JUL-DEC. 1977
1912055 (COD.) the Presidents AssoclatiOD« AaeEicaD HaDaqeaeDt Associations. 29 p. O The Presidents Association, the chief executive officer's division of American Hanaqenent Associations; 270ct77; A912055.
A9 12056. Heat treatnent of tool steels; ASH hoae study £ extension coucse. By George P. Helloy, presented by the Anerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute. 26 p. Anerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute (in notice: Anerican Society for Hetals) ; 7Sep77; A912056.
A912057. Solid solutions: ASH hone study C extension course. By Leonard Bubin, edited by Balph E. Edelaan, presented by the Anerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute. 21 p. (Elenents of aetallurqy, lesson 10) O Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute (in notice: Aaerican Society for Hetals); 7Sep77: A912057.
A912058. Heat treataent of cast iron; ASH hoae study 6 extension course. By George P. Helloy, presented by the Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute. 26 p. O Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute (in notice: Anerican Society for Hetals) ; 23Auq77; A912058.
A912059. Austenite qrain size — its control and effects; ASH hoae study £ extension course. By Georqe P. Helloy, presented by the Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute. 22 p. Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Engineering Institute (in notice: Aaerican Society for Hetals); 23Aug77; A912059.
A912060. Solidification of aetals; ASH hoae study C extension course. By Barry H. Antes, edited by Balph E. Edelaan, presented by the Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Engineering Institute. 26 p. C American Society for Hetals, Hetals Engineering Institute: 23Auq77; A912060.
A912061. Annealing of steel; ASH hoae study £ extension course. By George F. Helloy, presented by the Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Engineering Institute. 22 p. Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute; 23Aug77: A9 12061. A912062.
Hardness and hardenability ; ASH hoae study & extension course. By George P. Helloy, revised by Howard B. Boyer, editor: Philip D. Harvey. 2 1 p. O Aaerican Society for Hetals, Hetals Enqineerinq Institute (in notice: Aaerican Society for Hetals) ; 2Nov77: A912062.
A9120e3. The Girl in the hairy paw; King Kong as avtb, Dovie (, aonster. Edited by Bonald Gottesaan £ Harry H. Geduld, foreword by Budy Behlaer. 1 v. NH: coapilation. Bonald Gottesaan S Harry H. Geduld: 20Apr76; A912063.
A91206lt. 201 Polish verbs fully conjugated in all the tenses* alphabetically arranqed. By Clara Kaipio. 2t7 p. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 210ct77; A91206«.
A912065. Science fiction and fantasy; 26 classic & conteaporary stories. By Fred Obrecht. 256 p. »H: additional text, editing 6 coapilation. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 310ct77; A912065.
A912066. Barron's Hon to prepare for PACE update. By Delores H. Bright. HI 5 p. Add. ti: Barron's Uoh to prepare for the Pro- fessional and adalnistrative career exaaination: PACE. Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 310ct77; A912066.
A912067. Coapendiua of early American folic reaedies, receipts and advice. By Jon-Erik Svensson. 166 p. O Jon-Erik Svensson; 30ct77: A912067.
A912a68. The Kitchen alaanac. Coapiled by Stone Soup Coapany. 398 p. O Stone Soup Coapany; 260ct77: A912068.
A912069. International recording equipment and studio directory. Editor-in-chief: Lee Zhito D other editors. 110 p. Add. ti: Billboard international recording equipaent and studio directory, 1977-1978. Appl. au: Billboard Publications, Inc. Billboard Publications, Inc.; 280ct77; A912069.
A912070. AudArena stadium. Vol. 11, no. 1, fall 1977. Directories editor: Beth Jenkins, compiled by Aauseaent business. 300 p. Add. ti: AudArena stadium 1978 inter- national guide and directory. Appl. au: Billboard Publications, Inc. O Billboard Publications, Inc.; 30ct77; A912070.
A912071. The Hopar Street rod. Bulletin no. 37, Hay 1977. Sheets (US p.) Chrysler Corporation: 13Jul77; A912071.
A912072. Hopar bracket racer science. Bulletin no. HO, Hay 1977. ao p. O Chrysler Corporation; 11Aug77; A912072.
A912073. Clermont County, OH, yellow pages classified telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. (With Clermont County, OH, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977) The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 1Sep77; A912073.
A91207I1. Clermont County, OB, telephone directory, September 1977. Cincinnati Bell, Inc.; 1Sep77: A912074.
A912075. Parents and babies, the 1st year. By Hyrna K. Smock. 23 p. Hyrna K. Smock; 19Sep77; A912075.
A912076. Computerized estimating tables. 1 v. Appl. au: Philip Hann. O Agena Harketing, Inc.: 11JU177; A912U76.
A912077. Industrial wire cloth calculator. Add. ti: Jelliff corporation industrial wire cloth calculator. MH: compilation 6 additional text. O Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; i|Nov77; A912077.
A912078. Bated loads for mechanical spliced press grip slings. Add. ti: Armco Steet Corporation rated loads for mechanical spliced press grip slings. HH: com- pilation £ additional text. Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; «Nov77: A912078.
A912079. Replacement cost estimator. Add. ti: Boyal Insurance Canada replacement cost estiaator. NH: coapilation £ additional text. O Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation: 1Aug7«; A912079.
A912080. Inventory, sales per linear foot, and stock turns pocket calculator. Add. ti: Aaerican Greetings inventory, sales per linear foot, and stock turns pocket calculator. NH: coapilation £ additional text. 6 Perrygraf, division of Nashua Corporation; «Aug77; A9 12080.
A912081. Petersen's Big book of photography. By Kalton C. Lahue. <(80 p. Appl. au: Petersen Publishing Coapany. Petersen Publishing Coapany: 150ct77: A912081.
A912082. Uorldwide pipelines and contractors directory, 1977. Editorial director: Donald N. Hilson £ other editors. 2nd ed. 200 p. Appl. au: The Petroleua Publishing Company. O The Petroleum Publishing coapany; 31Qct77; A9 12082.
A912083. Eastern Hemisphere petroleum directory, 1977/78. By the publishers of Oil and gas journal: The Petroleum Publishing Company. 9th ed. 562 p. Add. ti: Eastern Hemisphere directory, 77-78. The Petroleum Publishing (in notice: The Petroleum Publishing Company) ; 15Sep77; A912083.
A912084. Intermediate algebra, A5: teacher ed. 1 V. (Hathematics in modules) Appl. au: Nilliam Clare. Ltd. Band HcNally and Company: 1Jul77: 1912064.
A912085. Teacher's handbook and key to Writing good prose: a simple structural approach, fourth edition. By Alexander E. Jones G Claude H. Faulkner. 12 p. NH: 25t new text, editorial revision £ updating. O Charles Scribner's Sons; 31Hay77; A91208S.
A912086. Hriting good prose: a simple structural approach. By Alexander E. Jones £ Claude Winston Faulkner. <tth ed. 269 p. Charles Scribner's Sons; 31Hay77: A912086.
A9120S7. The American spirit: Arthur Fiedler with the Boston Pops Orchestra; notes on the music. Britten by Bobert Jones. 16 p. Add. ti: The American spirit: Arthur Fiedler's favorites. Appl. au: Time-Life Books, Inc. Tine-Life Books. Inc.; 2<»Oct77; A912087.
A912088. Arthur Fiedler: Arthur Fiedler's favorites. By Edmund White G the editors of Time-Life Becords. 22 p. Appl. au: Time-Life Books. Inc., employer for hire. HH: original text. O Tine-Life Books, Inc.; 2«Oct77; A912088.
A912089. Wonders of the East: a critical edition and commentary. By Paul Allen Gibb. Hicrofilm. NH: introd.. translation £ notes. Paul Allen Gibb; 140ct77; A912089.
A912090. Self-concept across sex, color and teacher estimated annual family income level for students in grades seven thru twelve. By Bobert Denton Gregory. Hicrofilm. O Bobert Denton Gregory:
1«Oct77: A912090.
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