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JUL-DEC. 1977

t9124S3 (COD.) school students; a Dational survey of hiqh school Batheaatics teachecs. By AothoDy C. Baffei. aicrofila. O Inthony c. Haffei: HiOct77: A912ll53.

A912115II. The iDflueoce of race in the assigning of Darks to students by teachers- By Donald Boger Johnson. Hicrofila. O Donald Boger Johnson; 1i|Oct77; i91245».

i912455. Identifying teachers who possess charisnatic characteristics. By Charlane Derrick Kelly. Bicrofila. O Charlane Derrick Kelly; 1ilOct77: »912ii55.

49121156. Decision-Baking in public finance. By Joseph Abraa Sonneaan. HicrofilB. O Joseph Abraa Sonneaan; 140ct77; i912l)56.

49121157. A Field theory of extended particles based on covariant haraonic oscillator wave functions. By Thoaas John Karr. Hicrofila. Thoaas John Kacr; 1«Oct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A912457.

A91245e. Whatever happened to yin? a political analysis of the fate of the feainine principle in the history of Bestern civilization. By Shahla Sedaqhat Sabet. HicrofilB. shahla Sedaqhat Sabet; 140ct77: A912458.

A9121159. Dancourt et la coaedie de aoeurs. By Pranka narie Luigqi. Hicrofila. Franka Harie Luigqi: iaoct77 (in notice: 1976); A9121159.

A912460. Two aethods for the teachinq of aultiple-aeaninq, content- laden words. By Hichael Dean iilson. Hicrofila. Hichael Oean Bilson: 140ct77: A912U60.

A912II61. The Doctor of arts degree as acadeaic preparation for coaaunity lunior college faculty. By flobert Lee Johnson. HicrofilB. C Bobert Lee Johnson; 1llOct77: A912l(61.

A9 12462. The Shrouded traveler on the road: death and the work of Jack Kerouac. By Bruce Keith Billiaas. Hicrofila. O Bruce Keith BilliaBS; 140ct77; A9124b2.

A912463. They brought their own storas: the HacGregor Arctic Expedition (1937-38) By Hal Togel. HicrofilB. Hal Vogel; 140ct77; A912463.

A912464. Technigue, society and politics: a critical study of the work of Jacques Ellul. By Gary Paul Vreo. Hicrofila. Gary Paul fren; 140ct77: A912464.

A912465. Hary Austin's Earth horizon: the iaperfect circle. By Bae Galbraith Ballard. Hicrofila. C Bae Galbraith Ballard: 140ct77; A91246S.

A9t2466. The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter: a genre analysis and interpretation. By Jaaes Allen Brashler. HicrofilB. Jaaes Allen Brashler; 140ct77: A9124b6.

A912467. Systeaatic observation of teacher behavior using the ego state categories of transactional analysis. By Cynthia Bette Foster. Hicrofila. O Cynthia Bette Poster; 140ct77; A912467.

A912468. Sinbad in New Orleans: early short fiction by Hilliaa Faulkner — an annotated edition. By Leland Uolcoabe Cox, Jr. aicrofila. NH: xntrod. . textual notes t bibliography. O Leland Holcoabe Cox. Jr.; 140ct77: A912468.

A912469. Hill aanageaent please wake up? Toa're killing ay soul at work. By Alice AaaXia Uolstein (Alice Aaalia Holstein Hack) Hicrofila. Alice Aaalia (Bolstein) Hack; 140ct77; i912469.

A912470. The Feasibility of a aicro-coaputer systea for coaputer assisted instruction in electricity/electronics. By Lloyd Dean Thoapson. Hicrofila. Lloyd Dean Thoapson; 140ct77; A912470.

A912471. Perforaance in college physics coarse for science aajors as related to high school physics prograa. instructor, and college instructor. By Floyd Donald Baker. Hicrofila. O Floyd Donald Baker; 140ct77; A912471.

A912472. A Study of coaaunication strategies designed to iaprove coBBuaication with parents in a eleaentary school district. By Anthony Paul Busso. Hicrofila. O Anthony Paul Busso; 140ct77; A912472.

A912473. A Faaily in conflict: an analysis of discourse spanning six aonths o£ faaily therapy. By Hichael Anthony Car. Hicrofila. Hichael Anthony Car; 140ct77; A912473.

A912474. Deterainants of house value: an application of ridge regression. By John Edwin Anderson. Hicrofila. John Edwin Anderson: 140ct77; A912474.

A912475. Interest rate risk and expectations: an application to the aaturity structure of interest rates. By David Charles Kavanaugh. Hicrofila. O David Charles Kavanaugh: 140ct77; A912475.

A912476. Belationships between job satisfaction* deaographic factors, absenteeisa and tenure of workers in a Delaarva broiler processing plant. By Jesse Best Goble. Hicrofila. Jesse Best Goble; 140ct77: A912476.

A912477. The Developaent of a leisure education resource book for teachers of grades K-13 in the Province of Ontario. By Bobert Harrison Boodburn. Hicrofila. Bobert Harrison Boodburn; 140ct77; A912477.

A912478. The Geraan influence in British roaanticisa, 1819-1833. By Gerald Ervin Buenscher. Hicrofila. O Gerald Ervin Buenscher; 140ct77; A912478.

A912479. Cardiovascular responses of toads to theraal stress and water deprivation. By Elizabeth Sheraan. Hicrofila. Elizabeth Sheraan; 140ct77; A912479.

A912480. The Effect of transactional analysis on self concept and achieveaent level of institutionalized children. By Daphne Tiaaons-Uaas. Hicrofila. Daphne Tiaaons-Haas; 140ct77; A912480.

A912481. An Itea analysis of the perforaance of college freshaen, third quarter juniors, and seniors on the July 18, 1975 Bebabilitation counselor certification field review. By Billiaa Frederick Beber. Hicrofila. O Billiaa Frederick Beber; 140ct77; A912481.

A9 12482. Susan Isaacs: an intellectual biography. By Elyse Levy. Hicrofila. O Elyse Levy; 140ct77; A912482.

A912483. Accounting internal control systeas: their reliability and dichotoaic structure functions. By Billiaa Oscar Stratton. Hicrofila. Williaa Oscar Stratton; 140Ct77; A912483.

A912484. Corpus HeraeticuB 13th and early Christian literature. By Billiaa Carl Grese. Hicrofila. O Billiaa Carl Grese; 140ct77; A912484.

A9 12485. A Priaer on transactional analysis. By David Garfield Newson. Hicrofila. David Garfield Bewson; 140ct77; A9124SS.

A912486. Paper bound. By David Bruce Anderson. Hicrofila. Appl. states all new except Story problea & In a few ainutes. David Bruce Anderson; 140ct77; A912486.

A912487. Episteaological issues in political science; orthodoxy versus phenoaenology. By Charles Johnson Fox. Hicrofila. Charles Johnson Fox; 140ct77; A9 12487.

A912488. Besearch concepts in social work. By Hary Hoynihan Dolan. Hicrofila. Hary Hoynihan Dolan; 140ct77; A912488.

A912489. A Coaparison of values between resident students and coaauting students at selected colleges. By Jaaes Alien Hew. HicrofilB. O Jaaes Allen Hew; 140ct77; A912489.

A912490. Drban growth aanageaent: trends, issues and responsibilities. By Hary Horgan Abe. aicrofila. Hary Horgan Abe; 140ct77; A912490.

A912491. Bandall Jarrell as critic. By Thoaas Norwood Selby. Hicrofila. Thoaas Borw lOd Selby; 140ct77; A912491.

A9 12492. Sixth grade health knowledge in Haryland public schools and associated variables: school personnel attitudes, curriculua scheduling patterns and the health teacher. By Phyllis Ann Goetz. aicrofila. O Phyllis Ann Goetz; 140ct77: A912492.

A912493. A Cognitive approach to the analysis of sociolinquistic events in the natural setting. By Patricia Terry HcBaughton. Hicrofila. Patricia Terry HcBaughton; 140ct77: A912493.

A912494. A Mew role for linguistic philosophy in education with an application to the field of learning disability. By fiobert John Clinkert. BicrofilB. Bobert John Clinkert; 1<l0ct77; A912494.

A912495. An Integrativ

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