A911154 - i9in95
JUL-DEC. 1977
A9 11 1511. Aristotle on latter and coainq to be. Bv Kathleen Cecelia Cook, fliccofila. O Kathleen Cecelia Cook; 1<lOct77; A91115M.
A911155. Artist-philosopher: Nietzsche's poetics of thouqht. By Neal c. Chandler. HicrofilB. C Neal c. Chandler; 1i»oct77; A911155.
A911156. History and ideology: Anerican Hennonite identity definition throuqh history. By Bodney Janes Sawatsky. Hicrofiln. O Bodney James Sa«atsky; 1itOct77: A911156.
A911157. A Theory of the effect of external oscillation on let diffusion flaaes. By Claudio Bruno. Hicrofila. C Claudio Bruno; 1l40ct77: S911157.
A911158. CODteaporaneous faults; a aechanisB for the control of sediaentation in the southvestern Arkosa Basin, Oklahoma. By Hichael Hilliam HcQuillan. Hicrofila. Michael Hilliam HcQuillan; 140ct77; A911158.
A911159. Early Christian pyxides carved nith Ne» Testament scenes. By Archer Saint Clair. Blcrofllm. Archer Saint Clair; 1IIOct77; A911159.
A911160. Interaction of cognitive organizers and student personality types in the learning and retention of nathenatlcs. By Ibrahim Diab Zakkour. Hicrofilm. O Ibrahim Oiab Zakkour; 1itOct77; A911160.
A911161. City life-cycles and American urban policy. By Bobert Ourbin Norton. Hicrofila. Bobert Durbin Norton; 1ltOct77; A911161.
A911162. An Occupational analysis of women's professional golf. By Nancy Theberqe. Hicrofilm. Nancy Theberge; 140ct77; A9 11162.
A911163. A Comparative study of the character portrayal of "Celestina" and other Golden Age celestinesque protagonists. By Barbara Jean Trisler. Hicrofila. Barbara Jean Trisler; 1iK)ct77; A911ie3.
A911ieit. The Belationship of father's sex-type and father-acceptance to personal adiustaent and heterosexual behavior in adolescent girls. By Kenneth Bay Acheson. Hicrofila. Kenneth Bay Acheson; 1l40ct77; A9111611.
A911165. Organizational effectiveness in the Christian church: a study of the survey of organizations. By Cary Ouane Habeqqer. Hicrofilm. C Cary Duane Habeqqer; 1ltOct77: A911165.
A911166. Intuitive and intentional change aqentry. By Nancy HcCoraick Bambusch. Hicrofilm. O Nancy HcCormick Bambusch; 1"lOct77; A911166.
A911167. Synthesis and characterization of polymers of nonanal, decanal, undecanal, and dodecanal. By John Bronislav Starr, Jr. Hicrofilm. C John BronislaH Starr, Jr.; 1l»Oct77; A911167.
A91116a. The Crisis of uncoupling. By Stephen Howard Portuges. Hicrofilm. Stephen Howard Portuges; 1ilOct77; A911168.
A911169. The Effect of shear on polymer crystallization kinetics. By Charles Herbert Sherwood. Hicrofila. Charles Herbert Sherwood; 1itOct77; A911169.
A91 1170. The Nature of theological political theory under the conditions of modernity: an Augustinian approach. By Bonald Anthony Franco. Hicrofilm. C Bonald Anthony Franco; 1i*Oct77; A911170.
A911171. The Effect of personality variables, dogmatism and repression-sensitization, upon response to music. By Bodney Hartin Bria. Hicrofila. Bodney Hartin Bria; 1itOct77; A911171.
A911172. A Study of future tiae perspective and its relationship to the seif-esteea and social responsibility of high school students. By Jay Alexander Plante. Hicrofilm. O Jay Alexander Plante: 1l40ct77; A911172.
A911173. Orthodoxy, illiberality , and religious salience: a test of two aodels. By Bichard Bailey Perkins. Hicrofila. © Bichard Bailey Perkins; 1i»0ct77; A911173.
A9111714. An Exaaination of the effects of suburban growth controls on low and aiddle-incoae households in aetropolitan regions. By Joenathan Dean. Hicrofilm. O Joenathan Dean; 1itOct77; A91117it.
A911175. The Effect on portfolio perforaance of certain call option strategies. By Peter Christopher Byan. Hicrofila. Peter Christopher Byan; 1»oct77; A911175.
A911176. Death perspectives and religious orientation as a function of Christian faith with specific reference to being "born again." By Leonard Jeroae Cerny 2nd. Hicrofila. O Leonard Jeroae Cerny 2nd; mOct77; A911176.
A911177. Essays in huaan capital accumulation and labor supply. By Edward John Driffill. Hicrofilm. O Edward John Driffill; 1<t0ct77; A911177.
A91 1178. Effects of the cultural context of language on the cognitive performance of black students. By Chariesetta Simpkins. Hicrofila. Chariesetta Simpkins: 1lt0ct77; A911178.
A911179. Development, structural change and urbanization: explorations with a dynamic three sector general equilibrium model applied to India, 1951-1984. By Bakesh Hohan. Hicrofilm. Bakesh Hohan; 1l)Oct77; A911179.
A91 11S0. Belativity and justification in ethics. By David Bark-Yuey Bong. Microfilm. David Bark-Tuey Uouq; 1i«Oct77; A91 1180.
A911181. A Study of the relationships among knowledge of leadership theory, behavior, and effectiveness. By Haryse Binfret- Baynor. Hicrofilm. O Haryse Binfret- Baynor; 1i*Oct77; A911181.
A911182. Boberto Arlt's literature of Buenos Aires. By Aden Hilliam Hayes. Hicrofila. O Aden Hilliaa Hayes; 140ct77; A911182.
A911183. Agents and outcoaes. By Saauel Ira Scheffler. Hicrofila. O Saauel Ira Scheffler; 1l»Oct77; A911183.
A911184. La Faibless chez Gautier De Coinci. By Brigitte Jacqueline Cazelles. Hicrofila. O Brigitte Jacqueline Cazelles; 140ct77; A911 184.
A911185. A Factor analytic study of the dimensional structure within stages of moral development and that structure's relationship to specific personality traits. By John Clinton Sawyer. Hicrofilm. 6 John Clinton Sawyer; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A911185.
A911 186. The Novel and history: Both — Husil- -Doderer. By David Bristol Dollenmayer. Hicrofilm. David Bristol Dollenmayer; 140ct77; A911186.
A911 187. Formation of translational precursor polypeptides to p30 during replication of the Bauscher murine leukeaia virus in JLS-V10 cells. By Orson Bobert fiobinson, Jr. Hicrofila. e Orson Bobert Bobinson, Jr.; 140ct77; A911187.
A911 188. Substance and attributes in Spinoza's philosophy. By Linda Troapetter. Hicrofilm. e Linda Trompetter; 140ct77; A911188.
A911 189. Locus of control, social activism and sex roles among island Puerto Bican college and non-college individuals. By Julia Hercedes Bamos-HcKay. Hicrofilm. e Julia Mercedes Bamos-HcKay; 140ct77; A911 189.
A911 190. Paddy Chayefsky's Marty, a study of the prototype shaped by the medium. By Philip Chapin Sbepardson. Hicrofilm. 6 Philip Chapin Shepardson; 140ct77; A911190.
A911 191. Central government in medieval Japan: the politics of the Huroaachi Bakufu. By Kenneth Alan Grossberg. Hicrofilm. O Kenneth Alan Grossberg: 140ct77: A911191.
A911192. Clientelism and the Italian political system; a theoretical and empirical study. By Luiqi Graziano. Hicrofilm. O Luigi Graziano; l«Oct77 (in notice: 1976); A911 192.
A911193. Life history strategies of the Lithophanini — Lepidoptera: Noctuidae« Cuculliinae, the winter moths. By Dale Francis Schweitzer. Hicrofila. O Dale Francis Schweitzer; 140ct77; A911193.
A911194. Nationale Zuege ia Herk Johann Elias Schlegels. By Sigrit Use Gerlinde Schutz. Hicrofilm. O Sigrit Use Gerlinde Schutz; 140ct77; A911194.
A911195. Sprechstimmen-Geschichte; an oral
history of the genesis of the twelve-tone
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