A912816 - A912846
JUL-DEC. 1977
&912815 (con.) & introd. Hyperion Press, Inc.; 210ct77; i912815.
S912816. Chronicle quide to two-year college manors and careers, 1977-1978. 120 p. O Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc.; 15Jun77; &912816.
A912817. Chronicle student aid annual, 1977-1978. 347 p. e Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc.: 50ct77; A912817.
A912818. Chronicle guide to four-year college malors, 1977-1978. 260 p. e Chronicle Guidance Publications, Inc.; 15Jan77; A912818.
A912819. Chronicle college charts, 1977-1978. 262 p. © Chronicle Guidance publications. Inc.; 13Sep77: A912819.
A912820. Reading prescription. Project director: Jack Gevinq, learning diagnostician, reading: Jo Ann Caldwell, curriculum coordinator, language arts: Harry Boux. 337 p. (Chula Vista City School District Bosebank Project: diagnosis and pres- cription for reading and mathematics, pt. 21 Appl. au: chula Vista City School District. Chula Tista City School District: 10Jun77; A912a20.
A9 12821. Mathematics prescription. Project director: Jack Giving,- learning diag- nostician, mathematics: Dale linslow, curriculum coordinator, mathematics: Janet Abbott. 1 V. (Chula vista City School District Bosebank Project: diagnosis and prescription for reading and mathematics, pt. 11 Appl. au: Chula Vista City School District. Chula Vista City School District; 22Jun77; A912821.
&9 12822. Hathematics diagnosis. Project director: Jack Geving, learning diag- nostician, mathematics: Dale linslou, curriculum coordinator, mathematics: Janet Abbott. 1211 p. (Chula vista City School District Bosebank Project: diagnosis and prescription for reading and mathematics, pt. 3) Appl. au: Chula Vista City School District, e Chula Vista City School District: 15aar77: A912822.
A912823. Functional writing; prelim- ed- By Albert D. Van Bostrand, Cyril H. Knoblauch, Peter J. ScGuire 6 Joan Pettiqrew. 1 v. 6 A. D. Van Nostrand; 15Say77; A912823.
A9 12824. Hissouri history. Pt. 1-6 6 pt. 1-6 tests S score keys. Britten 6 edited by Sharon K. Dampf. Multiple volumes 6 sheets. 6 Sharon K. Daapf; 170ct77; A912824.
A912825. Social development. Briter: Sylvia Tester, artist: Ed Lafferty, editor: Anne Blischke. 24 p. £ 12 posters in envelope, ippl. au: David C. Cook Publishing Company. NH: additional text S editorial revision. S David C. Cook Publishing Company: 15May77: A912825.
A9 12826. My community. Briters; Anne Blischke 6 Sandy Ziegler, art director: Ed Eisner, editor: Anne Blischke. 23 p. 6 12 posters in envelope. Appl. au: David C. Cook Publishing Company. SM: additional text 6 editorial revision. O David C. Cook publishing Company: 1Sep77; A9 12826.
A912827. Health and cleanliness. Briter: Anne Blischke, art director: Ed Eisner. 24 p. £ 12 posters in envelope. Appl. au: David C. Cook Publishing Company. KM: additional text 6 editorial revision. David C. Cook Publishing Company; 15Apr77; A912827.
A912828. Journeys into space. By Lucy Floyd, design £ illus. : Diane Nelson. 12 p. 6 3 filmstrips. (Socket reading) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. H47108, in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d. b. a. AIDS of Cape Cod. O Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77; A912828.
A912829. Rocket reading. Developed by Lucy Floyd, design £ illus.: Diane Nelson. 14 p., sheets £ 3 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47108, in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. e Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77; A912829.
A912830. Elizabeth Cady Stanton — "because I am a woman." 8 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. B47109, in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. e Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77: A912830.
A912831. Emily Dickinson — "I'm nobody, who are you?" 9 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47110, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. e Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company: 10ct77: A912831.
A912832. George Gershwin: "Rhapsody in blue." 6 p. 6 filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47111, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. O Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77: A912832.
A912833. Margaret Fuller: brilliant and bold. 9 p. E filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. B47112, in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912833.
A9 12834. Marian Anderson: "once in a hundred years." 9 p. £ filmstrip. (Americaas who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47113, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912834.
A912835. Halt Whitman: "I celebrate myself." 9 p. fi filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. H47114, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company: 15Sep77; A912835.
A9 12836. Frank Lloyd Bright: organic architect. 8 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47115, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company: 15Sep77; A912836.
A912837. Buckminster Fuller: geodesic man. 8 p. 6 filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47116, in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. @ Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77: i912ej7.
A912838. Eugene O'Neill: long day's journey. 9 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47117, N47118 E N47119 B additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77; A912838.
A912839. Balph Baldo Emerson, sage of Concord. 7 p. E filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47117, B47118 B S47119 £ additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912839.
A912840. Louis Brandeis, the great dissenter. 8 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47117, N471ia fi N47119 B additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912840.
A912841. The Good life. 44 p. B 5 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound .recording, reg. N47120, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912841.
A912842. Marcus Garvey: "whirlwind of a storm." 6 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47121, N47122 £ N47123 £ additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company: 10ct77; A912842.
A912843. Stephen Bise, a Jew in America. 5 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47121, N47122 E N47123 £ additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. O Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77; A912843.
A912844. Norman Thomas, an American conscience. 6 p. £ filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47121, N47122 6 N47123 £ additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 10ct77: A912844.
A912845. Shakespeare's sonnets. 11 p. £ 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47124, in box. Appl. au: Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon company; 15Sep77; A912845.
A912846. Frederick Law Olmsted, space in the city. 5 p. E filmstrip. (Americans who changed things) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N47125, N47126 B N47127 B additional material in box. Appl. au: Damon corporation d.b.a. AIDS of Cape Cod. a Damon Corporation d.b.a. AIDS, a Damon
company; 10ct77; A912846.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.