JUL-DEC. 1977
4911235. A Nocmative study of the secoDdary school assistaDt priacipalship in selected peDQSvlvania school districts with an emphasis upon iob satisfaction. Br Sobert inthonv Garawski. Dicrofila. O Eobert inthony Garaaski; 1"IOct77: i911235.
A9n236. Conioint expressive drawinq in couples psychotherapy. By Dennis Haniiton Pearne. aicrofilii. C Dennis Haiilton Pearne; 1llOct77: A911236.
A9112J7. Selected variables related to aovenent task performance measures of 7-year-old qicls. By Joy Carol Greenlee. Dicrofila. O Joy carol Greenlee: 1<iOct77: A911237.
A911238. The Belationship between parental androgyny and early child-rearing attitudes and behaviors. By Carol HcLester Hobson. Hicrofiln. Carol HcLester Hobson; 1tOct77; A911238.
A911239. Sex-role factors in the career development of black female high school students. By Haria Susanne Davis. Hicrofilm. aaria Susanne Davis; 1i»Oct77; A9 11239.
A9112it0. A Comparison of an individualized reading approach to literature with a directed reading activity approach with eighth grade inner-city pupils on selected reading related factors. By Anthony Ralph Ciampoli. Hicrofilm. O Anthony Balph Ciampoli; 11(Oct77; A911240.
A9112111. An Analysis of the curricular and administrative structures of public alternative high schools and public comprehensive high schools in the Comnonwealth of Hassachusetts. By Margaret Bayer HcNeill. Hicrofilm. O Hargaret Hayer HcSeiil; 1'tOct77; A9112I41.
A9112K2. Attitudes toward mastectomy: the development of a measurement scale. By Hargaret Adair Bountree Heyl. Hicrofilm. Hargaret Adair Bountree Beyl; 1i»Oct77; A9112it2.
A91121t3. Relationships between the perception of the speed of time and the process of dying: an empirical investigation of the holistic theory of nursing proposed by Hartha fioqers. By Harilyn H. Bawnsley. Hicrofilm. Harilyn a. Bawnsley; 1«Oct77; A9 11243.
A91124II. Electrochemistry of ferrocenylcyc- lopropenium carbocations. By Bicbard Ladlev Krieger. Hicrofilm. O Richard tadley Krieger; 140ct77; A9112I44.
A9112itS. The Belationship between environmental knowledge, environmental attitudes, and locus of control in selected youth conservation camp enrollees. By Juanita Carson Chitwood. Hicrofilm. Juanita Carson Chitwood; Xtoctn-. A911245.
A Description of the changes in verbal-nonverbal communicative behavior in a qroup of autistic children. By Diane Roberts Stoler. Hicrofilm. O Diane Roberts Stoler; 1ltOct77; A911246.
A9112II7. A Comparative study of the effects of linguistic and non-linguistic variables on the performance of urban Puerto Rican elementary pupils when tested with the yisc and De Aviia's cartoon conservation scales. By Paul Francis HcGreevy. Hicrofilm. O Paul francis HcGreevy; 1ltGct77; A9112117.
A9112I48. Horal development in the fifth grade classroom. By Louise Christian Bundle. Hicrofiln. Louise Christian Rundle; 1llOct77; A911248.
A91 1249. 3'5' cyclic amp and the transduction of photoperiodic signals by the insect brain. By Hark Hitchell Gasenick. Hicrofilm. O Hark Hitchell Basenick; 140ct77; A911249.
4911250. A Comparison of the effects of a traditional and a humanistic approach to introductory psychology upon selected student personality factors and academic performance. By George Hatthew Sousa. Hicrofilm. O George Hatthew Sousa; 140ct77; A911250.
A911251. Syntactic punctuation and syntactic complexity in the writing of certain students in grades eight, ten, and twelve. By Angelita Hason Hay. Hicrofilm. O Angelita Hason Hay; 140ct77; A911251.
A9112S2. Sex-based discrimination in hiring practices by employers in the city and county of Philadelphia. By Albert Barenbaun. Hicrofilm. O Albert Barenbaum; 140ct77; A9112S2.
A91 1253. The Effects of a self-directed training procedure on assertive behavior. By Jon Eliot Perlman. Hicrofilm. Jon Eliot Perlman; 140ct77; A911253.
A911254. The Effects of a training program in auditory discrimination on the reading achievement of disabled first grade readers. By David Greenberg. Hicrofilm. David Greenberg; 140ct77; A911254.
A911255. A Historical abnormality in the soft palatal musculature of cleft palate individuals. By Karen Jaf f e-Goldstein. Hicrofilm. O Karen Jaf f e-Goldstein; 140ct77; A911255.
A91 1256. A Historical study of degree students from Surry community College from 1966-1976 with emphasis on subsequent educational experiences of college transfer students and educational experiences, geographic mobility, and economic status of technical-vocational students. By James Hichael Beeves. Hicrofilm. James Hichael Beeves; 140ct77; A911256.
A911257. A Companion to Piers Plowman studies: authorship, editions, backgrounds, and critical interpretation. By Anthony Joseph Colaianne. Hicrofilm. Anthony Joseph Colaianne; 140ct77; A911257.
A9112S8. Sensibility in the novels of James Fenimore Cooper. By Hary P. Frances Boyles. Hicrofilm. O Hary P. Boyles; 140ct77; A911258.
A911259. A Comparison of the effects of programed videotape and programed audiotape instruction on the perception of musical form by seventh grade students. By Sandra Susan Nicolucci. Hicrofilm. Sandra Susan Nicolucci; 140ct77; A911259.
A911260. An Observational study of teachers' expectancy effects and their mediating mechanisms on students in physical education activity classes. By Patricia Barbara Crowe. Hicrofilm. Patricia Barbara Crowe; 140ct77: A911260.
A911261. A Study to develop a cost accounting model for improved decision-making in higher education. By Edward Eugene Oliver. Hicrofilm. O Edward Eugene Oliver; 140ct77; A911261.
A911262. Photographic images as a visual induction into an alpha and/or altered state of consciousness. By Erie Stanley Hyers. Hicrofilm. O Erie Stanley Hyers; 140ct77; A911262.
A911263. The Differential effects on parents and their children of training parents to be helpers or life skill trainers for their children. By Lois Adrienne Bendix. Hicrofiln. Lois Adrienne Bendix; 140ct77; A911263.
A91126 4. A Preliminary search for psychological correlates of voluntary childlessness in married women. By Judith Guss Teicholz. Hicrofilm. Judith Guss Teicholz; 140ct77; A911264.
A911265. A Factorial approach in the development of a basketball rating scale to evaluate players in a game situation. By Norma H. Boetel. Hicrofilm. Norma a. Boetel; 140ct77; A911265.
A9t12e6. Categories of group interaction: the effects of leader and goal variables on the development of intimacy in T-groups. By Raphael Ryan Kavanaugh, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Raphael Ryan Kavanaugh, Jr.; 140ct77; A911266.
A91126 7. The Validation of three situational antecedents and their effect on Fes- tinger's self-evaluation drive. By Jon Thomas Valek. Hicrofiln. Jon Thomas ialek; 140ct77; A911267.
A911268. Coincidence-anticipation tasks utilizing selected speeds, directions, and fielding sides in field hockey. By Karen Buth Toburen. Hicrofilm. Karen Ruth Toburen; 140ct77; A911268.
A911269. Effects of motivational and situational determinants on adolescent achievement- oriented behaviors. By Rose Schwarzberg. Hicrofilm. Rose Schwarzberg; 140ct77; A911269.
A911270. A Creation of settings model for the gifted. By Barbara Napier Bennett. Hicrofilm. O Barbara Napier Bennett; 140ct77; A911270.
A911271. Perceptual ambiguity iji selected modern plays and films. By Linda Paglierani Hilliams. Hicrofilm. Linda Paglierani lilliams; 140ct77; A911271.
A911272. A Descriptive study of the organi- zational structure, administrative functions and operational policies of
continuing education of urban universities
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.