May77; A874618.

A874619. Douglas die heads, chasers. 17 p. d Regal-Beloit Corporation (in notice: Douglas Tools Division, Regal-Beloit Corporation); 1Jun77: A8746 19.


Advances in experimental social


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