4911508 - 4911552
JUL-DEC. 1977
4911508. Judicial Branch of the Navalo Nation rules of court. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Stephen B. Gudac G Hare S. Gladner. €9 Judicial Branch of the Navajo Nation: 22Jun77: 4911508.
4911509. From the kitchens of 4Berica's creative cooks. Vol. 1. 135 p. 4ppl. au: Helen L. Norris e Helen Norris; 23Jan75; 4911509.
4911510. HoH the soH became a goddess. By Jaaes Heynen. 1 v. Portions pcev. pub. in Carleton miscellany 6 others. 9 Janes Heynen (in notice: Jim Heynen) : 10Sep77; 4911510.
4911511. Certain women. By Bon HcFarland. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in Basilisk G others. e Hon McParland; l5Sep77: 4911511.
4911512. ionen at war: a deadly species. By J. David Truby. 106 p. NH: compilation of photos. G new text. 9 Paladin Press; 304uq77: 4911512.
4911513. 4nimaX spring. By Steven E. Owen. 1 p. 4dd. ti: Animals spring. C Steven E. Owen: 144pr77: 4911513.
4911514. Estimating child and spousal support: economic guidelines for iudges and attorneys. By Philip Eden. 131 p. e Philip Eden: 12Sep77: 4911514.
4911515. International directory of members^ October 1977. 75 p. 3 Realty Pcoqraomlnq Corporation; 100ct77; 4911515.
4911516. Inspirationals. By Lois B. Jones* illus. I Lois B. Jones G Fred N. Carr. 1 V. a Lois B. Jones; 260ct77; 4911516.
4911517. Political profiles of black college students in the South: socio-political attitudes, preferences, personality and characteristics. By J. Dudley HcClain, Jr. 316 p. @ Besurgens Publications, Inc.: 30Sep77: 4911517.
4911518. Political profiles of college students in the South: socio-political attitudes, preferences, personality and charac- teristics. By J. Dudley Mcclain, Jr. 509 p. 3 Besurgens Publications, Inc.; 40ct77: 4911518.
4911519. Countdown by Rater Pik; guidebook to permanent weight loss. 94 p. Add. ti: Guidebook to permanent weight loss, e Teledyne Bater Pik; 7Auq77: A911519.
4911520. Bater Pik adds weight to a $1.4 billion category: Countdown by Bater Pik, the permanent weight loss system. 1 v. leledyne Bater Pik; 2Sep77; 4911520.
4911521. Introducing The Nurtury by Bater Pik: the natural way to feed your baby. 1 v. e Teledyne Bater Pik; 254ug77; 4911521.
4911522. Countdown by Bater Pik: introducing the permanent weight loss system. 1 v. e Teledyne Bater Pik; 74uq77; 49 11522.
4911523. Bear Family concentrated Flavoroils cookbook; exciting recipes and other ideas for using our 100% natural oil flavorings. Britten by Syble Beck G Samuel 4. Hatz. 15 p. Solar Products, Inc.; 17JU177; 4911523.
4911524. The New Haven sound, 1946-1976. By Paul Lepri. 1 V. O Paul Lepri; 310ct77; 4911524.
4911525. How to succeed in business without being a man! By Carol 4. Shelton. 182 p. e Carol A. Shelton; 90ct77; 4911525.
4911526. 4strological cycles and the life crisis periods. By John Townley. 49 p. John Townley: 254ug77; 4911526.
A911527. Aries, and other titles. By B. L. Bagner 3rd. 12 p. (Zodiac collection) E. L. Bagner 3ra; 110ct77; 4911527.
4911528. Social work in the 1980' s, challenges and opportunities. Foreword by Fernando G. Torgerson. 31 p. 4ppl. au: James B. Callicutt, Peter G. Gaupp, Dennis Saleebey. 6 The University of Texas at 4rlington (in notice: Graduate School of Social Bork, The University of Texas at 4rlington) ; 30Sep77; A911528.
A911529. The Morning light. By Curtis L. Johnson. 166 p. Parts have appeared, in slightly different form, in Quixote G others. 6 Carpenter Press; 15Sep77; A911529.
4911530. T.D. with J.C. (Touchdown with Jesus Christ) Characters created by Charles Helvin Lee G Ira Anderson Billiams, all drawings, art, graphic illus. by Charles Melvin Lee. 1 v. Adapted from The Body of believers by Ira 4. Billiams. @ Charles Melvin Lee G Ira Anderson Billiams: 7Sep77; 4911530.
4911531. Journal of a pioneer builder. Written G illustrated by Boone M. Morrison. 78 p. 3 Hawaii Natural History 4ssociation, Ltd.; 26Sep77; A911531.
4911532. Betired lives reserve: using a tax exempt, 501(c)(9) trust. 3 p. NM: new textual material G revisions. 6 Annuity Marketing Corporation of America; 27Sep77; 4911532.
4911533. The Papers of Daniel Murray: guide to a microfilm edition. Edited by Jane Bolff G Eleanor McKay. 16 p. 3 The State Historical Society of Bisconsin; 20Sep77; 4911533.
4911534. Bisconsin calendar, 1978. 3 The State Historical Society of Bisconsin; 21Jun77; A911534.
A911535. So you're a Baptist! Junior high instructor. Vol. 26, no. 1. fall quarter 1977. 72 p. 3 Begular Baptist Press; 5Jul77; A911535.
A911536. An Anthology of heroic-couplet poetry. Compiled G edited by Billiam Bowman Piper. 283 p. NM: critical evaluation, compilation G additional text. 6 Billiam Bowman Piper; 28Feb77; 4911536.
4911537. Subchapter S planning and operation. By Irving Schreiber G Sydney s. Traua. 1 v.
4911538. Partnerships and taxes: a practical guide. By Joseph P. Sullivan. 1 v. 3 Panel Publishers; 9Sep77; 4911538.
4911539. Meatball. Authors: Billiam Hurray Hill G Murry Luftig. 352 p. 3 Billiam Murray Hill 6 Murry Luftig; 2Jan77; 4911539.
A911540. The Shepherd's story. 1 p. Appl. au: Frank Novak. NM: compilation. 6 Frank Novak; 170ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4911540.
4911541. Media 3 for Toung Innovators. 7 v. 6 1 p. 4dd. ti: Media 3/grapevine. NM: additions. @ Young Innovators, Inc.; 140ct77; 4911541.
4911542. Media 3 for Young Innovators. 7 v. G 1 p. 4dd. ti: Media 3/grapevine. NM: additions. 3 Young Innovators, Inc. ; 70ct77; 4911542.
4911543. 4 Hole. Kit. 4ppl. au: Edward F. Noggle. 3 Exec Company; 8Jul77; 4911543.
4911544. A Transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical history of Christianity. By Donald E. Stanford. 434 p. Donald E. Stanford; 1Sep62; A911544.
4911545. Meet, eat and enjoy Greater Detroit; the authoritative restaurant and menu guide covering southeastern Michigan and Bindsor. By Mary Conway G Bichard Satchwell, art direction, design G illus.: Richard Golembiewski. 1978 ed. 238 p. 9 J. Bell, Inc.; 240ct77; 4911545.
4911546. Mobile dimension saws, model 12 and 127. Catalog by Craig Calkins. 1 v. Appl. au: Mobile Manufacturing Company. 3 Mobile Manufacturing Company; 15Sep77; 4911546.
4911547. Paradox: the case for the extrater- restrial origin of man. By John Philip Cohane. 182 p. NM: text, compilation of photos., maps, diagrams, bibliography G index. 3 John Philip Cohane; 300ct77; 4911547.
4911548. Crosbie's Dictionary of puns. By John S. Crosbie, illustrated by Janet Sutherland. 282 p. NM: compilation of puns, illus. G appendices. 3 John S. Crosbie; 3 IOct77; A911548.
A911549. Bestfield. By Roderick Thorp. 595 p. 9 Bodericfc Thorp; 110ct77; A911549.
&911550. The Tallest liar. By Cyrus Leo Sulzberger. 216 p. 3 C. L. Sulzberger; 120ct77; A911550.
A911551. Murder at the Harlem Mosgne. By Sonny Grosso £ John Devaney. 224 p. NM: text G compilation of photos. 3 Sonny Grosso G John Devaney; 240ct77; 4911551.
4911552. The Joy of gay sex. By Charles Silverstein 6 Edmund Bhite, illustrated by Michael Leonard, Ian Beck G Julian Graddon. 239 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1977.
NH: text G compilation of illus.
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