JUL-DEC. 1977
4911709. Introductory sociology; a core text. By Jaaes K. Seiones. 255 p. Jaaes K. Se»ones: 15iuq77; i911709.
i911710. Laboratory aaDual Cor introductory biology. By Arlene F. Foley. 373 P. irlene P. Foley; 2JAuq77; »911710.
»911711. Sociological stuff. By H. Paul Chalfant, Eyans B. Curry £ C. Eddie Palier. 246 p. u. Paul chalfant. Evans y. Curry e C. Eddie Falaer; 23Sep77; »9 11711.
»911712. Introducing visual sociology. By Tiaothy J. Curry £ ilfred C. Clarke. 93 p. O Tiaothy J. Curry 6 ilfred c. Clarke; 23Sep77: i911712.
»911713. Fundaaentals of conceptual analysis. By Joseph Hilbe. litO p. O Joseph Hilbe; 22»ug77; 4911713.
i91171<t. Functional business concepts. By Edward B. lost. 175 p. C Bdnard B. Yost; 23Sep77; A9117U.
4911715. Biology learning guide. By E. c. Ferri, S. H. Harrington. D. F. Scales i G. S. Ualker. 105 p. Appl. au: Departaent of Biology. Bucks County Coaaunity College, e Departaent of Biology, Bucks County Coaaunity College; 124ug77; 4911715.
4911716. Coabining reading and vritiog. By Jaaes E. Rebster. 2nd ed. 182 p. O Ken- dall/Hunt Publishing Coapany; 124uq77; 4911716.
4911717. 4n 4ssessaent of nontraditiona 1 education aaong the collegiate aeabers of the Southern 4ssociation of Colleges and Schools. By Edward Gordon Siapson. Jr. aicrofila. Edward Gordon Siapson. Jr. ; 140ct77: 4911717.
4911718. The Political response of black 4aericans. 1876-1896. By Elizabeth Caldwell Beatty. Bicrofila. Elizabeth Caldwell Beatty: 1itoct77: 4911718.
4911719. 4 Study of departaent chairmen in selected college and university theatre prograas: their perceived probleas and prospects. By Hichael Dean Garrett. aicrofila. C Hichael Dean Garrett; 1KOct77: 4911719.
4911720. Sex-role stereotyping of aale clients by counselors-in-training. By Joseph Anthony Padronagglo. Hicrofila. Joseph Anthony Padronaqqio: 1<tOct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4911720.
4911721. The Status of selected Florida vocational education coapensatory prograas. By Jaaes 411en Barge. Hicrofila. C Jaaes Allen Barge; 1«Oct77 (in notice: 1976); A911721.
4911722. A Hodel for evaluating intraaural prograas at selected private two-year institutions. By Coulbourn Hurt Tyler. Hicrofila. C Coulbourn Hurt Tyler; 1ltOct77; A911722.
A911723. Parents* opinions reqacding the value of hoaebased prograas for preschool handicapped children. By Nora Bley Cartledge. Hicrofila. O Nora Eley Cartledqe; l<10ct77; A911723.
A91172I4. A Guidance based cucriculua for a life planning/career developaent proqraa for adult woaen within an integration aodel. By Harcia Clark HcCann. Hicrofila. O Harcia Clark HcCann; 1i(Oct77; A91172<t.
A911725. Feasible siaultaneous theatres: an analysis of the space-tiae possibilities inherent in the audience- perforaer perceptual relation. By Leonard Herbert Hellaers, Jr. Hicrofila. O Leonard Herbert Hellaers. Jr.; IVOct77 (in notice: 1976); A911725.
A911726. Fabrication nethods and yarn aani- pulatioD techniques represented in the Peruvian textiles of the Carter collection at the Florida State University. By Delia Alice Nielson Pottberq. Hicrofila. Delia Alice Bielson Pottberq; l'»Oct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911726.
4911727. Species coaposition, epilithic faunal production, and ooveoeuts of Pycnopsyche guttifer (Trichoptera: Lianephilidae) in Factory Brook. Bestfield fiiver, Has- sachusetts. By Bichard Joseph Neves. Hicrofila. O Bichard Joseph Neves; l«Oct77; 4911727.
4911728. 4n 4nalysis of factors which affect teachers* attitudes toward English usage. By Henry Edward Deluzain. Jr. Hicrofila. O Henry Edward Deluzain, Jr.; I«0ct77 (in notice: 1976); A911728.
A911729. An Analysis of the effect of taxation on the location of industrial eaployaent. By Edward Hichael HcNertney. Hicrofila. O Edward Hichael HcNertney; lUOct77; 491 1729.
4911730. 4 Critigue of the integrated arts experience: its relation to learning theory and its pedagogical value. By Frank John Hessina. Hicrofila. Frank John Hessina; 140ct77; 4911730.
491 1731. Developaent and field test of a cost-perf oraance aodel for technician and vocational prograas. By John tinston fiice. Jr. Hicrofila. O John Hinston Bice, Jr.; I<t0ct77; 4911731.
491 1732. 4n Exaainatioa of some of the effects of parent participation in the Pittsfield. Hassachusetts follow-through proqraa. By Howard HcEachern. Hicrofila. Howard HcEachern; 1«Oct77; 4911732.
4911733. Inforaation systeas sioplif ication: a deaonstration model in higher education. By Sichards Nenzel Kaiser. Hicrofila. Bichards Benzel Kaiser; 1i»Oct77; 4911733.
491173t. 4n Investigation of state anxiety response for high and low speech anxious subjects in two types of threat situa- tions. By Larry Ballace Carlile. Hicrofila. Larry Nallace Caclile; 1i40ct77 (in notice: 1976); 491173*.
4911735. The Eapathic ability of actors: a behavioral study. By Dovard Kelly Collaa. Hicrofila. Dovard Kelly Collua; 1»Oct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911735.
A911736. A Statistical analysis of spring bird aiqration at fiahij, Arab Bepublic of Eqypt. By Kenneth Otto Horner. Hicrofila. Kenneth Otto Horner: 140ct77; A911736.
4911737. A Liquid chroaatographic detector eaployinq thin layer twin electrode steady state aaperoaetry: application to catecholaaine analysis. By Robert Jaaes Fenn. Hicrofila. fiobert Jaaes Fenn ; 140ct77; A911737.
4911738. Preadolescent needs and probleos as seen in faaily life fiction published between the years 1965 and 1975: a content analysis. By Teresa Gayle Poston. Hicrofila. O Teresa Gayle Poston; 1»Oct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911738.
4911739. The Effects of depression and sex on agressive affect and behavior toward the self and toward others. By Pred Egon Koerner. Hicrofila. Fred Egon Koerner; Ilt0ct77; 4911739.
4911710. Characterizing aarket segaents with personal values, product consuaption and situational constraints. By Robert Luther King. Hicrofila. O Robert Luther King; li»Oct77 (in notice: 1976); 49117it0.
49117m. Variations on topoi: locus aaoenus. pastoral, and roaance in two works by 4dolfo Bioy Casares. By Suzanne Jill Levine. Hicrofila. Suzanne Jill Levine; 1'tOct77: 49117U1.
4911712. The Bole of the Virginia State Board of Education in policy aaking. By Burletine Diaaond Karlen. Hicrofila. O Burletine Diaaond Karlen; 110ct77; 4911712.
A911713. A Systea for interrelating coaponents which affect the construction and iapleaentation strategies for criterion- referenced tests. By Susan Lee Reichaan. Hicrofila. Susan Lee fieichaan; 110ct77; A911713.
4911711. 4 Fraaework for conceptualizing suaaative evaluation probleas and its iaplications for evaluation design. By Vitoria Dalva Nasciaento. Hicrofila. O Vitoria Dalva Nasciaento; 110ct77; 4911711.
4911715. 4n Evaluation of an assessaent systea for perforaance-based teacher education prograas. By Barry Nugent Jaaes. Hicrofila. Barry Nugent Jaaes; 110ct77; 4911715.
4911716. The Identification of black values as they affect black students. By Jaaes Barton Huch. Hicrofila. O Jaaes Barton Huch; 110ct77; 4911716.
4911717. 4 Study of the perceptions of selected school-based adainistrators in Florida relative to certain variables in secondary school adainistration as they relate to job satisfaction. By 41fred Lee Hooker. Hicrofila. C 41fred Lee Booker; 110ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911717.
4911718. flan, wilderness, and environaentalisa: a study in the sociology of social
aoveaents. By Glenn Fail Nilson.
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