JUL-DEC. 1977
6911353 (con.) utilization of selected patients. By Thomas Chcistopher Oolan. Hicrofiln. © Thomas Christopher Dolan; 140ct77; A911353.
4911354. Norms and the problem of relativism in Tillich's Theory of theological knoHledge. By Hary Ann Stenger. Hicrofiloi. Hary Ann Stenger; iaoct77; A911354.
A911355. Location and migration study of graduates of the college of fledicine of the University of Iowa, 1961-1970. By John David Proe. Hicrofilai. Q John David Proe; iaoct77; A911355.
A911356. Religion and higher education: a study of University of lona students comparing attitudes and perspectives over six years* 1970 to 1976- By David Lorentz Schuldt. HicrofilD. @ David Lorentz Schuldt; 1(*0ct77; A911356,
A911357. The fiise of the Communications Hork^rs of America: union organization and centralization in the telephone industry. 1935-1947. By John Norten Schacht. nicrofilo. € John Norten Schacht; 140ct77; A911357-
A911358. George Sand's Consuelo — la Coatesse de Budolstadt: a novel of initiation. By Deborah £uhe. Hicrofilm. Q Deborah Buhe; 140ct77; A9 11358-
A911359. A Bole analysis of the transition to parentfarood: research continuities and further developments. By Benee Hoffman Stef f ensmeier- Hicrofilm. 6 fienee Hoffman Stef f ensmeier; 140ct77; A9n359.
A911360. Lawyer and doomsman in the old English county court. By Robert Charles Palmer. Hicrofilm. 6 Robert Charles Palmer; 140ct77; A911360.
A911361. An Assessment of the feasibility of incorporating marketing in health adninistration education. By Heed Laird Norton. Hicrofilm. @ Bced Laird Norton; 140ct77; A911361-
A9 11362. Dickens and the testimony of appea- rances- By Charles Irwin Schuster. Hicrofilm. 6 Charles Irwin Schuster; 140ct77; A911362.
A911363- Haintenance training study- Prepared by G- C. Armstrong for Honsanto- Sheets. Appl. au: Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. Q Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 7JU177; A911363,
A911364. Petrochemical Division* Styrene Department HSH no. S-463 neutralization and clarification. Prepared by D. HcLean & Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc- 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar Ltd. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry. Inc.; 1BHay77: A911364-
A911365- Humber 3 HEK unit HSH 5 ultraformer reaction. Prepared by Kenard Taylor 6 Management and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Amoco Oil Company, Uhiting Refinery. Appl. au: Amoco Oil Company. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 1Har77; A911365,
A911366. Hanual P007 relief and safety valves. Prepared by E. C. Bartmann. 1 v. Appl. au: Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc. Q Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 3Apr76; A911366.
A911367. Hanual I 155S sistena de control del horno electrico. Preparado por Pablo O. Jimenez. Appl. au: Hanagement and Training systems for Industry, Inc. NM: translation. @ Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Jul77; A911367.
A911368- 859 Hydrocracker complex* HSH 859-4 hydrogen recycle compressor IC-1. Prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Ice. & Atlantic aichfield Company, issued by Atlantic Richfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc- ; 15Har77: A91136e.
A911369. Hanual PH-5S sistema de fuerza del horno. Prepared by fi escrito por: personal de Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc., traduccion: Sergio Sobredo, issued by Sxploraciones y Ezplotaciones Hineras Izabal* S.A., Planta Niguegua. 1 v. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S-A. NH: translation. @ Hanagement and Training systems for Industry, Inc.; 11Har77; A911369.
A911370. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Department* Styrene no. 2 unit HSH no. S-445 benzene toluene recovery. Prepared by Stan Reeve & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v- Appl. au: Polysar Limited. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. ; lHar77; A9n370.
A911371, Asphalt plant manual no. ASPH 2 heating oil system. Prepared by A. T. Herbert 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. , issued by Atlantic Richfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 28Jun76; A911371.
A911372. Petrochemicals Division, Butadiene Department B.D.B. unit HSH B-202 B.D.B. reaction manufacturing step. Prepared by H- N. Day* & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc- 1 v. Appl. au: Polysar Limited. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.; lApr76; A911372.
A9 11373. Petrochemical Division, Styrene Department, styrene number 2 unit HSH number S-446 ethylbenzene recycle step. Prepared by 8. A. Dempsey & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v- Appl. au: Polysar Limited. 6 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 15Har77; A911373-
A911374- Ore plant manual PM-15 converting. Prepared by Eric Roscoe G Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.* issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal* S.A. * Planta Niguegua. 1 V. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explo- taciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. Ha- nagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; lHar77; A911374.
A911375- Otilities unit ASM 101-NID effluent neutralisation; company confidential. Prepared by K. H. Ibadulla & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc. 1 V. Appl. au: Polyamide Intermediates, Ltd. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.; 1lMar77; A911375.
A911376. Besumen del fundico en el horno electrico planta de mineral. Escrito por: Pablo Jimenez* traduccion: Sergio Sobredo* prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal* S.A. NH: translation- 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 9Mar77; A911376.
A911377- Hydrocracker complex 862 light ends recovery unit* HSH 862-5 glycol rege:- neration. Prepared by Pat Bosidivito & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.* issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division, Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v. Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company- 8 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.; lMar77: A911377-
A911378. Olefins Department* HSH 2024, flushing oil system. Prepared by Normand R. fienoit & Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Petrosar. Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; lMar77; A911378.
A9n379. HDS area 866 gas oil. desulf urization unit* HSH 866-3 12 C-1A and B hydrogen makeup and recycle compressors. Prepared by LaBue Hix e Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc., issued by Atlantic Bichfield Company, Products Division* Philadelphia Refinery. 1 v- Appl. au: Atlantic Richfield Company. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 18Hay77; A911379.
A911380, Estacion generadora PH-15S planta de mineral conversion. Escrito por Eric Roscoe, traduccion: Sergio Sobredo* prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.* issued by Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal* S.A. 1 V. NHi translation. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.; 1Har77; A9 11380-
A911381. Electric limitorgue actuators; manual E945- Prepared by the staff. 1 v- Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc-; 29Jun76; A911381-
A911382. Planta de mineral manual PH-9S moviffliento de calcinado. Escrito por V- F. Estrada, traduccion: Sergio Sobredo* prepared by Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl- au: Exploraciones y Explotaciones Hineras Izabal, S.A. NH: translation. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc.; 2Har77; A9 11382-
A911383. HAD plant ASM 308-HMD hydrogen recycle, off-gas scrubbing and venting. Prepcired by B. Harrap £ Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry, Inc. 1 v. Appl. au: Polyamide Intermediates, Ltd. 3 Hanagement and Training Systems for Industry* Inc.; 1Har77; &911383-
Petrochemical Division* Styrene Department, ethylbenzene number 2 unit* HSH number S-424 benzene recovery* toluene
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.