A912207 - A912213
JUL-DEC. 1977
A912207. HeaDS of oovenent: the politics of moderD tcaospoctation systens. By Jeccy »llen Bhitt. HicrofilB. Jerry Alien Bhitt; 1«)ct77: 1912207.
A912208. Pcinciples of wheel alineiicnt service; a teit-woritbook. By E. Hiles Bacon. 2nd ed. 208 p. (Instructor's kit for Principles of wheel alinenent service, second edition) AcconpaDied by 105 slides S instructor's quide, req. A912209 S sound recordinq, req. lHt7052, in bol. S HcGraw-Bill, Inc.; 7Jan77; A912208.
A912209. Instructor's guide for Principles of wheel alioenent service, second edition, by E. Hiles Bacon. Editors: Ardelle Cleverdon C Hark Haas. 28 p. 6 105 slides. (Instructor's kit for Principles of wheel alinenent service, second edition) Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. II47052 £ text-workbook, req. A9 12208, in bo«. C HcGraw-Hill, Inc. ; 7Jan77; A912209.
A912210. Electrical ignition service; inst- ructor's guide. Produced by Baybar Technical Pilas, Inc., prolect editor: Bob Bayes. 2<4 p. Acconpanied by sound recordinq, req. Iia7053 £ 5 filastrips in box. Appl. au: Prentice-Uall Hedia, Inc. Prentice-Hall Hedia, Inc.; 21iov77; A912210.
A912211. Trains. Filnstrip script: Carolyn Vanderslice, teacher's guide: Susan fiuth Soldstein. 2 v. £ filistrip. (Bead-Along Social Studies) Accoapanied by sound recordinq, req. N1705U, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., enployer for hire. Nfl: teacher's quide £ filastrip fcaaes 1, 4, 9, 20-22, 26-27, 29-30, 33, 35-140, "12-1)9, 51, 57-61, 66-67, 69-75, 77, 79-80, 84. Guidance Associates; 2Nov77: A912211.
A912212. Your body and how to care for it: nose, mouth, and throat. Fllostrip scripts Hary Batten, teacher's quide: Janice Jeffrey. 32 p. £ 2 fil»strips. (BodyBasics) Accoapanied by sound recording, req. 1147055, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., enployer for hire. Appl. states all new except filastrip pt. 2, fraae 39. Guidance Associates; 2Nov77: 1912212.
A912213. Tour body and how to care for it: lungs and respiratory systea, Filastrip script: Jeffrey Marlin, teacher's quide; Peg Horsbargh. 30 p. £ 2 filastrips. (BodyBasics) Accoapanied by sound recordinq, reg. N470S6 in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., eaployer for hire. Appl. states all new except filastrips pt. 1, fraae 17 £ pt. 2, fraaes 38-39. Guidance Associates: 21lov77; A912213.
A912214. Personal budqetinq. Filastrip script: Andrea Fooner, discussion quide: Habel Techet. 41 p. £ 2 filastrips. (Consuaer skills) Accoapanied by sound recording, req. 1147057 in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., eaployer for hire. Guidance Associates: 8liov77: A9 12214.
A912215. Focus on careers; selected articles froa the Journal of hoae econoaics. 55 p. NH: additional text £ coapilation. Aaerican Hoae Econoaics Association; 28Juo77; A91221S.
A912216. Focus on teacbinq; selected articles froa the Journal of hoae econoaics. 63 p. NH: additional text £ coapilation. 6 Aaerican Hoae Econoaics Association; 28Jun77; A912216.
A912217. Neighborhood conservation: lessons froa three cities; an issue report. By Phyllis Hyers £ Gordon Binder. 113 p. The Conservation Foundation; 20Oct77; 1912217.
1912218. Joan Balsh Inqlund date book, 1978. Calendar. Idd. ti: 1978 date book, 1978. O Joan Balsh Inglund; 15Jul77: 1912218.
1912219. In saall things forgotten: the archaeology of early laericao life. By Jaaes Deetz, drawings by Charles Cann. 184 p. O Jaaes Deetz; 4Nov77; 1912219.
1912220. Son of the coapleat aotion picture quiz book; or, 60,000 aore points about aotion pictures: 30,000 for buffs — 30,000 for duffers. By Harry D. Trigg £ lolanda L. Triqg. 281 p. Harry D. Trigg £ lolanda L. Trigg; 4llov77; 1912220.
1912221. The Hoae birth book. By Charlotte Bard £ Fred Bard, photos, by Fred Bard, introd. by Ishiey Hontagu, edited by Roger Glenn Brown, designed by Thoaas 8. Salth. 149 p. HH: additional text. Charlotte Bard £ Fred Bard; 4llov77; 1912221.
1912222. Portable air coapressor, aodel D300S. 2 p. Joy Hanuf acturing Coapany; 3Jan77; 1912222.
A912223. California achieveaeut tests. Level 14, fora c. 3 transparencies in 3 envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hiil. NH: updated revision. HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 29Sep77; A912223.
1912224. Indian coloring book. 1 v. O The Saturday Evening Post Coapany; 29Sep77: A912224.
A91222S. Beal estate investaent trusts. No. 107-4th. By Thonas F. Allen, chief editor: Leonard L. silverstein. 1 v. Appl. au: Tax Hanaqeaent, Inc. Ippl. states no copyright claiaed on aaterials froa U.S. Govt, sources. NH: additions, revisions £ updating. Tax Hanaqeaent, Inc., a division of the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.; 190ct77; A912225.
A912226. Discover a fresh new you, naturally with the Shaklee beauty basics! 1 v. C Shaklee Corporation; 29Auq77. 1912226.
1912227. Kentucky adainistrative regulations service, 1977. Vol. 1-4. Portions prev- req. 1976, no. 796562 S 1975, no. 686423. Leqislative Besearch Coaaission; 29Sep77; 1912227.
1912228. The Buyinq point in today's aarket for watches; highlights froa the 1977 report on The Study of Aaerican aackets. 16 p. Appl. au: Harketinq Oepartaent of O.S. News and Borld Report, Inc. O O.S. News and Borld Report, Inc.; 30ct77; 1912228.
A912229. Helpinq you fiqht inflation. Folder. A Personal finance suppl. to the O.S. news Rashinqton letter, Aug. 1977. O.S. News
A912230. CF60 45SG H25 aaintenance aanual. 15 p. Therao King Corporation; 310ct77; A912230.
A912231. SD1 H1A, SD1 H2A, SD2 HOD parts aanual. 1 V. Therao Kinq Corporation; 310ct77; A912231.
A912232. CGS12S0Da H229, 245 and 250 parts aanual. 1 v. O Therao King Corporation; 240ct77; 19 12232.
A912233. nilwaukee aetroplan white pages telephone directory, Novenber 1977. O Bisconsin Telephone Coapany; 280ct77; A912233.
A912234. Hodus operandi poetry anthology. Edited by Sheila B. Jensen. 40 p. O Sheila R. Jensen; 140ct77; A912234.
1912235. Fiat 124, 128, 131, X1/9, 1977 catalogue. 24 p. fiayce. Inc. ; 27Sep77; 1912235.
1912236. Descriptive study of enrolled aedical students, 1975-76; final report. By B. F. Dube, issued by the Division of Student Studies, Issociation of Aaerican Hedicai Colleges. 85 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedicai Colleges. Issociation of laerican Hedicai Colleges; 31Hay77; 1912236.
1912237. New guides for the professional accountant; a collection of helpful and tiaely articles froa the Journal of accountancy. 96 p. NH: coapilation. Aaerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.; 50ct77: 1912237.
A912238. Acts: the ainistry of Paul. Vol. 2. Author: llan D. George, artist: Saa Butcher. 1 V. Appl. au: Child Evangelisa Fellowship, Inc. O Child Evangelisa Fellowship, Inc.; 30Jan77; A912238.
1912239. Harness lace. Text, drawings £ weavings by alia Nass. photos, by Sylvan Nass. 44 p. O Olla Nass; 22Sep77; A9122J9.
A912240. Defenses to civil rights actions against correctional eaployees. By Hichael Heisz. 35 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Correctional Association. NH: revisions & additions. O Aaerican Correctional Association; 31Aug77; A912240.
A912241. Hodel correctional rules and regu- lations: correspondence, disciplinary procedures, grooaing and attire, search and seizure, use of force, visitation. By Hichael Beisz, Richard Crane £ Jeffrey Curtis. 34 p. Appl. au: Aaerican Correctional Issociation. O Aaerican Correctional Association; 31Aug77; A912241.
1912242. Newsletter. Vol. 3, no. 4, Oct. 15, 1977. Editor: Betty Newcoab. 16 p. O laerican Issociation for Iffiraative Action; 150ct77; A912242.
191224 3. lauseaent and theae park ratings for
1977. 5 p. Ippl. au: Charles J. Jacques,
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