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A912K12 - A9121153


JUL-DEC. 1977

&912l(12. Piano keyboard baraoor- By Robert Boger Hyde, Jr. Sheets. Boqer Hyde; 12NOV77: »912I112.

i912il13. Hetrics are for yoo. By iillian A. Schrot. 19 p. e Rlllian A. Schrot; 10NOW77: A912H13.

A9121t1't. computer-based infornation support: satisfaction of users. 23 p. Appl. au: Samy wray Pearson. Samny S. Pearson: 11Ho»77: A912U1<1.

A912415. Liqhtninq, thunder, rain; one man's feelinqs in poetic verse. By Bill Greico (Billiaa S. Greicol 59 p. Bill Greico; 8No»77: A912<t15.

A912I416-. The Baiboo path: life and writings of a Chinese in Hanaii. By Tin-Yuke Char. 215 p. e Tin-Yuke Char; 1llov77; A912416.

A912m7. Jolly Tine party book. By Patricia Pox Sheinuold. 144 p. O Dorison House Publishers, Inc.; 10Mo»77; A912'117.

A91241B. Jane Trahey on woaen and poaer: Mho's qot it? ho« to qet it. By Jane Trahey. 265 p. Jane Trahey; 270ct77; A912418.

A912419. The Bitual of the Host Borshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodqe of Illinois, Free and Accepted Basons. 133 p. Add. ti: Prince Hall ritual of Illinois. Most Borshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, F. and A.M., State of Illinois (in notice: Host Borshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodqe of Free and Accepted Hasons of the State of Illinois): 1Jul77: A912419.

A912it20. Descendants of Jessee Shelton and sone related families: Drake, Poster, Gibson, Hamby, Keele, Martin. Compiled by Cecil Shelton 6 Louise Shelton. 590 p. 6 Cecil 6 Louise Shelton: 15Sep77: A912420.

A9 12421. Defamiliarization in lanquaqe and literature. By Bobert H. Stacy. 193 p. e H. H. Stacy; 19Sep77: A9 12421.

A912422. The Seventh station. By Balph Mclnerny. 212 p. Balph Hclnerny; 10ct77; A9 12422.

A912423. Soviet prison camp speech: a survivor's qlossary; suppl. Compiled by Meyer Galler. 102 p. Enqlish 6 Russian. e Meyer Galler: 10ct77; A9 12423.

A912424. State-to state chemistry: a symposium, at the 173rd meeting of the American Chemical Society, Hen Orleans, Mar. 21-2J, 1977. Editors: Philip R. Brooks £ Ediiard F. Hayes. 259 p. (ACS symposium series, 56) Proceedinqs of a symposium held at the 173rd ACS National Meeting. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this Bork uritten by a 0. S. Govt, employee as a part of his official duties. American Chemical Society; 3110V77; A912424.

A9 12425. The Korean Bar: a 25-year perspective. Edited for the Harry S. Truman Library, Institute for National and International Affairs, by Francis H. Heller. 251 p. The Beqents Press of Kansas; 180ct77: A912425.

A912426. The First fifty years of Austin Peay State University. Compiled 6 edited by Charles M. Baters from the research 6 vritinq of Orsula S. Beach 6 others. 213 p. Austin Peay State Oniversity; 290ct77; A912426.

A912427. How to size up people; popular approaches to basic psycholoqical principles. By John E. Gibson. 410 p. Appl. au: Carillon Books. Carillon Books; 2Nov77; A912427.

A912428. Hon shall they preach. By Gardner C. Taylor. 148 p. Gardner C. Taylor; 15JU177; A912428.

A912429. Two shall be one. By Ruth Harms Calkin. 128 p. David C. Cook Publishing Company; 21Jun77; A912429.

A912430. The Kniqht of the parrot: being the first translation into English of the Middle French Arthurian romance, Le Chevalier du papeqau. By Thomas E. Vesce. 127 p. e Thomas E. Vesce; 250ct77; A9 12430.

A9 12431. The Epic of art. By Robert B. Borrell. 367 p. e Bobert H. Borrell; 120ct77: A912431.

A912432. Compilation of American Nuclear Society standards, 1977; complete text for all approved ANS standards. Vol. 2. 786 p. American Nuclear Society; 21Sep77; A912432.

A912433. The Bisconsin badger, 1977. Editor: Teri Henry. 280 p. Bisconsin Badger, Inc.; 10Hay77; A912433.

A912434. Organization and administration of environmental education programs. By Edward A. Heiser. Microfilm. Edward A. Heiser; 140ct77; A912434.

A912435. Utilization of instructional aides for school year 1976-1977 in selected school districts of South Carolina under The Emergency school aid act (Title 7, P.L. 92-318, as amended by P.L. 93-380) By Ethel Simon McBilliams. Microfilm, e Ethel Simon McBilliams; 140ct77; A9 12435.

A912436. Goal programming and resource allocation within the Pennsylvania secondary school system. By John Michael Morgan. Microfilm. John Michael Morgan; 140ct77; A912436.

A912437. Heroin public policy: an evaluation. By Richard Janvier Porter, Jr. Microfilm. Bichard Janvier Porter, Jr.; 140ct77; 4912437.

A912438. Evaluative responses of trainable mentally retarded persons. By Helen Michaeline Zongolowicz. Microfilm. O Helen Michaeline Zongolowicz; 140ct77; A912438.

A912439. Disparity in sentences recommended for women convicted of felonies: multivariate analysis of California's diagnostic evaluation programs. By Jack Melvin Herbig. Microfilm. Jack Melvin Herbig; 140ct77; A912439.

A912440. Guidelines for the suspension or dismissal of certificated public school employees in South Carolina. By Jerry Fortune Toms. Microfilm. O Jerry Fortune Toms; 140ct77; A912440.

A912441. Assertiveness training for children. By Mary Patricia Palmer. Microfilm. Mary Patricia Palmer: 140ct77; A912441.

A912442. An Application of Rotter's social learning theory to detoxification from methadone maintenance. By John George Langrod. Microfilm, e John George Langrod; 140ct77: A912442.

A912443. Organized labor: attitudes and cooperative efforts concerning secondary vocational education. By Richard Vaughn Littrell. Microfilm. Richard Vaughn Littrell; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912443.

A912444. A Study of the perceptions of super- visors by selected elementary teachers. By Virgil Bilson Bock. Microfilm. e Virgil Bilson Mock; 140ct77; A912444.

A912445. Underqraduate knowledge and attitude toward sexually transmitted disease. By Ronald Lee Chapman. Microfilm. Bonald Lee Chapman; 140ct77; A912445.

A912446. A Study of the perceptions of admi- nistrators and parents of reorganization efforts in an urban school system and their relationships to conflict in goal orientation and achievement. By Clyde F. Leadum. Microfilm. @ Clyde F. leadum; 140ct77; A912446.

A912447. Listed stock options: their impact on capital formation. By Peter Garric Sibbald. Microfilm, a Peter Garric Sibbald; 140ct77; A9 12447.

A912448. Friends for freedom: the lives and careers of Sallie Holley and Caroline Putnam. By Katherine Lydigsen Herbig. Microfilm. Katherine Lydigsen Herbig; 140ct77; A912448.

A912449. Bandoii contractors and random nonlinear operator equations with applications. By Arthur Cherng-Huir Lee. Microfilm. e Arthur Cherng-Huir Lee; 140ct77; A912449.

A912450. Political linkages and state educational reform. By Thomas Edward Keating. Microfilm. Thomas Edward Keating; 140ct77: A912450.

A912451. Nonverbal behavior in teaching: another dimension to classroom communication. By Clayton Frank Credell. Microfilm. Clayton Frank Credell; 140ct77; A912451.

A912452. The Development of a conceptual model of an undergraduate recreation deqree proqram utilizinq the university without walls approach to education. By Ralph Baldo Emerson Jones, Jr. Microfilm. Ralph Baldo Emerson Jones, Jr.; 140ct77; A912452.

A912453. Causes of recent decline in the

mathematics achievement of public high


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