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491171)9 - A911790


JUL-DEC. 1977

i91171t8 (con.) Miccofilri. Glenn Emil Nilson: 1itOct77; &9117q8.

49117119. Factors which predict academic achievement for Nicronesian community College qraduates. By Salph Bryant Chumbley 3cd. Miccofila. 6 Balpb Bryant Chumbley 3rd; iaoct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 49117119.

4911750. Yeats' Celtic mysteries. By Lucy shepard Kaloqeca. Microfilm. Lucy Shepard Kaloqera; 1HOct77: 4911750.

4911751. & Comparison of modular/peer and self-traininq instruction as approaches to teacher traininq in confluent education. By Thomas Lo Guidice, Jr. HicrofilE. Thomas Lo Guidice, Jr.; 1UOct77 (in notice: 1976): 4911751.

4911752. Studies on the mechanism of ovulation. By Bobert James Swanson. Microfilm. 3 Bobert James Svanson; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911752.

4911753. The Effect of readability on reading comprehension of cottaqe parents in institutions for retarded persons. By Marilyn K. Rousseau. Microfilm, e Marilyn K. Bousseau; 1ilOct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911753.

49117511. The Interaction between the intellectual developmental levels of college students and their performance on equation solving when different reversible processes are applied. By Helen 4di. Microfilm. Helen 4di; 110ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4911751.

4911755. Crazy but serious: rebellion in the fiction of Norman Mailer. By Bobert L. Liebman. Microfilm. Bobert L. Lieboan; 1110ct77: 4911755.

4911756. The Scope of an undergraduate com- petency-based nutrition education program as determined by nutrition specialists. By Vivian D. Prince Hunt. Microfilm. O Vivian D. Prince Hunt; iaoct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911756.

4911757. Perceiving lustice and locating causality: the effects of outcome valence* perspective, and privileqedness. By Bichard Paul Mack. Microfilm. Bichard Paul Mack; 110ct77; 4911757.

4911758. The Effect of specific exercises on the overhand throw in baseball. By Edward Frank Jeffries, Jr. Microfilm, e Edward Frank Jeffries, Jr.; 1'10ct77: 4911758.

4911759. Clinical supervision: the key com- petencies required for effective practice. By 4nthony Peter Mattaliano. Microfilm. O 4nthony Peter Mattaliano; 140ct77; 4911759.

4911760. Toads and scorpions: women and sex in the writinqs of Herman Melville. By Robert Scott Kellner. Microfilm. O Bobert Scott Kellner; 110ct77; 4911760.

4911761. 4 Comparative laboratory study of the effects of two teaching strategies on sixth grade students' attitudes and self-concepts in science. By Sudhir Bhalchandra 4bhyankar. Microfilm. O Sudhir Bhalchandra 4bhyankar; 140ct77; 4911761.

4911762. A Pattern for making a healthy existence; an interdisciplinary exa- mination of the Biblical story of Joseph. By James Bobin King. Microfilm. James fiobin King; laoct77; 4911762.

4911763. Oltra-inperialism: a study. By James E. Mengel. Microfilm. O James E. Hengel; 1ilOct77 (in notice: 1976): 4911763.

49117611. The Pastor-husband and wife: correlates of theological perspectives, marital adjustment, job satisfaction and wife's participation in church activities. By Thomas Beeves Smith. Microfilm. Thomas Reeves Smith; 1itoct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 491176«.

4911765. Cultural dynamics of the elementary school classroom: an ethnographic approach. By J. Susan 4ustin. Microfilm. e J. Susan Austin; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A911765.

4911766. Leadership as interaction dialogue, by Harold Lorenzo Hunt. Microfilm. 6 Harold Lorenzo Hunt; iaoct77; 491176b.

4911767. Nonformal education and the development of self-reliance; Third Horld experiences and implications for urban 4frican- 4mericans. By Colden Murchinson. Microfilm. Colden Murchinson; 1ilOct77: 4911767.

4911768. Echoes of the midnight cry: the Millerite heritage in the apologetics of the Advent christian denomination, 1860-1960. By David 4rnold Dean. Microfilm. O David 4roold Dean; 1ilOct77; 4911768.

4911769. Beading achievement of Florida migrant children with differing levels of self-concept. By 4rthur Charles Johnson, Jr. Microfilm. O Arthur Charles Johnson, Jr.; 1UOct77; A911769.

4911770. The Effect of structural characteristics upon item difficulties in standardized reading comprehension tests. By Chariya Sethaputra. Microfilm. Chariya Sethaputra; 140ct77; 4911770.

4911771. Synthesis and characterization of perhalogenated bromoacetaldehyde polymers. By David Resley Lipp. Microfilm. 6 David Uesley Lipp; 1il0ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4911771.

4911772. The Preparation, structure and reactions of some 1,2,3-oxadiazoline-3-oxides. By 41bert Bigelow Nelson. Microfilm. e 41bert Bigelow Nelson; 1il0ct77; 4911772.

4911773. Identification of needs in functional literacy and family life planning education in Thailand. By Somjit Sroisuriya. Microfilm. Somjit Sroisuriya; 140ct7T: 4911773.

49117711. Le Dit de I'unicorne. By Dorothy Lynoe Schrader. Microfilm. Add. ti: The Onicorn story. Appl. states all new material, except 4ppendix 2: Photographic reproductions, p. 119-123. Dorothy Lynne Schrader; 140ct77; 4911771.

1911775. Staff development needs perceived by elementary teachers before placement of exceptional children in their classroom. By Genelda Curl Bass. Microfilm. Genelda Curl Bass; 1il0ct77; 4911775.

4911776. V. V. Stasov: selected articles on Musorgsky (i.e. Mussorgsky) , a critical annotated translation with introduction. By Richard 411en Hoops. Microfilm. e Bichard 41ien Hoops; 1il0ct77; 4911776.

4911777. 4uthority of elders. By Robert B. Taylor, Jr. Folder. 6 Barber Printing; 10ct77; 4911777.

4911778. Have you wondered about baptism? By U. N. Jackson. Folder. 6 Barber Printing; 10Sep77; 4911778.

4911779. Have you been warned about the Church of Christ? By R. N. Jackson. Folder. & Barber Printing; 10Sep77; 4911779.

4911780. Hhat to expect when you visit the Church of Christ. By Calvin Barber. Folder. O Barber Printing; 10Sep77; 4911780.

4911781. Misconceptions about the eldership. By Bobert B. Taylor, Jr. Folder. Barber Printing; IQct77; 4911781.

49 11 78 2. Marriage, divorce and remarriage. By Bobert B. Taylor, Jr. Folder. Barber Printing; 10ct77: A911782.

4911783. Hanukah cut-out and coloring book. 1 v. Appl. au: 4nita Van Zak. 6 Libran Force Publications; 8Nov77; 4911783.

4911784. Bespect me. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Frederick Marr. 6 Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr); 130ct77; 4911781.

4911785. Church girl. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Frederick Marr. Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr); 130ct77; 4911785.

4911786. The Queen. 1 p. Appl. au: Frederick Marr. 6 Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr); 130ct77; 4911786.

A911787. Raiting for my baby. 1 p. Appl. au: Frederick Marr. O Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr) ; 130ct77; A911787.

A911788. I can make it. 1 p. Appl. au: Frederick Marr. Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr) ; 130ct77; 4911788.

4911789. Second hand 4nn. 1 p. Appl. au: Frederick Marr. O Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr) ; 130ct77: A911789.

A911790. You're learning. 1 p. Appl. au: Frederick Marr. O Frederick Marr (in notice: Fredrick Marr); 130ct77;



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