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JUL-DEC. 1977

4911111. A Method of ouaerical integration and solution of variational equations foe perturbed tiio-body notion. By Hilliau Henrv Goodyear. Hicrofilffl. @ Hilliam Henry Goodyear; 110ct77; »91111«.

49 11 115. & Study of self-perception, personality traits, and player perceptions, of selected male high school basketball coaches. By Bobert Saunders Curtin. Hicrofilm. e Bobert Saunders Curtin: 11lOct77: 49 11115.

49 1 1 1 1 6. The Relationship of spouse sex-role stereotyping to aarital adjustment and comaunication. By John Edwood pedersen. HicrofilB. e John Edwood Pedersen; iaoct77: 4911116.

4911117. Narcotic use in relation to selected ego functions among incarcerated women. By Catherine Jean Treece. nicrofilm. e Catherine Jean Treece; 110ct77; 4911117.

4911118. The Influence of learning basic nursing perceptual-motor skills prior to other nursing content on student's ability to learn patient assessment. By Joan oempsey Lewis. Microfilm. 6 Joan Oempsey Lewis: 140ct77: 4911118.

4911119. Business education: some historical perspectives, past, present, and future. By Patricia 4nne T. Kostorizos. Microfilm. Patricia 4nne T. Kostorizos: 1itOct77; A911119.

4911120. Delight and information specificity as elements of positive interpersonal feedback. By Linne Gray Clarke Bourget. Microfilm. C Linne Gray Clarke Bourget; 1110ct77: 4911120.

4911121. The Belationship between sex-role behaviors and dimensions of personality adjustment and self-esteem. By Martha Lee Karam. Microfilm. @ Martha Lee Karam; 140ct77: 4911121.

4911122. The Relationship of psychological needs to God concept and religious perceptions- By David Bobert Mac Rae. Microfilm. e David Bobert Mac Bae ; 1 1t0ct77 ; 49 11122.

4911123. Development of a* curriculum-oriented training program for short-term memory skills in language delayed and hyperactive children. By Swapna Gupta. Microfilm. e Swapna Gupta; iaOct77: 4911123.

4911124. The Bevitalization process in religious life: a study of a Benedictine cong- regation. By Cuthbert Michael Whitley. Microfilm. 6 Cuthbert Michael Bhitley; 1IK)ct77; 4911124.

4911125. 4ttribution of responsibility to victims of rape. By Phyllis 4. Kaplan. Microfilm, e Phyllis 4. Kaplan: 140ct77: 4911125.

4911126. 4 Comparative analysis of the literary styles of Chateaubriand and Levi-Strauss. By Helen Lou Minton. Microfilm. Helen Lou Minton; 140ct77; 4911126.

an of 4frican foreign policies, 1955-1975. By Godwin Aforka Nweke. Microfilm. 3 Godwin Aforka Hweke; 140ct77; 4911127.

4911128. Visual screening procedures in the vocational high schools of selected New England States. By James Matthew Jasper. Microfilm. 3 James Matthew Jasper; 140ct77; 4911128.

4911129. Peer leader modeling, problem-solving sessions and creativity. By Nancy Ann Johnson. Microfilm. Nancy 4uu Johnson; 140ct77; A911129.

A911130. A Comparison of three instructional approaches for teaching written com- position to high school juniors; teacher lecture, peer evaluation, and group tutoring. By Kevin James Farrell. Microfilm. Q Kevin James Farrell; 140ct77; A911130.

4911131. The Royal women of 4boffiey. By Edna Grace Bay. Microfilm. 3 Edna Grace Bay; 140ct77; 4911131.

4911132. Community and institutional placements as viewed by mentally retarded adults. By Stephanie Delight Jones. Microfilm. 3 Stephanie Delight Jones; 140ct77; 4911132.

4911133. Marital satisfaction as a function of congruence on Holland's types in seminary couples. By Laura Anne Mathis. Microfilm. 3 Laura Anne Mathis; 140ct77; 4911133.

4911134. Peer counseling for police officers: a program for skill development and personal growth. By Michael J. Donahue. Microfilm, e Michael J. Donahue: 140ct77: A911134.

A911135. Power motivation and dependency conflict in recovered and non-recovered alcoholics. By George Henry Perry. Microfilm. 3 George Henry Perry; 140ct77; 4911135.

A911136. Intimacy and differentiation: deve- lopmental stages in the early years of marriage. By Halter Howard Abrams. Microfilm. 8 Halter Howard Abrams: 140ct77; A911136.

A911137. The Spanish republican refugees in France, 1939-1945. By Louis Stein. Microfilm. 8 Louis Stein; 140ct77; A911137.

A911138. Values theory and values education curricula materials: an examination. By John D. MacLean, Jr. Microfilm. 8 John D. MacLean, Jr.; 140ct77: A911138.

A911139. A Normative model of action- reflection- action for creative education, based on a synthesis of relevant theories of Bapaport, French, and Haslow. By Stephen Adair zubrod. Microfilm. 8 Stephen Adair Zubrod; 140ct77: 4911139.

4911140. The Relationship of two process measurement systems in encounter groups. By John Ed Roe, Jr. Microfilm. 8 John Ed Boe, Jr.; 140ct77; 4911140.

preoccupation with death: the public and private voices. By Mary Ellen O'Keefe. Microfilm. 3 Mary Ellen O'Keefe; 140ct77; A911141.

A911142. Mothers' expectancies for their young handicapped children: implications for maternal autonomy for realistic goal setting. By Jill McKinstry Hamilton. Microfilm. 8 Jill McKinstry Hamilton; 140ct77; A911142.

4911143. A Comparison of two different programs for implementing the language experience approach to beginning reading with a basic reader program and phonic supplement. Vol. 1-2. By Therese Gauthier Fishman. Microfilm. 8 Therese Gauthier Fishman: 140ct77: A911143.

A911144. A Comparison of sex role orientation, family ideology, and heterosexual relationships for delinquent and non- delinquent girls. By Bert B. Norcross. Microfilm. 6 Bert M. Norcross; 140ct77: A911144.

A911145. Foundations and implications for adult moral education in Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development and Halter G. Muelder's conception of moral laws. By David Bruce Boberts. Microfilm. 6 David Bruce Boberts; 140ct77; 4911145.

4911146. Community intervention, including developmental evaluation centers, day care centers, volunteers, and parents, in followup of four— year-old screening. By Mary Brown Kilburn. Microfilm. 6 Mary Brown Kilburn; 140ct77: 4911146.

4911147. Competencies critical to the admi- nistrative role of the county extension chairman. By Thomas Franklin Rodgers. Microfilm. 3 Thomas Franklin Rodgers; 140ct77; 4911147.

4911148. Service to China; the career of the American engineer, O. J. Todd. By Hichele Slavich Fisher. Microfilm. 8 Michele Slavich Fisher: 140ct77; A911148.

A911149. The chronic effects of interval training in elevated anterior sole shoes upon selected performance measures. By Hilliam Jay Gillespie. Microfilm. 8 Hilliam Jay Gillespie; 140ct77; 4911149.

4911150. Sex differences in an Israeli kibbutz system: reading disabilities, maturation and sex-role standards. By Alice Dzen Gross. Microfilm. 8 Alice Dzen Gross; 140ct77; 4911150.

4911151. The Effects of anger on cognitive functioning. By Patrick James Stone. Microfilm. 8 Patrick James Stone; 140ct77; 4911151.

4911152. Paired-associate learning with Spanish and English mediation in a bilingual population. By Celeste Freytes-Dieppa. Microfilm. 8 Celeste Freytes-Dieppa; 140ct77; 4911152.

4911153. The Effects of self-help therapeutic community treatment on self-esteem in drug abusers. By Thomas Francis Biggins. Microfilm. 8 Thomas Francis Biggins;

140ct77; 4911153.


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