4911073 - 49U113
JUL-DEC. 1977
A911072 (COD.) Prepared for AaericaD Society of Traffic and TraDsportatiOD* Inc. , by C. John LaDqler. Jr. e Ed«ia P. Pattoo. 2Dd ed. 105 p. AaericaD Society of Traffic and Tiransportatioa, loc. : 2lioy77: 1911072. »911073.
Stady guide for ezamioation ouaber 3: MaDaqeaeot tools and concepts. Prepared for Anerican Society of Traffic and Transportation, Inc., by Jaaes C. Johnson. 2nd ed. 31 p. >dd. ti: Suggested study guide for exaaination nuaber 3 — Hanageaent tools and concepts. O Kaerican Society of Traffic and Transportation, Inc. ; 260ct77; «9 11073.
1911074. There is oo space like our spacel yoi. 6, Kinter 1977. 1 ». »dd. ti; Cir- culation proaotion art, winter 1977. O Berkley-Saall, Inc.; 1Hov77; A91107K.
»911075. Greater Tnlsa telephone directory, Boveaber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany: iaoy77: A911075.
4911076. Ceraaics and aetals. flanual no. 700. By S. Charles Spinella with the col- laboration of Charles Thoaas Spinella € Donald Hattheii Spinella. 10U p. O S. Charles Spinella: 1Nov77: A911076.
A911077. Joys of Bavaiian cooking: favorite recipes of Big Island cooks. Edited by Uartin Harris Beenan & Judith fieed Beeaan, illus. by nark (aters. 191 p. Pikake Publishers: 120ct77; A911077.
A911078. Suaaer Eaployaent Directory of the Dnited States. 1978. By Hynena A. Leith. 27th ed. 208 p. C national Directory Service. Inc.: 2llo»77: 1911078.
A911079. They never had it so goodl Folder. aidvest Silopress, lac; 26Sep77: A911079.
A911080. How to get yourself a better looking- -the a. E.G. condition. Iritten by aike Govern. 1 v. O aike Govern; 1Dec76; A911080.
A911081. Products of the environaent that aid the growth of cancer. By Central H. lilson. 1 p. Central H. iilson: 1iiov77: A911081.
A911082. Certainty of life and certainty of faith. By Georg Buschalek. Sheets (71 p.) O Georg auschalek: 1Aug77: A911082.
A911083. Trip north. By calaar A. HcCuoe. 39 p. O Calaar A. accune; 9Sep77; 1911063.
A91108lt. cac retail bookkeeping aanual: cac stereo centers. 1 v. Add. ti: cac bookkeeping aanual. cac Corporation: 30Sep77: 19 11084.
A911085. The Gyroscope. Sheets (27 p.) Ippl. au: Bayaond a. Lent. Bayaond aurle Lent: 70ct77: 1911085.
1911086. Specifications for revised funding aethods for Capitol Irea aasons* District Council Helfare Fund, llbany. New York. 13 p. HB: additional text. O The Bandel Group, Inc.; 7Nov77; 1911086.
1911087. aastery arithaetic word problea drills, grade 5. No. 1225. By Bay Broekel. 2U p. Idd. ti: Hayes aastery arithaetic word problea drills, grade 5. O Hayes School Publishing Coapany. Inc.; HOctll; 191 1087.
A911088. aastery arithaetic word problea drills, grade 6. No. A227. By Bay Broekel. 20 p. Add. ti: Hayes aastery arithaetic word problea drills, grade 6. O Hayes School Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 40ct77: A911088.
1911089. Scriashaw designs and technique. By Balph Louis Jacobsen. 1 v. O Balph Louis Jacobsen: 3llov77; 1911089.
A911090. Daniels Supply Coapany catalog nuaber 26. 30 p. Appl. au: Charles Holdridge. O Daniels Supply Coapany; 100ct77; A911090.
A911091. Opdate 1977: a look at Chicago police officers" salaries. By Bruce yander- porten, H. Clayton Hall & Jaaes L. O'Neill. 13 p. Suppl. to A Look at Chicago police officers' salaries for the period 1970-1976. O Chicago Police Officers Local 1975, UPIJ, IFL-CIO; 120ct77; 1911091.
1911092. The llphabet with aniaals and little stories in rhyae for children. Written by Donald B. Hawthorne, illustrated by Laura Kennedy. 1 v. Donald B. Hawthorne; 8NOV77; A911092.
A911093. Foreign econoaic and investaent outlook; international research, fall 1977. By Andre Sharon. Bein Van Der Does, Takao Nakatani e Kathy Brous. 124 p. Ippl. au: Drexel Burnhaa Laabert, Inc. O Drexel Burnhaa Laabert. Inc.; 310ct77: 1911093.
1911094. The Effectiveness of a leader created agenda parent counseling aodel in changing parental attitudes of parents of trainable aentally retarded adolescents. By Lawrence Cable. Hicrofila. C Lawrence Cable: 140ct77; 1911094.
1911095. The Conteaporary Presidency: a synthesis — psychohistor y. election theory, and role analysis. By Lee Landsberger Kane, aicrofila. O Lee Landsberger Kane; 140ct77: A911095.
A911096. Stereotyping by teachers of reaedial reading, learning disabled, and noraal students. By Libby Gordon Cohen. Hicrofila. O Libby Gordon Cohen; 140ct77; 1911096.
1911097. aicrostructural evolution and physical properties of beta-spoduaene-aica glass-ceraaics. By Kiran Hiralal Dalai, aicrofila. Kiran Hiralal Dalai; 140ct77; 1911097.
1911098. 1 Becoaaended huaan resource developaent prograa for the State of Hew Jersey. By John Earnest Badvany. aicrofila. O John Earnest Badvany; 140ct77: 1911098.
1911099. The Effect of teaching counseling skills and concepts to woaen college student advisors. By Louise Hinaan Coaeau. Hicrofila. O Louise Hinaan Coaeau; 140ct77; 1911099.
A911 too. 1 Survey and analysis of the extent of iapleaentatioo of the 1969 Standards for school aedxa prograas in selected public eleaentary and secondary schools in the New England States. By Harold Irthur Bantiy. aicrofila. O Harold Arthur Bantly; 140ct77; 1911100.
1911101. Syabol. sight and society: an inquiry into the social conditioning of art. By Jennifer Todd. aicrofila. O Jennifer Todd; 140ct77: 1911101.
1911102. Glossolalia: the personality correlates of conventional and unconventional subgroups. By Daniel Stephen Saitb. Hicrofila. O Daniel Stephen Saith; 140ct77; 1911102.
1911103. Self concept differences between early. late, and non-boarding aissionary children. By David Jaaes Schipper. aicrofila. David Jaaes Schipper; 140ct77; 1911103.
1911104. The Octavia: introduction, text, and coBoentary. By Lucile Yow Uhitaan. Hicrofila. Lucile Yow vhitaan; 140ct77; 1911104.
1911 105. Ireal geology of the Ittleboro. aassachusetts--fihode Island, quadrangle. By aargaret a. Lidback. aicrofila. aargaret a. Lidback; 140ct77; 1911105.
A911106. The Interdependence of Luke-Acts and the fourth Gospel considered against the background of a cobdod school. By Bea aarie Anita BcDonnell. aicrofila. Bea Harie inita BcDonnell; 140ct77; 1911106.
1911107. Jacques Sadoul and the Bolshevik Bevolution. By Carol Knuth Sakoian. aicrofila. Carol Knuth Sakoian; 140ct77; 1911107.
A911108. An Evaluation of selected fioaan Catholic curricula for the religious education of aid-adolescents. By Bary Elaine Scully, aicrofila. O Bary Blaine Scully; 140ct77; 1911108.
1911 109. The Coaaanders of Nazi concentration caaps. By Toa Segev. Hicrofila. Tob Segev; 140ct77; 1911109.
1911110. Discovery and critical exaaination of the philosophic assuaptions of the jurisprudential systeas of Bet sbaaaai and Bet Hillel. By Noraan Cohen. aicrofila. O Noraan Cohen; 140ct77; 1911110.
1911111. The Ibysa and the star: a study of the poetry of Heraan Belville. By Harian Connor. Hicrofila. O Harian Connor; 140ct77: 1911111.
1911112. Eapirical Bayes estiaation of a joint distribution froa incoaplete data. By Sylva H. 0. Heghinian. Hicrofila. Sylva H. 0. Heghinian; 140ct77; 1911112.
1911 113. Econoaic growth and incoae distribution in Hong Kong. By Steven Chi Hao Chow. Hicrofila. Steven Chi Han Chow;
140ct77 (in notice: 1976); A911113.
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