JUL-DEC. 1977
i9 1253U. Factors associated with intellectual developaeDt: birth order and faniXy size effects for a select populatioa. By iilliai Haucice Schaefec. aiccofila. lilliaii Haurice Schaefer; 1itOct77; »91253il.
A912535. Patterns of verbal coiaunicatioD in the matheoatics center of open classrooas at the eleaentacy school level. By Susan Beth Turkel. Hicrofila. O Susan Beth Tuclcel: 1itOct77: 4912535.
A912536. k Descriptive explocatocy analysis of soBe issues in criterion-referenced aeasureaent with possible application to a diaqnostic-prescriptive systen for developing aeasureaent coapetency for prospective teachers. By Allen Norton Shub. Hicrofil*. Allen Norton Shub; 1ilOct77; A912536.
A912537. Hock values and career orientation of baccalaureate nursing students. By Irene Hurray Leverson. Hicrofila. Irene Hurray leverson; 1itOct77: A912537.
A91253B. A Study to deteraine soae of the effects of two educational environaents on high school physics students. By Alvin Jay Silbert. aicrofila. Alvin Jay Silbert; 1ilOct77: A912 53 8.
A912539. Conscious construction: the concept of plot in five novels by voaen. By Nancy HcKeon Taylor. Hicrofila. O Nancy HcKeon Taylor; 1l»Oct77: A912539.
A9125110. The Relation between syntactic fora and faailiaritv of content to reading coaprehension. By Eleanor B. Odden. Hicrofila. Eleanor B. Odden; 1i»Oct77;
A912Si)0. A9125m. A Hodel for scheduling an innec-city iunior high school by coaputer. By Helvyn leisel. Hicrofila. Helvyn Reisel: 1"tOct77: A9125'H.
A9125U2. The Process of decision aaking and change: principles for leadership in an educational setting. By Joseph Francis O'Connell. Hicrofila. Joseph Francis O'Connell: 1"lOct77: 49 125142.
A9125it3. Becoaaendations for a coapetency-based teacher educator preparation proqraaae in Sierre Leone. By Jereaiah Joe Sinnah- Tovonie. Hicrofila. O Jereaiah Joe Sinnah-tovonie: 1iiOct77; A9125't3.
A9125<tU. Synthesis and study of new tetraar- ylborate reagents containing nitrogen heterocycles. By Sheraan Shi chao. Hicrofila. O Sheraan Shi Chao; 1ilOct77: A9125i4it.
A9125«5. An Electrooculographic analysis of SBOoth pursuit eye aoveaents in the newborn infant. By Janet Pickard Kreaenitzer. Hicrofila. O Janet Pickard Kceaenitzec; 1<IOct77: A9 12545.
A9125a6. Frograas foe older adults in selected coaaunity colleges; a study of aalor processes in prograa developaent. By Hartin Francis Hurray. Hicrofila. Hartin Francis Hurray; 1ilOct77; A912SII6.
A912547. Participation exercises in an ins- tructional videotape developed and produced for an E.S.L. teacher training class. By Linford Lloyd Lougheed. Hicrofila. Linford Lloyd Lougheed; 1llOct77; A9125t7.
A9125it8. Six self-instructional aodules for teaching basic aedia production techniques to teachers and students. By Sanford Helvin Levene. Hicrofilm. Sacford Helvin Levene; 1i»Oct77; A912548.
A9125a9. The Behavioral objectives controversy and conceptions of teaching. By Therese Harie Stewart. Hicrofila. O Therese Harie Stewart; 1i*Oct77; A9125a9.
A912550. An Introductory sector analysis of Halayalam. By Anne Karickaapally. Hicrofila. O Anne Karickaapally; 1itOct77; A912550.
A912551. Attitude of freshaan and senior baccalaureate nursing students toward professional nursing behaviors. By Lillie Hae Shortridge. Hicrofila. Lillie Hae Shortridge; 1'10ct77; A912551.
A912552. The Teaching of jazz in junior high school general ausic classes through keyboard and listening experiences: a source book for teachers. By George Lowris. Hicrofila. O George Lowri^; 1ltOct77; A912552.
A912553. Alumni and giving; a study of student personnel services and aluani philan- thropy. By John Hilliaa HcNulty. Hicrofila. John Nilliaa HcNulty; 1ilOct77: A912553.
A912554. Financial aids for higher education, 78-79 catalog. By Oreon Keeslar. 8th ed. 813 p. Hilliaa c. Brown Coapaoy Publishers; 29Sep77; A912554.
A912555. Teaching: why not try psychology? By John A. Glover, Boyce B. Banning C Bobert U. Filbeck. 21*4 p. O John A. Glover, Boyce B. Bonninq G Bobert R. Filbeck; 6Sep77; A9 12555.
A912556. The Teacher's role in classrooa manageaent; humanistic-behavioral strategies for proaoting constructive classrooa behavior. By Harvin J. Fine & Hargaret B. Balkenshaw, foreword by Bichard J. Uhaleo. 2nd ed. 187 p. Harvin J. Fine e Hargaret B. Balkenshaw; 12Aug77: A912556.
A912557. Yowsahl yowsahl yowsahJ the roaring twenties. By Kenneth B. Bruce. 142 p. O Kenneth Bruce; 29Sep77; A9125S7.
A912558. Foundations of eaergency first aid services; skill class workbook. By George stroagren, John Pappa e Bay Olson. 90 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Coapany; 24Aug77; A912558.
A912559. Basketball for aen. By Glenn uilkes. 3rd ed. 88 p. Hilliaa c. Brown Coapany Publishers; 29Sep77; A912559.
A912560. Functional speech coaaunication: theory and practice in oral coaaunication. By Jaaes Edward Sayec. 157 p. Jaaes Edward Sayer; 22Aug77: A912S60.
A912561. The Gin bottle riot of 1964: Barvey and Diiaoor in flaaes. By Hayne L. Holf. 78 p. Hayne L. Holf; 22Aug77; A912561.
A912562. Fundaaentals of news reporting. By Balph S. Izard, Hugh H. Culbertson G Donald A. Laabert, foreword to the 3rd ed. by A. H. Bosenthal. 3rd ed. 245 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Coapany; 14Sep77; A912562.
A912563. Enseable 3: a collection of fiction and poetry. By James E. Paulding. 133 p. NH: revisions £ additions. James £. Paulding; 29Sep77; A912S63.
A912564. Social-philosophical foundations of education. By Frederick Harshall Schultz. 2nd ed. 320 p. O Kendall/Hunt Publishing Coapany; 50ct77; A912564.
A912565. Environment and aan: essentials. By Ervin T. Kedar e James E. Bill. 329 p. Ervin Y. Kedar e James E. Hill; 14Sep77; A912565.
A912566. Environmental ethics Parratt. 465 p. HB: additions. Hark H. Parratt
A912566. By Hark U. isions S 22Aug77;
A912567. Plus equals: a new approach to business machines. By Gilbert Eckern £ Halt Hardin in collaboration with Barbara HcCollough. 228 p. Gilbert Eckern e Halt Hardin; 12Sep77; A912567.
A912 568. Evaluation in the classrooa. By Bichard J. Hitchell e John E. Besteraan. 216 p. NH: revisions & additions. Bichard J. Hitchell e John £. Resterman; 6Sep77; A912568.
A912569. Learning fundamental concepts of music: an activities approach. By Virginia Austin. 2nd ed. 225 p. Kendall/Bunt Publishing Company; 23Sep77; A912569.
A912570. Tour speech: a aanual. Edited by Helen ». Steer. 199 p. »H: revisions. 6 Kendall/Hunt Publishing Coapany; 22Aug77; A912570.
A912571. Cerritos writing prograa. By Hilliaa Bonnycastle, Oscar Littleton C Jack Lackaan. 2nd ed. 110 p. O Hilliaa Bonnycastle, Oscar Littleton & Jack Lackaan; 2Sep77; A912571.
A912572. Eyes. By Felice Picano. 249 p. O Felice Picano; 31Jul76 (in notice: 1975); A912572.
A912573. Rords of silver and gold. By Jo Petty. 143 p. NH: compilation e additional text. O Fleming H. Bevell Company; 25Apr77: A912573.
A912574. Spoken Urdu, a beginning course. By Eugene H. Glassaan. 2nd ed. 335 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1976 6 reg. AI- 15784. Eugene B. Glassaan; 4Nov77; A912574.
A912575. Hayflower descendants: lineages of the
Indiana Society. Compiled by the Indiana
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