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A913138 - A913179


JUL-DEC. 1977

&91313B. Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of vitamin C; a co-twin control study. By Judy Ann zlaner Biller. Hicrofiln. e Judy Ann Ziuner Biller; 1tOct77; A9 13138.

A913139. Telencephalic efferent pathways and feeding behavior in the pigeon (Colunba Livia) By Eichard H. Levine. Hicrofila. Bichard B. Levine; 15Jul77; A913139.

A913110. Black Hationalisa as a theae in African political thought in South Africa, 19113-1973. By Gail Margaret Gerhart. Hicrofila. Gail Margaret Gerhart; 15JU177; A913140.

A91311H. Kaen playing and Mavlun singing in northeast Thailand. By Terry Ellis Miller. Microfila. Terry Ellis Miller; iaoct77; A9131H1.

A9 13142. Effects of modeling, instructions, and personality on affective sensitivity behavior. By Michael Lawrence Byan. Microfila. Michael Lawrence Byan; 15Aug77; A913142.

A913143. Levan as a virulence deterainant of Actinoayces viscosus. By Tiaothy Heal iarner. Microfila. Tiaothy Heal Warner: 140ct77: A913143.

A913144. Aspects of fidelity and infidelity in the eighteenth-century French novel froa Chasles to Laclos. By Shawncey Jay iebb. Microfila. Shawncey Jay Iebb; 140ct77; A913144.

A913145. An Analysis of change in a Catholic elementary school in Otah — ten years after the Second Vatican Council. By Francis Billiaa Boe. Microfila. Francis Billiaa Boe; 15Sep77; A913145.

A913146. The Autonomy of American subsidiaries of European enterprises in aarket deci- sionmaking. By Jacgaes Picard. Microfila. Jacgues Picard; 15Jul77: &913146.

A913147. Peru's urban aigrant children learn folktales: developaental acgnisition of narrative skill in a Quechua-migrant sguatter settleaent in Areguipa. By Elizabeth Jean Mayo Maclaughlin. Hicrofila. Elizabeth Jean Mayo MacLaughlin; 140ct77; A9 13147.

A91314e. Planning the optiaum utilization of preassigned and deaand assignment services in domestic satellite telecoaaunication systems. By Angel Dionisio Velasquez Abarca. Microfila. d Angel Dionisio Velasguez Abarca; 15Jun77: A913148.

A913149. Standards to guide implementation of comprehensive school safety programs, fly Andrew Joseph Sorlne. Microfila. Andrew Joseph Sorine; 140ct77: A913149.

A913150. Ho1o Shigetoki (1198-1261) and his role in the history of political and ethical ideas in Japan. By Benrik Carl Trolle Steenstrup. Microfila. e Benrik Carl Trolle Steenstrup: 140ct77; A9131S0.

A913151. De facto obligation; historical and theoretical perspectives. By Linda Susan Marasco. Microfilm. Linda Susan Marasco: 15Jul77; A913151.

A913152. The Partitive article in French of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. By Malcolm Campbell Jacobs. Microfilm. 6 Malcola Campbell Jacobs; 140ct77; A9131S2.

A913153. Child-rearing attitudes of parents whose children are currently enrolled in a college laboratory school setting. By Jimaie Lorene Nelson Battle. Microfilm. e Jiaaie Lorene Nelson Battle; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); 4913153.

A913154. Mass aovement on spoil outslopes of contour surface-Bines, north-central Best Virginia. By Jaaes Paul Beger. Microfila. James Paul Beger; 140ct77; A913154.

A913155. Heterocycles from biaryl isocyanides: phenylnaphthyl and naphthyl phenyl systeas. By Jayantibhai B. Patel. Microfila. e Jayantibhai E. Patel; 140ct77; A913155.

A913156. Hyperbolic geometry and Luneburg*s theory of binocular visual space. By Rayne Michael Zage. Microfilm, e Hayne Michael Zage; 140ct77; 4913156.

A913157. The Coaplexing behavior of benzyl- penillic and benzylpenilloic acids in the presence of cupric ions and amino acids. By Jayant Vithaldas Vasani. Microfilm. Jayant Vithaldas Vasani; 140ct77: A913157.

A913158. A Survey and analysis of selected four-hand, one keyboard, piano literature. By Marcella May Poppen. Microfilm. Marcella May Poppen; 140ct77; A913158.

4913159. Sex differentials in Protestant local church leadership and participation- By Susan Mary Anderson. Hicrofila. 6 Susan Hary Anderson; 140ct77; A913159.

A913160. The Mantle of the prophet: a rhetorical analysis of the guest for Mormon post-martyrdom leadership, 1844-1860. By Douglas Hayne Larche. Microfilm. © Douglas Rayne Larche; 140ct77i A913160.

4913161. From dramatic to cinematic standards: 4aerican silent fila theory and criticism to 1929. By Gregory Joseph Poggi. Microfilm. 6 Gregory Joseph Poggi; 140ct77; 4913161.

A913162. The Eivalry among the Balakirev circle, Alexander Serov and the Russian Musical Society in the 1860«s. By Bobert Clyde Bidenour. Microfilm, e Robert Clyde Bidenour; 140ct77; 4913162.

4913163. Differences between distressed and nondistressed couples in verbal and nonverbal communication codes. By Mary Ellen Yeostros Bubin. Microfilm, e Mary Ellen yeostros Rubin; 140ct77; 4913163.

A913164. A History of the Liberian coasting trade, 1821-1900. By Dwight Nash Syfert. Microfilm. Dwight Hash Syfert; 140ct77; A9 13164.

A913165. The Dissolution of the functional harmonic tonal system, 18 50-1910. By Margery Ann Enix. Microfilm. O Hargery Ann Enix; 140ct77; A913165.

A913166. The Implications in satellite television for social and political change in the Third Borld. By Stewart Ferguson. Microfilm. Stewart Ferguson; 140ct77 (in notice: 1975); A913166.

A913167. 4 Bayesian approach to randomized response sampling. By LeBoy 41vin Franklin. Microfilm, e LeBoy 41vin Franklin; 140ct77; 4913167.

4913168. The Illustrated London news, 1842-52. By 4nn Hofstra Grogg. Microfilm. 4nn Bofstra Grogg; 140ct77; 4913168.

4913169. Energy policy in the 4merican Best: catalyst of regionalism and institutional innovation. By Lynton Baymond Hayes. Microfilm. Lynton Baymond Bayes; 140ct77; 4913169.

4913170. 4n Economic theory of interest groups and public policy. By Michael Ihoaas Hayes. Microfilm. O Michael Thomas Hayes; 140ct77; A91317G.

A913171. The Bole of personnel officers in university libraries. By Epsy learby Bendricks. Microfilm. Epsy learby Hendricks; 140ct77; 4913171.

4913172. The Sephardic Jewish community of Los Angeles: a study in folklore and ethnic identity. By Stephen Stern. Microfilm. e Stephen Stern; 140ct77; A913172.

A913173. An Examination of 4fricau retentions in the folk culture of the South Carolina and Georgia Sea Islands. By Mary Arnold Twining. Microfilm. Mary Arnold Twining; 140ct77; A913173.

4913174. 4 Hoble bargain: the Louisiana Purchase. By Suzanne R. Van Meter. Microfilm. © Suzanne B. Van Meter; 140ct77; 4913174.

4913175. On success avoidance in women: a comparative study of psychoanalytic theories. By Elaine Felix Cherry. Microfilm. O Elaine Felix Cherry; 140ct77; 4913175.

4913176. Sequential cognitive developaental stages of racial self-images in 4fro- 4fflerican children. By Mwanza Kambon. Microfilm. C Mwanza Kambon; 140ct77; 4913176.

4913177. 4 Kinetic study of chlorophyll photosensitized reactions in microemulsion media. By Charles Elwood Jones. Microfilm. Charles Elwood Jones; 140ct77; 4913177.

A913178. The Density theorems of additive number theory and Abelian groups: an historical exposition. By Michael steuer. Microfilm. Michael steuer; 140ct77; 4913178.

4913179. Family dynamics of sexual activity in

adolescent females. By Deborah Lee


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