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JUL-DEC. 1977

&911272 (con.) of the northeast United States. By Robert F. Leahy. Hicrofilm. @ Bobert F. Leahy; 140ct77; A911272.

as 11 273. The Bole of reliqious orientation in the copinq methods of younq adiilts in crisis. By Ivan Dale Horqan. Hicrofilm. 3 Ivan Dale Horqan; 1UOct77; 4911273.

A911274. Exeunt in nysterium: John Hilton and the Trinitarian controversy. By Aden Kathryn Boss. Hicrofilm. 3 &den Kathryn Boss; 140ct77: A911271*.

a911275. Neuronal mechanisms underlyinq the coordination of heart and gill-bailer rhythms in decapod Crustacea. By Philip Exton Coyer. Microfilm. Q Philip Exton Coyer; li*Oct77; &911275-

A911276. Latin liturqical drama and the Ludus Pereqrlnus: a unique form of medieval monastic worship. By Hary Harqaret Hahone. Hicrofilm. 9 Mary Hargaret Hahone; lt(Oct77; A91 1276.

A911277- The Bioloqy of facultatively anaerobic spirochetes- By Everett Peter Greenberg- Hicrofilm. 3 Everett Peter Greenberq; 140ct77: A911277.

&911278, A Process for change and its imple- mentation at Hount Edqecumbe Eskimo-Indian School, 197a-1975. By Edgar Greenleaf Graver. Hicrofilm. b Edqar Greenleaf Craver; 1i*Oct77; a91 1278.

A911279. Pathoqenicity of selected resident microorganisms of Lymantria dispar (L-| after induction for chitinase. By Normand Bene Dubois. Hicrofilm. 3 Normand Bene Dubois; 140ct77; A911279.

&911280. Characterization of oil shale and its pyrolysis products using vapor phase analytical aethodology. By Helena Harie Hackett. Hicrofilm. 6 Helena Harie Hackett; Iil0ct77; A911280-

A911281. Antigenicity of spermatozoa and its relationship to fertility in domestic fowl. By Henry Leonard Classen. Hicrofilm. € Henry Leonard Classen; 140ct77; A911281.

A9 11282. An Assessment of early mother- infant interaction and the subsequent development of the infant in the first t«o years of life. By Beverly Kay Campbell. Hicrofilm- 6 Beverly Kay Campbell; iaOct77; A9 11282.

A911283. Quantitative problem solving processes in children. By John Jeffrey Clement. Hicrofilm. 6 John Jeffrey Clement; 1i*Oct77; A911283.

A9n28a. Horal sentiment and moral judgment in Hume- By Dennis Farrell Pried. Hicrofilm. © Dennis Farrell Fried; 1£K)ct77: A91128a.

A911285. Job enrichment: a case study of failure? By Paul Joseph Champagne. Hicrofilm. © Paul Joseph Champagne; 140ct77; A911285.

A911286. Polyoxymethylene ionomers and other trioxane polymers. By Laurence Paul De Hejo. Hicrofilm. 3 Laurence Paul De Hejo; H*Oct77; A9n286-

A9n287- Capacity utilization and investment in manufacturing: a theoretical and empirical explanation. By Patricia Hottram Anderson. Hicrofilm. 3 Patricia Hottram Anderson; HiOct77; A911287.

A911288. An Examination of the structural and service delivery characteristics of crisis intervention organizations- By Joseph P. Hadonia. Hicrofilm. @ Joseph F. Hadonia; H»0ct77; A911288.

A911289. An Evaluation of the effectiveness of two guidance programs on the academic achievement, attendance, citizenship, self-concept, and behavior of junior high school students- By Bernard Bobert Golden. Hicrofilm. 3 Bernard Bobert Golden; 140ct77; A9112B9-

A911290. Training for community control in the human services: a training program for citizen boards of directors of community mental health agencies. By Stuart Payne aoueil, Jr. Hicrofilm. 3 Stuart Payne Howell, Jr.; iaOct77; A911290.

A911291. Hodal coding as a method of identifying developmental stages of self-knowledge. By E. John B- Geesink. Hicrofilm. 3 E. John R. Geesink; 1i*Oct77; A911291.

A911292. Life events, social support, and adjustment in women: a field study. By Elizabeth Dunbar Dickey, Hicrofilm. 3 Elizabeth Dunbar Dickey; 140ct77; A9n292.

A911293. Hental health needs and services in the aftermath of the Teton Dam disaster: implications for social work education. By Sonja C. Hatison. Microfilm. 3 Sonja C- Hatison: 140ct77; A9 11293.

A911294. factors affecting acculturation of Cuban refugee students in Hiami. By Ivette De Arteaga Horqan. Hicrofila. 3 Ivette De Arteaqa Horgan; 140ct77; A91129a.

A911295- The Uives of professional men: a study of the interdependency of family and careers- By Hartfaa Richmond Fowlkes. Hicrofilm. 3 Hartha Bichmond Fowlkes; 140ct77; A911295.

A911296. orqanic functional group analysis by atomic absorption and flame emission spectrometry- Pt. 1: Determination of primary aliphatic and aromatic amides by flame emission spectrometry. Pt. 2; Determination of organic sulfides by atomic absorption spectrometry. Pt. 3: General oxidation method to determine volatile orqanic compounds by atomic absorption spectrometry: applications to the analysis of polymers. By fiaphael Paul D'Alonzo- Hicrofilm. 3 Baphael Paul D'Alonzo; 110ct77; A911296-

A911297. Psychological education training and developmental theory. By Francis Peter Bellizzi. Hicrofilm. 3 Francis Peter Bellizzi; 140ct77; A911297.

A911298. Seafloor structure and tectonics east of northern Lesser Antilles Islands. By Carl Eric Schubert- Microfilm. 3 Carl Eric Schubert; 1ilCct77; A911298.

A9n299. Complex and simplex melodies as retrieval cues for high and low imagery, aggressive or neutral words- By Stephen Louis Solari, Jr. Hicrofilm. 3 Stephen Louis Solari, Jr.; iaOct77; A911299.

A911300. Oxidation of ferroprotoporphyrin 9 solubilized in surfactant micelles. By Paulette Ann Goodman. Hicrofilm. 3 Paulette Ann Goodman; 140ct77; A911300.

A911301. Photoisomerizations of enones and dienones- By Joyce Fleury Graf. Microfilm. 3 Joyce Fleury Graf; 140ct77; A911301.

A911302- fielationship between clergy effec- tiveness and personality integration. By Paul James Henry- Microfilm. 3 Paul James Henry; 140ct77; A911302.

A911303. The Bibosomal proteins of Acheta domesticus- By Bobert Allyn Bosselman, Jr. Hicrofilm. 3 Bobert Allyn Bosselman, Jr.; iaoct77; A9n303.

A911304. A Study of the perceived attributes of innovations and their adoption. By Glenn Stewart Allan. Hicrofilm. 3 Glenn Stewart Allan; iaact77; A91130U.

A911305. Facilitating citizen participation in educational decision making through an iterative assessent of citizen opinion. By Benjamin Dixon. Hicrofilm. 3 Benjamin Dixon; 1UOct77; A9 11305.

A91130 6. A Study of factors facilitating continued implementation of educational change- By Hargaret Ann Arbuckle. Hicrofilm. Q Hargaret Ann Arbuckle; 140ct77; A911306.

A911307. The Oral literature of native North America: a critical anthology in two volumes. By Andrew O. Niget. Hicrofilm. 3 Andrew O. Higet; 140ct77; A911307-

A911308. An Application of educational change theory to a Christian education inno- vation. By Gregory Goodman. Hicrofilm- © Gregory Goodman; 140ct77; A911308.

A911309. A Case study: the role of technical assistance in minority small business development catalyzed by a community organization, with implications for urban adult education. By Thomas J- Brady. Hicrofilm- 3 Thomas J. Brady; iaoct77; A911309.

A911310. 1: Exact solution of some nonlinear evolution equations. 2: The Similarity solution for the Korteweg-De Vries equation and the related Painleve transcendent. By Bodolofo fiuben Bosales. Microfilm. 8 Bodolfo Buben Bosales; U0ct77; A911310.

A911311. Factors affecting interorganizational cooperation. By Bobert Stephen Donnelly. Hicrofilm. 6 Bobert Stephen Donnelly; l(*0ct77; A911311.

A911312. Belationship between the

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