A912168 - A912206
JUL-DEC. 1977
A912168. Ship collision dyaaiiics and the prediction of the shock environment for collidinq ships. By Hichael Petec Pakstys. aicrofila. Hlchael Petec Pakstys; 11tOct77; A912168.
A912169. The Effects of qroup orientation-therapy on the adjustnent of aobile seventh and eiqhth qrade transfer students. By Bichard Davis Flanaqan. Microfiln. Bichard Davis Flanaqan: 1ilOct77: 1912169.
A912170. Chanqes in aqqression of various classifications of athletes and nonat- hletes as influenced by type of filn viewed. By Joel Thirer. Bicrofila. Joel Thirer; 140ct77 (in notice; 1976): A912170.
A912171. International capital markets: a frequency domain analysis within portfolio and Fisherian frameworks. By Stephen Elmer Haynes. Microfilm. O Stephen Elmer Haynes; iaoct77 (in notice: 1976) : A912171.
A912172. BNA polymerase: mechanistic studies. By James Edward Sylvester. Hicrofilm. e James Edward Sylvester: 1«0ct77: A912172.
A912173. A Study of the internal accounts systems of Florida's 67 school districts, 1971-71. By Louella Saundra Thomas. Hicrofilm. Louella Saundra Thomas; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912173.
A91217«. An Instructional packaqe for traininq teachers of reliqion in the skillful use of questions. By Anne Jenkins Driessnack. Bicrofilm. C Anne Jenkins Driessnack; 140ct77: A9 1217*.
A912175. Bureaucracy and professionalism: an historical interpretation of public school supervision in the United States* 1875-1937. By Jeffrey Glanz. Microfilm. O Jeffrey Glanz; 1«0ct77: A912175.
A912176. A Field study of an educational setting: a record and analysis of the creation, planninq and beqinninq of an innovative school. By Adrian Charles Biaqioli. Hicrofilm. C Adrian Charles Biaqioli; 140ct77; A9 12176.
A912177. The Parable of the tribes^ the problem of power in social evolution. By Andrew Bard Schmookler. Hicrofilm. Andrew Bard Schmookler; iaoct77: A912177.
A912178. Art and sport: a comparison. By John lilliam Healy. Hicrofilm. John Rilliam Healy; 1itOct77; A912178.
A912179. The Choral music of yirqil Thomson. By Dean z. Anaqnost. Hicrofilm. Dean Z. Anaqnost: 1ltOct77; A912179.
A91218a. The Impact of the New lork State, definition on faculty perceptions of the nursinq role. By Hary Gardner Gamer. Hicrofilm. C Mary Gardner Gamer; 1'»Oct77; A912180.
A912181. Perceptions of the role and status of the licensed practical nurse as compared by the licensed practical nurse and the registered nurse. By Virginia Marie Fitzsimons. Microfilm. Virginia Harie Fitzsimons; 1'(Oct77; A912181.
A912182. Kindergarten overseas: instructional resources of the Department of Defense kindergartens in the European area, 1969-19711. By Ellin Cosqrove Carpenter. Microfilm. 6 Ellin Cosqrove Carpenter; 1i»Oct77; A912182.
A912183. Techniques in gas chromatography/- chemical ionization mass spectrometry. By Francis iilliam Hatch. Microfilm. e Francis Hilliam Hatch; 1il0ct77; A912183.
A91218lt. Beading as a psycholinquistic process: a study of the relationship between problem solving and oral reading strategies in sixth-grade children. By Evelyn Semmel Blustein. Hicrofilm. Q Evelyn Semmel Blustein; 140ct77; 1912184.
A912185. Yankee, Swedish and Italian accul- turation and economic mobility in Jamestown, New York, from 1860 to 1920. By Paul Albert Spengler. Microfilm. Paul Albert Spengler; 140ct77; A912185.
A91218e. Integrating self-instructional materials into an introductory level nutrition course. By Carole Louise Christopher. Microfilm. O Carole Louise Christopher; 140ct77: A912186.
A912187. The Impact of campaign finance reforms on the nature and functions of political campaigns. By Timothy Alan Hodson. Hicrofilm. & Timothy Alan Bodson; 1ilOct77; A912187.
A912188. The Evolution of Brian iay's parti- cipational theatre. By Ronald D. Hood. Microfilm. & Bonald D. good; 1"IOct77 (in notice: 1976); A912188.
A912189. Marshal of Portugal: the military career of Billiam Carr Beresford, 1785-1814. By Samuel Edison Vichoess. Hicrofilm. O Samuel Edison Vichness; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912189.
A912190. The Subtlety of white racism: three studies investigating the dimensions of prejudice. By John Francis Dovidio. Microfilm. John Francis Dovidio; 140ct77; A912190.
A912191. The Perceptions of the graduate students, graduate faculty, and field coordinators of the contributions of teachers college Training Teacher Trainers (TTT) program to the professional education of teacher educators. By Barbara Bianka Kalmar. Microfilm. Barbara Bianka Kalmar; 140ct77; A912191.
A912192. An Investigation of the relationship between teacher knowledge and student achievement on selected probability tasks. By Bichard James Crouse. Microfilm. O Bichard James Crouse; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A912192.
A912193. A Study of the relationship between speed of retrieval of verbal information and patterns of oral reading errors. By Susan Hahn Blumenthal. Microfilm.
A912194. The Development of a hierarchy for teaching phoneme-grapheme correspondences in the middle grades. By John Thomas Nolinski. Microfilm. O John Thomas lolinski; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912194.
A912195. Occupational migration flows into and from Florida, 1965-1970. By James Sussell Tarr. Hicrofilm. 6 James fiussell Tarr; 140ct77; A912195.
A912196. John the Baptist in the Gospel according to Mark. By Bonald Alan Kittel. Hicrofilm. © Bonald Alan Kittel; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912196.
A912197. Open admissions at the City Dniversity of New York and student demand for private undergraduate education in the City of New York in 1970 and 1971. By Peter McEachin Buchanan. Microfilm. 6 Peter McEachin Buchanan; 140ct77: A912197.
A912198. Computer evaluation of laryngeal pathology based on inverse filtering of speech. By Steven Bruce Davis. Microfilm. Q Steven Bruce Davis; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912198.
A912 199. The Survival of American innocence: Catholicism in an era of disillusionment, 1920-1940. By Uilliam Michael Halsey. Hicrofilm. O Hilliam Hichael Halsey: 140ct77; A912199.
A912200. On the border of war and peace: the role of intelligence and the frontier in Polish foreign policy, 1938-1939. By Bichard Andrew ioytak. Hicrofilm. Q Bichard Andrew Ioytak; 140ct77; A912200.
A912201. The Political career of Thomas Ewing, Sr. By Silvia Tammisto Zsoldos. Hicrofilm. O Silvia Tammisto Zsoldos; 140ct77; A912201.
A912202. Teaching techniques for a module in alcohol education and traffi,c safety for junior high school. By Monica McKeon Homer. Microfilm. Monica McKeon Homer; 140ct77; A912202.
A912203. An Investigation to determine the nature and degree of influence of a teacher corps project on the social system of an urban elementary school. By Gerry Dwight Jordan. Hicrofilm. Gerry Dwight Jordan; 140ct77; A912203.
A9 1220 4. The Covenant chain: Iroquois diplomacy on the Niagara frontier, 1697-1730. By Bichard L. Haan. Hicrofilm. Richard L. Haan; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912204.
A912205. A Comparison of mothers* and teachers' estimates of their cerebral palsied children's adaptive behavior. By Marcia Ellen Boe Bishop. Hicrofilm. Harcia Ellen Boe Bishop; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912205.
A912206. Pilgrimage theology in the documents of Vatican 2. By Jeffrey G. Sobosan. Microfilm. O Jeffrey G. Sobosan;
140ct77; A912206.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.