A91142l» - A911465
JUL-DEC. 1977
&911lt23 (cou.) 2 p. Varner-Hard Leasing Conpany; 310ct77; i9111t23.
&9 11424. 7ou can Bake your own drapes. 27 p. Appl. au: Harvey Tictor Orlenko & Elizabeth Stanley Orlenko. Hacvey oclenico e Betty Orlenko; 1Hot77: &911424.
4911425. Keoqh: how the Herrill Lynch tax- sheltered Keogh retirement plan works. 10 p. @ aerrill Lynch Pierce Fenner and Saith, Inc.; 10ct77: »911425.
4911426. Portfolio consultation services; a service o£ Herrill Lynch Asset Uanagement. IV. O nerrill Lynch Asset Hanagenent, Inc.; 10ct77; A911426.
A911427. Heritage Boots: faaily history book. 1 V. Appl. au; Leonard Hilliaa Crooks. Celebration Products, Inc. ; 240ct77; A911427.
A911428. Heritage Boots: genealogical guide book. 8 p. Appl. au: Leonard Hillian Crobks. 5 celebration Products, Inc. ; 240ct77; A911428.
A911429. The Hooe buyer's guide to southwestern Illinois, Saint Louis* largest suburb. Prepared by Ira E. Berry, Inc., Bealtors. 50 p. Appl. au: Ira E. Berry, Inc. Ira E. Berry, Inc., Bealtors (in notice: Ira E. Berry, Inc.); 1Nov77; A911429.
A911430. The Budgetary system in Tennessee. By flyrui Plaas & Charles A. zuzak. 2nd ed. 161 p. 6 Bureau of Public Administration (in notice: Bureau of Public Adminis- tration, University of Tennessee) ; 180ct77: A911430.
A911431. Proceedings of the Plant Growth Begulator Korking Group, fourth annual meeting. Hot Springs^ Arkansas, August 9-11, 1977. 367 p. 6 Plant Growth fiequlator Horking Group; 7Bov77 ; A911431.
A911432. California damages: law and proof. By Lelaud a. Johns. 2nd ed. 4 86 p. Leland H. Johns; 19Sep77: A9 11432.
A911433. California paralegal's handbook. By Zella Back. 427 p. Parker and Son Publications. Inc.; 280ct77; A9 11433.
A911434. Virgin Islands code: annotated. Vol. 3A-3B: title 17-18, 19-20. 1976 ed. 2 V. Appl. au: Equity Publishing Corporation. 6 The Lieutenant Governor for the Government of the Virgin Islands; 170ct77: A9 11434.
A911435. Beports of cases argued and determined in the Supreme Court of the state of Vermont. Vol. 134. Beporter of decisions: Larry A. Abbott. 718 p. Appl. au: Gguity Publishing Corporation. NH: headnotes, tables & digest. O James A. Guest, secretary of state for the State of Vermont; 170ct77; A9 11435.
A911436. Marine laws: navigation and safety; 1977 suppl. (to 1963 ed.) Vol. 1-2. By Frederick K. Arzt. Appl. an: Equity Publishing Corporation. 6 Equity
A911437. Game table. Folder. Appl. au: Donald D. Shea. NN: additions. 3 Donald D. Shea (in notice: Don 0. Shea) ; 8Nov77; A911437.
A911438. Silver refiners of the world and their identifying ingot marks. 1 v. Bfi: additions & revisions. The Silver Institute: 7Sep77; A911438.
A911439. Bedefining national security. By Lester B. Brown. 46 p. (Borldwatch paper 14, Oct. 1977) Appl. au: Borldwatch Institute. O Horldwatch Institute: 290ct77; 4911439.
A911440. Tax aspects of charitable giving. Folder (11 p.) Appl. au: Joseph A. Samelsberger. O flarshall Publications, Inc.; 1JU177; A911440.
A911441. Beaver, Boone, Boxholm, lA, and others telephone directory, November 1977. Add. ti: Iowa regional telephone directory, including Boone, November 1977. & Northwestern Bell Telephone Company; 240ct77; A9 11441.
A911442. Manual of Indian law. Prepared by the American Indian Lawyer Training Program, Inc. 3rd ed. 1 v. Q American Indian Lawyer Training Program, Inc.; 20Oct77; A911442.
A911443. Structured programmiuq for the Cobol programmer; design, documentation, coding, testing. By Paul Noll. 239 p. Bike Burach and Associates, Inc.; 100ct77; A911443.
A911444. Loctite Corporation. By Bobert J. Eastman C Carl B. Frederick. 6 p. Q Frederick Besearch Corporation; 10Oct77; A911444.
A91144S. Dnited Industrial Corporation. By Carl B. Frederick. 6 p. Frederick Research Corporation; 1Nov77: A911445.
A911446. Shoe bulletin. No. 84, Nov. 7, 1977. 4 p. Q Friction Materials Standards Institute, Inc.; 7Nov77; 4911446.
A911447. Banufacturer's shipment reporting system monthly statistical report, September 1977. 1 V. Motorcycle Industry council. Inc.; 4Nov77; 4911447.
A91144B. Phonetic remedial reading course; based on the structure 6 logic of the English language. By Laszlo Uunyady. 12 p. O Laszlo Hunyady; 7Nov77: A9 11448.
A911449. Mighty Mure wood splitter. Folder, e Murray Bachinery, Inc.; 23Sep77; A911449.
A911450. Operator's manual and maintenance instructions with parts list for flighty Mure wood splitter model 200AG and model 500Sca. 11 p. O Murray Bachinery, Inc.; 28Sep77; A911450.
A911451. Beatification and canonization of the servant of God, John Gailhac, priest and founder of the Institute of the Sacred Heart of Mary; inquiry into the historical value of Father T- flaymard's biography. Translated from the Italian and French by Sister Barie-Joseph Bogan, BSHM & Sister Francoise-Therese Bogan, BSHB (Elizabeth Bogan) , issued by Sacred Congregation of Bites. Historical Section. 311 p. C Beligious of the Sacred Heart of Mary; 1Jun77; A911451.
A911452. Modern digital communications. By Ed J. Boss. 308 p. e Tab Books; 10Oct77; A911452. A911453. The Build-it book of learning play- things. By Buth Holverton. 323 p. @ Tab Books; 100ct77; A911453.
A911454. Third class FCC license study guide. By Victor F. C. Veley. 322 p. C Tab Books; 10oct77; A911454.
A911455. Information on music: a handbook of reference sources in European languages. Vol. 2: The Americas. By Guy A. Barco, Ann Biriam Garfield & Sharon Paugh Ferris. 296 p. 3 Libraries Unlimited, Inc. ; 150ct77; A911455.
A911456. Handbook of black librarianship. Compiled & edited by E. J. Josey & Ann Allen Shockley. 392 p. 3 E. J. Josey £ Ann Allen Shockley; 150ct77: A911456.
A911457. A Bibliography of drug abuse, including alcohol and tobacco. By Theodora Andrews. 306 p. 3 Theodora Andrews; 30Sep77; A911457.
A911458. Encyclopedia science supplement, 1977-78. 390 p. 3 Grolier, Inc.; 5Sep77; A911458.
A911459. The Book of popular science. Vol. 1-10. 1977 ed. 3 Grolier, Inc.; 1Jul77: A911459.
A911460. Drafting wills and trust agreements in South Carolina. By Bobert P. Rilkins, with the editorial assistance of Jean Galloway Bissell, Albert L. Moses, Albert C. Todd 3rd 6 Billiam P. Simpson. 800 p. Prev. pub. 1971. NM: additions 6 revisions. 3 South Carolina Bar; 1Sep77; A911460.
4911461. Combinations, 1,2,3; a language game. Sheets in 3 envelopes. Appl. au: Myrtle Bates. NB: additions £ revisions. e Myrtle Bates; 2Nov77 (in notice: 1974); A911461.
4911462. Parent packs: mastery of math skills. Kit. 4ppl. au: Linda Dianne Bridge. 3 Linda Dianne Bridge; 190ct77; 4911462.
A911463. Parent packs: mastery of reading skills. Kit. Appl. au: Linda Dianne Bridge. 8 Linda Dianne Bridge; 190ct77; A91146J.
A911464. Halking the Southwest — Arizona/Phoenix. By John Neary. Folder. (Balking tours of America) Appl. au: Kinney Shoe Cor- poration. 8 Kinney Shoe Corporation; 22Sep77; A911464.
A911465. Halking the Northwest — Oregon/Portland:
downtown and newtown. By Terence
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