A87H397 - A871Ht35
JUL-DEC. 1977
A87U396 (con.» loving & others) C Chappell and conpany. Inc. 6 Celenia Productions Corporation, In The Black Music Division: 80ct76; J87«396,
4874397. nilkv Bar nan. By Huth Copeland & Daryl Hall. On record sleeve for album entitled Take Be to Baltimore. (Hith Heaven 6 others) C Onichappell Music, Inc., Hot-Cha Music company fi Dirty Disco Music; 80ct76: «87it397.
A87V398. From us to you, and other titles. On record sleeve in record -jacket entitled Stairsteps: 2nd resurrection. Appl. aa: Kenneth & Clarence Burke, James & Dennis Burke & Ricardo Harrero. O Ganga Publishing, B.V.: 6Peb76: A871I398.
A87K399. Rio, and other titles. On record sleeve for album entitled Michael Nesmith from a radio engine to the photon King. (Bith Love's first kiss) Appl. au; Michael Nesmith. Michael Nesmith; 29Dec76: A87I4 399.
A87111I00. Love's first kiss. On record sleeve for album entitled Michael Nesmith from a radio engine to the photon wing. (Uith Rio 6 others) Appl. au: Michael Nesmith 6 Fred Myron. 6 Michael Nesmith 6 Fred Byrou; 29Dec76; A874«00.
A871tll01. Insurance annual statement forms, 1976; a complete compilation of schedules for life and accident and health companies, fire and casualty companies, fraternal orders G title companies. 1 v- Add- ti: Insurance annual statement form, 1976. Appl. au: Ralph P. Trovillion. O John S. Swift Company, Inc.; «Nov76; A87«it01.
A87UU02. Physical growth NCHS percentiles: boys: birth to 36 months. 8 p. Adapted from National Center for Health Statistics: NCHS growth charts, 1976, monthly vital statistics report, vol. 25, no. 3, supp. (HBA) 76-1120. Appl. au: National Center for Health Statistics Task Force £ Ross Laboratories. NM: compilation, editorial revision 6 adaptation of data. O Ross Laboratories, a division of Abbott Laboratories; 9Sep76; A87««02.
A87lt«03. OS-80 text editor, assembler. 1 v. Add. ti: OS-80, teit editor and assembler. O Bartel Systems, solely owned by Joseph V. Bartel: 19Feb77; A87«1I03.
A87<l40lt. Customer confidence pledge. Sheets (2 p.) & folder. Add. ti: Customer confidence program. 6 Brand Names Foundation, Inc.: 25Apr77: A87itil0it.
A8714I105. Genova sump witch fact manual. 1o p. Appl. aa: Robert H, Uilliams. O Genova, Inc.: inar77: A87im05.
A87U1I06. Gastroenteritis. Folder. (Tips for home care from pediatrics) El Camino Hospital (in notice: ECH) : ljun77; A87ltU06.
A87mi07. Head iniurv. Folder. (Tips for home care from pediatrics) 6 El Camino Hospital (in notice: ECH) ; 1Jun77: A87int07.
A87ltl<08. Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Folder. (Tips for home care from pediatrics) O £1 Camino Hospital (in notice: ECH) : 1Jun77: A87l41l08.
A87<(l*09. Cast care. Folder. (Tips for home care from pediatrics) O £1 Camino Hospital (in notice: ECH); 1Jttn77; A87iti409.
A87«lt10. Your government in action. 58 p. 3 League of Uomen Voters of Greeley-Ueld County; 19Apr77; A87»il10.
A874«11. Copyright and the church musician. Compiled C written by Angel Tucciarone & Nicholas p. Cafardi. 36 p. Appl. au: Diocese of Pittsburgh. Diocese of Pittsburgh; 8Mar77; A87111411.
A87lt<l12. Cooking in the classroom with Tapioca Ted. 28 p. Appl. au: Beverly L. Anderson. G Beverly L. Anderson; 13Dec76; A87UU12.
A8741H3. Smilesaver: a complete dental health unit for preschool children. By Jacqueline S. Scott, prepared by interested 6 concerned Bibb Countians in cooperation with the health education service of the Macon-Bibb County Health Department. 20 p. Add. ti: Smilesaver: a preventive dental health program for Bibb County preschool children. Jacqueline S. Scott; 1Aug76: A87<lil13.
A87lt41lt. Modern clogging. By Debra E. Austin 6 Diana L. Callahan, edited by Larry A. Austin, photos, by Photo Boutique G Duke Fleming. 90 p. NM: additional text 6 pictorial matter, editorial revisions 6 compilation. O Debra £. Austin G Diana L. Callahan (Tennessee Moonshine Cloggers) ; 3lMay77; A87HUm.
A87U415. Steven Bradley songbook. Vol. no. 1. By Steven J. Bradley. 1 v. O Pussiwater Music, Ltd. is S. J. Bradley; 21May77: A8741415.
A8741116. Perception is. 2 p. Add. ti: Perception, Inc. brochure. Appl. au: Uilliam Edward Masters. perception. Inc.; 1itFeb77: A874416.
A87ait17. Solar cured fiberglass repair kit. Card. Appl. au: Hiliiam Edward Masters. NM: most of the instructions. O Per- ception, Inc.; 1UMar77; A87ii«17.
A871I1I18. Caring for the rape victim. By Dorothy H. Chase. 9 p. Appl. au: Homen Organized Against Rape. O UOAB, an a.a.d. for Women Organized Against Rape; 7Mar77; A87«i4l8.
A87Uit19. Parrott talk. Vol. t. no. 1, May 1976; vol. », no. 2, Aug. 1976; vol. tt, no. 3, Nov. 1976; vol. 4, no. 1, Feb. 1977 G index. Editors: Roberta L. Robinson G Evalyn Parrott Scott. 1 v. Evalyn Parrott Scott G Roberta L. Robinson; 1Mar77; A87««19.
A87'tU20. Legal newsletter. Vol. 5, no. 3, May 1977. Folder (6 p.) Add. ti: Legal newsletters. Appl. aa: Paul L. Genecki. Victor O. Schinnerer and Company, Inc.; 20May77; A874U20.
Ae7lt<l21. Move routine matters swiftly with these low cost, time saving forms by Eimicke! Folder. Add. ti: Laurel promotion piece. V. U. Eimicke Associates, Inc. : 2Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87it«21.
A874422. Announcing the Eimicke form number 133: new-employee data card. Folder. Add. ti: Eimicke promotion piece. O V. u. Eimicke Associates, Inc.; 2Jun77; A87it«22.
A671IU23. A Civilized world. By Leroy Harris. Sheets. Leroy Harris: 20Jun77; A87i*«23.
Ae7'iit21. Using a wide-angle lens to improve composition. Polder. Appl. au: Larry Jacobson, Larry Jacobson; 23May77; A87ita2it.
A87«il25. Turbopanel principles. Prepared by Ralph A. Davis. 1 p. Appl. au: Turbopanel Motors, Inc. Ralph A. Davis G Turbopanel Motors, Inc.; 17Jan77; A87U<t25.
A87ltU26. Future shop. By Michael T. Brown. 1 v. Michael T. Brown; 29Jun77; A87ilit26.
A8711K27. "Ten code commandments" for citizens band. 1 p. Appl. au: James R. Jacobs d.b.a. Jacobs publications. O Jacobs Publications; itMar77; A87i|it27.
A871I1I28. High-impact, authoritative accoun- tability: a "must" for the building of an alcoholism referral system among industrial managers and supervisors. By Jeanne Sullivan. 10 p. Industrial Alcoholism Institute, wholly owned by Jeanne Sullivan; 10Hay77 ; A87i)il2e.
A874429. Walking down State Street. Vol. 1. By James Elliott Twyman. 51 p. Appl. au: The Wanderer Printing Company. O The Wanderer Printing Company G James Elliott Twyman; 10ct76; Ae7«it29.
A874U30. wisdom of the tarot; ten steps to learning to read the tarot cards. By Elois Winkler Lowell. 144 p. O Elois w. Lovell, whose true or soul name is Zaphani; 19Bar77; A874430.
A874431. Leap, Spott! leap! By Kelley-Lyon Silverwind, pseud, of James A. Kelley. 1 V. 6 James A. Kelley, whose pseud, is Silverwind; 28May77; A874431.
A874432. Manual on public benefit programs. 1 v. Add. ti: Manual on public benefit programs in Tennessee. Appl. au: Sandra Smegelsky. Prev. pub. in Manual on public benefit programs. NM: adaptation. Legal Counsel for the Elderly £ Tennessee Commission on Aging; 22Mar77; A874432.
A874433. Rampart Industries. Inc., dealer manual. 1 V. Prev. pub. 1Dec76 £ 10aar77. NO: additions. Rampart Industries, Inc.. successor in interest to Hultiguard Corporation; 10Mar77; A874433.
A874434. Administration of local anesthetic; rev, main field test version, March 1976. Produced by Quercus Corporation. 247 p. Appl. au: Judith Wallach 6 Marjorie L. Kelley. O Quercus Corporation; 28Mar77; A874434.
Statistical abstract of Colorado, 1976-77. Compiled by Thomas G. Tyler.
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