JUL-DEC. 1977
A912130 (con.) O Sidney Cronlev Burqoyne; 110ct77; 19 12130.
1912131. Ocqanizational Cli»ate and the perceptions of subucban eiementacy school buildinq principals reqardinq the place«ent of ESK children. By Charles John Hurray. Hicrofili. O Charles John Hurray: 1«Oct77; »912131.
»912132. Oatlioe for a natural phonoloqy of Brazilian Portuquese; a qenerative analysis of phonetic patterninq- By Caraen Peter Holino. Hicrofili. Caraen Peter Holino: 1iiOct77: A912132.
A912133. School-aqe Bothers: the lonq-raoqe effects of comprehensive services. By Lulu Hae nix. aicrofiln. Lulu Hae Nix: 1110ct77: A912133.
»91213i). Hainonides and Palamas on God. By Georqe Constantine Papadenetriou. HicrofilB. C Georqe constantine Papadenetriou: 1«oct77; A912134.
A912135. The Philadelphia elite in the deve- lopBent of the Pennsylvania Acadeny of Fine Arts, 1805-1842. By Lee L. Schreiber. Hicrofila. Lee L. Schreiber; 1il0ct77: A912135.
A912135. Effects of placinq traditionally- educated urban sixth qraders Kith selected learninq styles in open and traditional classrooi environiaents. By Dorri Lenora Phipps. Hicrofili. O Dorri Lenora Phipps; moct77; A912136.
A912137. A Survey of the readijiq, aedia and other selected interests of students in qrades nine throuqh twelve as related to sex, race, acadeaic level, socio-econoaic status and achievement in Enqlish. By Boseaary Bedditt Powers. Hicrofila. Roseaary Bedditt Poiiers; 1"toct77; A912137.
A912138. A Descriptive and analytical study of the early adult roles of black and ahite Monen. By Eleanor Enqraa DeAloeida. Hicrofila. Eleanor Enqraa DeAlaeida: 1i40ct77 (in notice: 1976): A912138.
A912139. The Bisected brain. By Charles Lo-Yun Chenq. HicrofilB. Charles Lo-Iun Chenq; 1l»0ct77; A912139.
A9121U0. The Effects of a structured versos a non- structured parentinq-traininq treataent on factual knowledqe of and attitudes towards child abuse in adolescent feaales. By Handz Costanzo. Hicrofila. C iandz Costanzo: 110ct77; A9121'40.
»9121it1. The Coaparative study of the public school finance systea of the State of North Carolina (D.S.A) and the State of Gularat (India) By Praltash o. Desai. Hicrofila. C Prakash O. Desai; 1ilOct77: A912lai.
A9121<t2. Piapinq the proqraa: the culture of patients in a therapeutic coaaunity. By Irvinq Barry Soloway. Hicrofila. O Irvinq Harry Soloway; 1i|Oct77: A9121»2.
A912143. The Popular erotic lyric in Hiddle Enqlish. By Bruce L. Uaqner. Hicrofila. O Bruce L. Uaqner; 140ct77; A9121113.
A9121«H. A Coaparison of the effects of a counselinq skills training group and a treatment group with peer-counselor trainees. By fiichard John Tuff, Jr. Hicrofila. O Bichard John Tuff, Jr.; 1l40ct77: 1912114.
A9121II5. Adainistrators* and teachers' per- ceptions of the duty of due care in preventing student injury. By Suzanne Barbara Boot. Hicrofila. Suzanne Barbara Root; 140ct77; A912115.
A9121lt6. The Proqrammatic claims of Taillot and King: implications for baccalaureate nursing education. By Doris R. Schoel. Hicrofila. O Doris B. Schoel: 1il0ct77: 1912146.
A912147. The Developaent of the feel, think, act — qroup questionnaire: rationale, reliability and construct validity. By Leonard Louis Szpara. Hicrofila. O Leonard Louis Szpara; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912147.
A91214e. Spatial dynamics and infrastructure investment: an analysis of the effects of infrastructure on the development of urban areas and locational decisions of firas in Ethiopia. By Bulatu lubneh. Hicrofilm. O Mulatu Hubneh; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A912148.
A912149. Evaluation of electro-optical systems operating in turbulent media. By To Eussell Hsinq. Hicrofila. To Russell Hsinq; 140ct77; 1912149.
A912150. Reliqious intuition and the limits of lanquaqe: an empirical Uhiteheadian approach. By Nancy K. Prankenberry. Hicrofilm. O Nancy K. Prankenberry, 140ct77; 4912150.
A912151. The Lutheran presence in the Pacific Northwest prior to the First World Bar with special reference to the emerging synodical organization. By Albin Hilding Fogelquist, Jr. HicrofilB. llbin Hildinq Foqelquist, Jr.; 140ct77; A912151.
A912152. Family characteristics and choice of alternative educational programs. By Ronald Guard Crawford. Hicrofilm. O Ronald Guard Crawford; 140ct77; A912152.
A912153. The Four Seas Players: toward an alternative form of Chinese theatre, a case study of a community theatre in Chinatown, New lork City. By Joanna Wan-yinq Chan. Hicrofilm. O Joanna »an-yinq Chan; 140ct77; A912153.
A912154. Anisotropic mechanical properties of crystalline polymers. By James Con- stantine Seferis. Hicrofilm. C James Constantine Seferis; 140ct77; A912154.
1912155. A Proqram for constructing a competence theory of mathematical reasoning capacities. By Sharon Lee Johnson Armstrong. Hicrofilm. O Sharon Lee Johnson Armstrong; 140ct77; A912155.
A912156. The American Gevolutionary experience: a critical study of diaries and journals of American prisoners during the Revolu- tionary period. By Beverley Veloris Baxter. Hicrofilm. O Beverley Veloris Baxter; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 1912156.
A912157. The Composition, performance and analysis of an original work: Bicentennial Symphony, a jazz composition. By Samuel Aaron Bell. Hicrofilm. Samuel Aaron Bell; 140ct77; A9121S7.
A912158. Identification and interdisciplinary utilization of arts concepts to promote the aesthetic development of students of elementary education. By Hary Jane Bolin. Microfilm. Hary Jane Bolin; 140ct77; A912158.
A912159. The Cult of liberation: the Berkeley Free Church and the radical church movement, 1967-1972. By Harlan Douglas Anthony Stelmach. Hicrofilm. O Harlan Douglas Anthony stelmach; 140ct77; A9I2159.
A912160. Food cue prominence in television commercials and eating behavior of obese and non-obese feaales. By Graciela Albisini Falciglia. Hicrofilm. Graciela Albisini Falciglia; 140ct77; A912160.
A912161. Genetic and physiological analyses of cyclic adenosine 3', 5 "-monophosphate release in aggregation mutants of Dictyostelium mucoroides (DH7) By Hark Alexander Baclnnes. Hicrofilm. O Hark Alexander Haclnnes; 140ct77; 1912161.
1912162. The Development of directionality of self-concept of low socioeconomic young children as it relates to grade, sex and race. By Beverly Stoup Tucker. Hicrofila. Beverly Stoup Tucker; 140ct77; 1912162.
A912163. Creativity and personality: cognitive styles as a determinate of ideation and behavior. By Elsa Lorraine Colby-Horley. Hicrofila. Elsa Lorraine Colby-Horley; 140ct77; A912163.
A912164. The Naturalization of Bhitehead's God. By Robert Douglas Bendall. HicrofilB. O Robert Douglas Bendall; 140ct77; A912164.
A912165. The Effects of dyadic composition on the facilitation of creative behavior in gifted elementary school children. By Bernice Bass Goldberg. Hicrofilm. O Bernice Hass Goldberg; 140ct77; A912165.
A912166. An Investigation of factors contributing to secondary school schedule product variability. By Billiam Josiah Fowler, Jr. Hicrofilm. 6 Billiam Josiah fowler, Jr.; 140ct77; A912166.
A912167. English and Spanish story recall of first grade Spanish dominant pupils in bilingual programs. By Douglas Lester Decker. Hicrofilm. Douglas Lester Decker; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.