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JUL-DEC. 1977

11912739 (con. I Gloria Janln Fontana. Gloria JanxD Fontana: INovT?; »yl2739.

i9127it0. Prove, Anerican Fork, Eureka* OT, and others telephone directory, November 1977. Uountain States Telephone and Telegraph companr; 22Sep77; &9 12740.

A9127it1. Billinqs and southeastern Hontana telephone directory, October 1977. Hoantain States Telephone and Telegraph Coapanv: BSep77: &91271I1.

A9127lt2. Concepts of genetics; a study guide. By Hivian Lande 6 Harlys Knox. 90 p. Base-Pair Publishing Company; 26Hay77; A9127i»2.

A9127a3. Diet handbook. Edited by Johanna H. Both £ Dorothea 1. Slater. 1 v. NM: adaptation, additional text 6 editorial revision. District of Columbia Dietetic Association: 10Auq77: A912743.

A9127111. The Hollander foreign car interchange. COBpiled & collated by Hollander Company. 1 V. Add. ti: The Hollander foreign interchange manual. NH: additional text C pictorial matter. Hollander Company; 30Auq77; A9127il"t.

A9127it5. Loose leaf sheets and indexes com- parative numbers. 32 p. Appl. au; Business Becords Manufacturers Asso- ' elation. 6 Hoore Price Services, Inc.; 10ct77: A91271I5.

A9127lt6. Loose leaf binders comparative numbers. 41 p. Appl. au: Business Records Manufacturers Association. C Moore Price services. Inc.; 10ct77; A9127«6.

A9127i(7. Bound books comparative numbers. 19 p. Appl. au: Business Hecotds Manufacturers Association. S Moore Price Services, Inc.: 10ct77: A9127U7.

A912748. Data processing comparative numbers. 22 p. Appl. au: Business Becords Manu- facturers Association. G Moore Price Services, Inc.; 10ct77; A9 12748.

A912749. Loose leaf forms and pads comparative numbers. 21 p. Appl. au: Business Becords Manufacturers Association. Moore Price Services, Inc.; 10ct77; A912749.

A912750. Consumer service standards for real estate. Folder. Appl. au: Halter B. Hall, Jr. O The Hall Institute of Seal Estate, Inc.; 10Nov77; A912750.

A912751. Comparison of selected provisions of the House and Senate ethics codes. 4 p- National Chamber Litigation Center, Inc.; 4NOV77; A912751.

A912752. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-109-900PT. issue A. Aug. 1977. 9 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77; A912752.

A912753. Component identification manual for nuclear power plant projects. Revision 1, Nov. 11, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: James V. Neely. 6 Nuclear Power Consultants, Inc.; 11NOV77; A9127S3.

A912754. Basic algebra review for Technical math 1. By Bichard Shunichi Jinbo. 79 p. Add. ti: Basic algebra review: Technical math 1. Q Bichard Shunichi Jinbo; 7NOV77; A912754.

A912755. The Sheepdog that danced ballet. By Phyllis Barash. 1 v. Phyllis Barasb; 1'INov77: A912755.

A912756. Visions. By James I. Molin. 1 v. O Japes I. Holin a.k.a. Jim Molin; 14NOV77; &912756.

&912757. ADA computers in politics. 1 v. e Teladac. Inc.; 10»ov77; A912757.

A912758. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for Sharp electronic display calculators 243, 364, 4201, 6301, 6401. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 52 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: sharp for 243. 364, 4201, 6301, 6401; Business machines simplified for sharp 243. 364, 4201. 6301, and 6401. Barbara G. Ellsworth; 5Aug77; A912758.

A912759. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for Victor 204, 210, 331, and 332, Monroe 525 electronic calculators. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 45 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: Business machines simplifed for Victor 204, 210, 331, and 332 and Monroe 525. Barbara G. Ellsworth; 7Jul77: A912759.

A912760. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for 10-key keyboard only. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 13 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: Business machines simplifed for 10-key keyboard only. 6 Barbara G. Ellsworth; 3Jan77: A912760.

A912761. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for Sharp 1051, 1052, 1055, 1064, 1151, 1153. 2051. 2052. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 52 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: Business machines simplified for Sharp 1051, 1052. 1055, 1064, 1151, 1153, 2051, and 2052. Barbara G. Ellsworth; 7Jul77; A912761.

A912762. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for Olivetti 481, 482, 483PD. 581, and 582PD, singer Friden 2012 and 2020PD electronic printing calculators. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 44 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: Business machines simplified for Olivetti 481, 482, 483PD, 581 and 582PD and Singer Friden 2012 and 2020PD. Barbara G. Ellsworth; 7JU177; A912762.

A912763. Self-teaching text-workbook indivi- dualized for Sharp electronic printing calculators 2152, 2153, 2155, 2165, 4151, 4152, 4251, 4252. By Barbara G. Ellsworth. 53 p. (Business machines simplified) Add. ti: Sharp for 2152, 2153. 2155. 2165. 4151. 4152, 4251, 4252; Business machines simplified for Sharp 2152, 2153, 2155. 2165. 4151, 4152. 4251. and 4252. O Barbara S. Ellsworth: 18JU177; A912763.

A912764. An Additive approach to grammar. By Stanley R. Eowe. 104 p. Stanley E. Bowe; 310ct77; A912764.

A912765. Tao, parables of a sage 7 p. Appl. au: Austin Ishmael Black. Barbara G. Weinberger (Sophia K. Jemal) £ Charlotte Heinberger (ZuZu) O Suratao. Inc.; 90ct77; A912765.

A912766. "Proclamation" number 1; Bicentennial presented to: President Jimmy Carter, pastor Bruce Edwards. 3 p. Appl. au: Austin Ishmael Black, Barbara G. Heinberger (Sophia K. Jemal) e Charlotte Weinberger (ZuZu) Suratao, Inc.; 90ct77; A912766.

A912767. "Proclamation" number 2; human rights for President Jimmy Carter. 4 p. Appl. au: Austin Ishmael Black, Barbara G. Heinberger (Sophia K. Jemal) 6 Charlotte Heinberger (ZuZu) 6 Suratao, Inc.; 90ct77; A9 12767.

A912768. Tao, Temple of Suratao. 12 p. Appl. au: Austin Ishmael Black, Barbara G. Heinberger (Sophia K. Jemal) 6 Charlotte Heinberger (ZuZu) Suratao, Inc.; 90ct77; A9 12768.

A912769. How to sue a dentist (and other impossible feats) a critical look at dentists. By the American Association of Dental Victims. 29 p. Appl. au: Faye L. Billard. Faye L. Hillard; 10ct77; A912769.

A912770. The Black hand: a chapter in ethnic crime. By Thomas Monroe Pitkin 6 Francesco Cordasco. 274 p. Francesco Cordasco £ Thomas Monroe Pitkin; 280ct77; A912770.

A912771. The Washington and Lee University guide to cover letters and resumes. Issued by the Office of Career Development and Placement, Hashington and Lee Oniversity. 1 V. Appl. au: Michael A. Cappeto. e Michael A. Cappeto; 14Nov77; A912771.

A9 12772. Frankincense and a wooly lamb; verses for Christmas time. By Edward Krusen Ziegler. 1 v. Edward Krusen Ziegler; 14NOV77; A912772.

A912773. Horseless carriages to automobiles. By Jerry Berg. 80 p. (A Social studies and reading skills series, book 2) college Skills Center: 10Nov77; A91277 3.

A912774. Great cars that failed. By Jerry Berg. 80 p. (Cars, people and history: a social studies and reading skills series, book 4) college Skills Center; 10Nov77; A912774.

A912775. Henry Ford, magician in steel. By Jerry Berg. 64 p. (Cars, people and history: a social studies and reading skills series, book 3) e College Skills Center; 10NOV77; A912775.

A912776. The Trophy book 1 of language skills. By Sue Dickson £ Caryl Greulich, artwork by Norma Portadino. 96 p. O College Skills Center; 10Nov77; A912776.

A912777. The Los Angeles solar estimator. By Stuart M- Oliver £ Hhitney Olsen. 1977 ed. 1 V. O Solar Estimator Press; 28Sep77; A912777.

A912778. Ohio automotive mechanics achievement

test. Pt. 1-2. Edited by the Trade and


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