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S911835 - S911875


JUL-DEC. 1977

i911831t (con.) Q Americau Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc.: 2Sep77; A911831.

&911835. Third century artists; a North Carolina public arts experience. Written & desiqned by Christine Alexander. 111 p. NN: additions. S North Carolina Arts Council: 30Sep77: A911B35.

AS 11 836. Gifts of love. By Anne Scale. 32 p. Berc Publications: 10Nov77: A911836.

A911837. Fundaaental concepts in nuclear energy utilization. By D. L. Bollis. 192 p. e 0. L. Hollis: 19Auq77: A9lia37.

A911838. Barrett "Perma-Gard" f erroresonant charqer manual. 24 p. Appl. au: fiichard J. Barqhini. 6 Barrett Battery, Inc.: 260ct77: A9n838.

A911839. Ave without metaphysics: an enquiry into the nature of Jewish consciousness. By Ralph Pessab. 17 p. Q Balph Pessah: 7NOV77: A911839.

A911840. Hountain-aire. 17 p. 6 Natural Enerqy Products: 130ct77: A9118a0.

A9118«1. B S V P reading and spelling via phonics. By Helen B. Simyak. 188 p. Helen B. Simyak: 8Nov77; A9118111.

A9 11842. Practical enerqy conservation; product catalog, residential. 188 p. Ntf: introd. C compilation. 6 Enerqy Publishinq Industries, Inc.; 100ct77: A91 1842.

A911843. ihat every bride should know about wedding photography. By Hatthew Donald Siegel. Folder. 6 Donald Siegel: 10NOV77: A911843.

A911844. Hamlet; the lucky cat who lives at the Algonquin Hotel. By Andrew A. Anspacb. 6 p. Andrew A. Anspacb; 11Nov77; A911844.

A911845. Hamlet: the lucky cat who lives at the Alqonguin Hotel; descriptive summary of the story. By Andrew A. Anspacb. 3 p. e Andrew A. Anspacb; 11Nov77; A9 11845.

A911846. Hanual of tetraseal design. 1 v. Appl. au: Jubl Advertising Agency. 6 Goshen Eubber Company, Inc.; 9Sep77: A911846.

A911847. The Social conscience of H. A. Criswell. By James E. Towns. 270 p. 6 Crescendo Publications, Inc.; 10Nov77: A911847.

A911848. From Main Street to State Street: town, city, and community in America. By Park Dixon Goist. 180 p. Kennikat Press corporation: 8Nov77: A911848.

A911849. The Political economy of urban transportation. By Delbert A. Taebel S James y. Cornehls. 218 p. KM: editorial revision, compilation 6 additional text. Q Kennikat Press corporation; 8Nov77; A911849.

A9 11850. Long Island as America; a documentary history to 1896- By James E. Bunce & Eichard P. Barmond. 202 p. NM: compilation, editorial revision & additional text. Q Kennikat Press Corporation; 8Nov77; A9118S0.

A911851. Franklin D. Boosevelt and the city bosses. By Lyle H. Dorsett. 134 p. Q Kennikat Press Corporation; 8Nov77; A911851.

A911852. La Justice, yearbook of the South Texas College of Law, 1976-77. 144 p. Add. ti: South Texas College of Lav. Appl. au; Rilliam E. Lange & Mikel H. Pettit. Hilliam E. Lange e Mikel H. Pettit; 2Jun77; A911852.

A911853. Vital records of the Protestant Dutch fieformed Church at Acquackanonk (Passaic, New Jersey) 1727-1316 (including some births 1692-1726) and Acguackanonk fieformed Church Graveyard. Transcribed £ indexed by Arthur C. a. Kelly. 381 p. NM; text, transcription of German script into English S, index. 6 Arthur C. M. Kelly: 1Jun77: A91ia53.

A911854. The Complete guide to your own business. By Curtis E. Tate, Jr., Leon C. Megginson, Charles B. Scott, Jr. S Lyle B. Trueblood. 384 p. e Dow Jones-Irwin; 1Sep77; A911854.

A911855. Electric machine theory for power engineers. By Evangelos E. flablekos, editor: Bonald T. Graff. 1000 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 1 e appendix A which were prev. pub. as Fundamentals of power engineering, A470693. 6 Van (Evangelos) E. Mablekos; 10ct77: A911855.

A911856. Great stories of mystery and suspense. No. 2. Selected & condensed by the editors of The Beader's digest. 2 v. Appl. au: The Beader's Digest Association, Inc. NM: selection 6 condensation of prev. pub. material. 9 The Beader's Digest Association, Inc.; 180ct77; A911856.

A911857. Inherit the red dog. By H. E. Dodson. 206 p. M. E. Dodson; 4Nov77; A911857.

A911858. Marketing management information systems. By uilliam Richard King. 213 p. O Mason/Charter Publishers, Inc. ; 30Aug77; A911858.

A911859. Knitting. By the editors of Ladies* home journal needle and craft & Ladies' home journal. 127 p. NM: compilations, revisions, additions & pictorial matter. 3 Downe Communications, Inc.; 16Aug77; A911859.

A911860. Monograph; the synchronous device in power systems. By Evangelos E. Mablekos. 307 p. NM: abridgment of chap. 5 of Electric machine theory for power engineers. Q Van (Evangelos) E. Mablekos; 10NOV77; A911860.

A911861. Profiles of early Tennessee leaders, 1780-1861. By iilliam B. Nicholson. 152 p. Rilliam B. Nicholson: 3Nov77; A911861.

A91 1862. Uses of plants by the Indians of the Missouri Biver region. By Melvin Bandolph Gilmore, foreword by Hugh Cutler. 109 p. NM; foreword. Dniversity of Nebraska Press; 4Nov77: A9118e2.

A911863. Marlin and Ballard, firearms and history. By Nilliam Rest. 2nd ed. , rev. e updated. 1 v. Add. ti: Marlin and Ballard arms. O Rilliam Rest a. k. a. Bill Rest; 4IIOV77; A911863.

A911864. An Alternative to our community concentration camps; a search for your rugged individualism in contemporary America. 38 p. Appl. au: Bonald Mombello. Bonald Mombello; 9Nov77; A911864.

A91186S. Is the Seventh Day Adventist Church. the church of the Bible? Folder. Appl. au: Bobert Danklefsen (Bob Danklefsen) 6 Bob Danklefsen; 240ct77; A9118e5.

A91186e. Boooow much can you laugh? By Jodi Joyce, pseud, of Anne chiancone £ Holly fieller, pseud, of Helen Fisher (alias Swinging Granny's) 103 p. NM; com- pilation & additions. 6 Jodi Joyce £ Bolly Beller; 210ct77; A911866.

A911867. Esto creemos los bautistas. Por James E. Giles. Ill p. Appl. au; Casa Bautista de Fublicaciones. Casa Bautista de Publicaciones; 310ct77; A911867.

A911868. Exodo; llamados a una mision redeutora. Por Page B. Kelley, version castellana de Alfonso Olmedo. 159 'p. Appl. au; Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. Original ti.: Exodus: called for redemptive mission. NM: translation. 6 Casa Bautista de Publicaciones; 310ct77; A911868.

A911869. El Cristiano y los problemas eticos. Por Pablo Alberto Deiros. Ill p. Appl. au: Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. O Casa Bautista de Publicaciones; 310ct77; A911869.

A911870. Es la salvacion eterna? Por Rilliam Carey Taylor, traducido del portugues por Juan Marsili. 80 p. Add. ti; Es su salvacion eterna? Appl. au: Casa Bautista de Publicaciones. NM: translation. Q Casa Bautista de Publicaciones; 310ct77; A911870.

A911871. Ministry on campus: a United Methodist mission statement and survey report. 95 p. National Commission on United Methodist Higher Education; 23Sep77; A911871.

A91187 2. The Holden Earth catalog. Compiled by the Bolden Arboretum volunteer guides. 42 p. e The Holden Arboretum; 10ct77; A911872.

A911873. Frankly yours. Selected poems of Frank Maurice Pettee. 21 p. Q Frank Maurice Pettee; 10Nov77; A911873.

A911874. Biogenic reducing: the wonder week, the healthy way — a pound a day. By Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. 54 p. O Edmond Bordeaux Szekely; 2Nov77; A911874.

A911875. Student program; motivation to millions. By Glen 0. Butler fi Jack A. Bose. 8 p. Prev. pub. 21Jul77. NM: editorial revisions. Q Glen O. Butler fi Jack A.

Bose; 5Nov77; A911875.


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