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JUL-DEC. 1977

A913100. Verif iabilitv: the epistenoloqical fouadatioD of loqical empiricism. By Jimmy Dale Shelton. nicrofilm. Jimmy Dale Shelton; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A913100.

1913101. Creativity in landscape architectural education. By Hon Krashny. Hicrofilm. »lon Kyashny; tiioct77: A913101.

A913102. Oltrasonic investiqation of anterior pharyngeal Hall (tonque root) position in syllables containinq tense and lajt vowels. By Ian Roderick Alexander HacKay. Hicrofilm. C Ian Roderick Alexander HacKay; 15Hay77; A913102.

A913103. Haior General A. E. Burnside and the first amendment: a case study of civil Bar freedom of expression. By Craiq Davidson Tenney. Hicrofilm. Craiq Davidson Tenney; ItOct??; A913103.

A91310II. Orlqins of the hormone concept: internal secretions and physioloqical research, 1889-1905. By Herriley Elaine Borell. Hicrofilm. Herriley Elaine Borell; 15JU177 (in notice: 1976); A91310«.

A913105. An lovestiqation into the composlnq process of four twelfth qrade students: case studies based on Junq's personality types, Freudian psychoanalytic eqo psycholoqy and coqnitive functioninq. By James Bichard Brozick. Hicrofilm. James Bichard Brozick; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A913105.

A91310e. The Construction and validation of a scale to measure attitudes toward reliqious education curriculum orqa- nization, content and qoals. By Howard Millard Khite, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Howard Billard Bhite, Jr.; 1itOct77; A913106.

A913107. The Perception of four relationship factors as related to outcome scores in social casework treatment. By Oscar G. Korte. Hicrofilm. O Oscar G. Korte; 15JU177; A913107.

A913108. A Comparison of personality variables of achievement, aqqression and dominance amonq female physical education teachers at the elementary, secondary and colleqiate levels. By H. Kathleen Lipkovich. Hicrofilm. H. Kathleen Lipkovich; 1itOct77; A913ia8.

A913109. Social networks of comprehensive health planners: application of models to rural Iowa. By Elizabeth Harie Gilbert. Hicrofilm. e Elizabeth Harie Gilbert; 15Jun77: A913109.

A913110. American folklore and the modern American community festival: a case study of Turtle Days in Churubusco, Indiana. By John Anthony Gutowski. Hicrofilm. e John Anthony Gutowski; 1«Oct77; A913110.

A9 1 3 1 1 1 . The Effects of imaqined scene selection and encouraqement of association on covert reinforcement and covert sensitization. By Diana Graham Pace. Hicrofilm. Diana Graham Pace; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976) ; A913111.

A913112. ibout a school system: their school board. By Burton Ellsworth Goodrich, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Burton Ellsworth Goodrich, Jr.; 15Jun77; A913112.

A913113. Artistry among Kasem speaking peoples of northern Ghana. By Edward Anthony OeCarbo, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Edward Anthony DeCarbo, Jr.; 1i40ct77; A913113.

A91311it. The Reformed theology of Gerard fioussel. Bishop of Oloron (1536-1555), based upon a critical edition of his Familiere exposition du simbole, De la loy et oraison donioicale en forme de collogue and his Forme de visite de diocese (circa 15148) By Paul Joseph Landa. Hicrofilm. Paul Joseph Landa; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976) ; A91311it.

A913115. The Social construction of psychiatric reality: a study of diagnostic procedures in a forensic psychiatric institution. By Stephen Joseph Pfohl. Hicrofilm. O Stephen Joseph Pfohl; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A913115.

A913116. Hissiooary reforms in Indiana, 1826-1860: education, temperance, antislavery. By Hare Billiam Bimberly 2nd. Hicrofilm. 6 Bare Billiam Bimberly 2nd: 140ct77; A913116.

A913117. The Angel of light tradition in Biblical commentary and English literature of the Hiddle Ages and Renaissance. By Jane Horqan Barry. Hicrofilm. O Jane Horgan Barry; 15Jul77; A913117.

A913118. The Effects of a sex role awareness seminar on male sex role perceptions and personality rigidity in graduate men. By Stuart Robert carter. Hicrofilm. e Stuart Robert Carter: 15Jun77; A913118.

A913119. Nupe crafts: the dynamics of change in 19tb and 20th century weaving and brassworking. By Judith Harie Perani. Hicrofilm. Judith Harie Perani; 1l(Oct77; A913119.

A913120. An Examination of the relationship between the dominant concerns of student teachers and their classroom teaching behaviors. By Janet Hiller Johnston. Hicrofilm. Janet Hiller Johnston; 15Jul77 (in notice: 1976); A913120.

A913121. Crime and criminal justice in antebellum Indiana: Harion County as a case study. By David Jackson Bodenhamer. Hicrofilm. O David Jackson Bodenhamer; 1tOct77; A913121.

A913122. Acts, omissions, and integrity. By Nancy Ellen Davis. Hicrofilm. O Nancy Ellen Davis; 15Auq77 (in notice: 1976); A913122.

A913123. Parent-Child interaction on the family drawing test as an indication of withdrawn behavior in children. By Carolyn Bridges Bauknight. Hicrofilm. O Carolyn Bridges Bauknight; 11tOct77; A913123.

A9131214. The Effect of systematic desensit ization on pre-match anxiety states among collegiate wrestlers. By Billiam August Blacksmith. Hicrofilm. e Billiam August Blacksmith; 140ct77; A9131211.

A913125. Residential flat plate solar energy systems technology: content identification and heuristic instructional module development. By Iver Henry Johnson. Hicrofilm. O Iver Henry Johnson; 1«0ct77; A913125.

A913126. Responses to reinforcement as a function of locus-of-control patterns in socially maladjusted, institutionalized, teen-aged boys. By Hiriam Cuiqley Billiams. Hicrofilm. O Hiriam Quigley Billiams; 15Jun77; A913126.

A913127. The Effects of middle ear muscle contraction upon high level exposure to pure tones and upon the transmission of low level pure tones. By Claudia Diane Lemon. Hicrofilm. O Claudia Diane Lemon; 1ltOct77; A91J127.

A913128. Social solidarity and constructive typology — a socio-historical case study of Tristan Da Cunha. By Charles E. Harske. Hicrofilm. O Charles E. Harske; 15Aug77; A913128.

A9I3129. Status inconsistency and mental health. By James B. Fuson* Jr. Hicrofilm. O James B. Fuson, Jr.; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A913129.

A913130. Children's reports of choice as related to selected factors. By Hary Lou Spickerman Parker. Hicrofilm. Hary Lou Spickerman Parker; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A913130.

A913131. The Enforcement of state fair employment practice laws: a case study of the Best Virginia Human Rights Commission. By Hoyt Alexander King. Hicrofilm. Hoyt Alexander King; 1UOct77; A913131.

A913132. The Marketing and production of innovation: the Taxco silver industry. By Gobi Stromberg. Hicrofilm. e Gobi Stromberg; 15Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A913132.

A913133. Optimal policy development for combined thermal and hydroelectric pumped storage generator systems. By Abdelhamid A. El-Sawy. Hicrofilm. Abdelhamid A. El-Sawy; 1<lOct77; A913133.

A913131. The Communication of messages and oracles as a narration medium in the old Testament. By Ann Hargaret Vater. Hicrofilm. O Ann Hargaret Vater; 15JU177; A91313'l.

A913135. The Letters of Anna Hary Howitt to Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon. By Lenore Ann Beaky. Hicrofilm. NH: prelim, pages part one, table of letters of bibliog- raphy. C Lenore Ann Beaky; 15Jul77; A913135.

A913136. Relativity and totality: science as structure and imagery in selected texts from Hermann Broch. By Elizabeth Balter-Echols. Hicrofilm. Elizabeth Balter-Echols; 1'IOct77; A913136.

A913137. The Theory and measurement of tenure choice in housing. By Billiam Edward Legg. Hicrofilm. Billiam Edward Legg;

15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A913137.


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