A910855 - A910899
JUL-DEC. 1977
&910855. flow God plays Kith hlsself; or, Rhat ace yoQ doinq in my universe? Written by Chuck Billiq (Charles A. Hilliq) , illustrated ty colleen acDougal Hills. 1 V. © Chuck Hillig: 5Nov77; A91085S.
A910856. Internal control questionnaire. 7 p. Appl. au: Frederick Staples. HH; revision & additional text, e Frederick Staples, d.b.a. The Accredited Forms Company; 3BOV77: A910856.
A910857. A Proposal to determine economic parameters of the radionuclides and radionuclide devices industry; submitted in response to BFP BS-77-it5. Technical proposal amendment no. 1, Sept. 14, 1977- 1 V. 3 Arthur Younq and Company; 1itSep77: A910857.
A910858. Introduction to California Ian findinq. By Bon Granberq. illus. by Susan J. DuPree. 101 p. 6 Bon Granberq; 1Sep77 ; A910858.
A910859. Ctallenqe boiil. 2 p. Appl. au: James F. Horan 6 Fred B. Schoeppner. James F. Koran 6 Fred. B. Schoeppner (in notice: James F- Horan 6 Frederick B. Schoeppner) ; 31Auq76: A910859.
i910860. Katerbury, serving these communities: Beacon Falls, Bethlehem, CT, and others book of names, 1977-1978. O The Southern NeB England Telephone Company: 70ct77; A910860.
A9 10861. Augusta, Gardiner area, ME, telephone directory, November 1977. O Ueu England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 7Nov77; A910861.
A9 10862. flvalde, Batesville, Brackettsville, TX, ana others, telephone directory, October 1977. e Southwestern Bell Telephone company; 2Hov77: A910862.
A910863. Pittsburg, includes BewsoBe, TX, telephone directory, November 1977. e Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 2NOv77: S910863.
A91086H. A Brother* s memorial. lis p. e Phillip Enqel; A9 10861.
A910a65. Zapata, Falcon Heights, TX, telphone directory, October 1S77. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 3Nov77: A9 10865.
A91GE66. Hebbronville, Bruni, IX, telphone directory, October 1977. (S Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 3Nov77; A9 10866.
A910867. Hineola, TX, telephone directory, October 1977. S Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 3Nov77; i910867.
A910868. Quest for Balden: the "country book" in American popular literature. By Loren C. iwings. 17 p. e loren C. Owicgs; !8Sep77; A910B68.
A910869. Hhat's a parent to do? 13 p. Appl. Robert Edwin Nilson, Jr. (Bob Hilson) e Bob Hilson (Bobert E. Hilson, Jr.): 9NOV77: A910869.
A910870. Portraits of crime. By Bctor Garcia 6 Charles E. Pike. 27 1 p. Ector Garcia; 270ct77; A910870.
A910871. Psychic self-hypnosis. By fiussell Myer. 38 p. e Bussell Hyer; i(Nov77; A910871.
A910872. Ecology and behavior of Lemur fulvus mayottensis (primates, lemurif ormes) By Ian Tattersall. p. 1123-482. (Anth- ropological papers of the American Huseum of Natural History, vol. 54. pt. U) Appl. au: The American Huseum of Natural History, a The American Huseum of Natural History: UNov77; A910872.
A910873. Halasplna on the Northwest coast, 1791/1792. By Thomas Vaughan, E. A. P.. Crownhart-Vaughan £ Hercedes Palau De Iglesias. 61 p. (Voyages of enlig- htenment) e Oregon Historical Society; 60ct77: A910373.
A91087«. "The Frugal woman's" home money management kit. By Lois Harion Campbell^ 1 V. e Lois M. Campbell.; 1«0ct77; A910874.
A910875. Institute of church imperatives. 1 v. NH: revisions E additions. O The First Baptist Church of Modesto, California; 300ct77; A910875.
A910876. A Highschool textbook: the occult science of astrology. Written & illustrated by Hand aeinertsen. 119 p. e Haud Seinectsen; 200ct77; A910876.
A910877. Sentence-building activities: teaching grammatical structures inductively. By iarren Elliott Combs 6 Kathy Hiihelmson. 325 p. e Warren S. Combs; 25Sep77; A910877.
A910878. The Fundamentals of coloring handcarved and tooled natural cowhide leather with Tandy leathercraft dye. 1 v. Add. ti: The Finishing touch! Tandy leathercraft dye. NM: compilation, revisions £ additional text, e Tandy Leather Company, division of Tandycrafts, Inc.; 1Nov77; A910878.
A910879. Tounq alumni program guide. 24 p. Appl. au: 13-30 Corporation, changed from Approach 13-30 Corporation. Approach 13-30 corporation: 29Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; A91Q879.
A910880. A Guide to disease prevention in aquarium fishes and invertebrates. By Joe A. Quick. Jr. 47 p. (Harine disease primer, book 1) S Joe A. Quick, Jr.; 9Jun77; A910880.
A910881. Cheshire, CT, the book of names, 1977-1978. The Southern New England Telephone Company; 240ct77: 4910881.
A910882. From virgin to lion: poems 1950-1951. By Harlo K. Schermerhorn. 121 p. 6 Harlo K. Schermerhorn; 1Nov77; A910882.
A910883. Pediatrics for parents. By Bernard C. Husselman. 77 p. Bernard llnsselaan; 190ct77; A910883.
A910884. Step by step waxing ma il for tooth to tooth occlusion. By B. James Thornley 6 Gary C. Hunt. 45 p. S B. James Thornley 6 Gary C. Hunt; 310ct77; A9 10884.
A910885. 12 hour G£D prep. Written by chuck Herring, drawings by Holly Tuttle. 48 p. O Chuck Herring; 1Sep77; A910885.
A910886. Poems by Max Ellison. 1 v. aai Ellison; 1Sep77; A910886.
A910887. Poetic moods. By Xavier F. Aguilar. 1 V. Q Xavier F. Aguilar; 1Nov77; A910887.
A9108tl8. Principles and practices of teaching young children. By Patricia L. Fagan. 66 p. © Education Associates; 15oct77: A9ia888.
A910889. Millionaire's writing guide. 103 p. Appl. au: Hilliard W. Barnett. Billiard B. Barnett; 6Aug77; A910889.
A910890. Seattle Center from Tillikum Place to the Playhouse.. Prepared by Truman Gervais Eeed 6 Joan H. Nilseoo. 1 v. (Art iji Seattle's public places, five urban walking tours, the 5th itinerary) Q Gervais Beed £ Jo Nilsson; 5Nov77: A910890.
A910891. North Central Ohio Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association {10.000.00 guarantee. Folder. 6 North Central Ohio Chapter. National Electrical Contractors Association, Inc., a.k.a. N.E.C. A. (in notice: North Central Ohio Chapter, N.E.C. A.); 1Nov77; A910891.
A910892. Equations of math and science con- versions, and tricks for doing math. By Theodore C. Coskey. 1 v. NH: additions. Theodore C. Coskey; 1SApr77; A9 10892.
A910893. Image cartoons. By Samuel Eppy- Sheets. e Samuel Eppy; 2Nov77; A910893.
A910894. The Silver-top gallery of home products. Folder. O Silver-top Hanufacturing company. Inc.; 11Iov77; A910894.
A910895. Safeguarding program for existing littell scroll sheeting lines. 8 p. (Lit tell safety awareness report, SAB 107) Appl. au: Kenneth C. Johnson £ Norman P. Fors. e F. J. Littell Hachine Company; 21ug77; A910895.
A910896. Photographs. No. 1. By James William Hair. 1 V. O Jim Hair; 17Jul77; A910896.
A910897. Pathways of life; teacher's manual. Written by Steve Bidgell, editor: Les Gleaves, editor-in-chief: Eugene S. Smith, Jr. 48 p- (God's eternal word, teen studies] O Gospel Teachers Publications. Inc.; 4NOV77; A910897.
A910898. Bhat love did! Teacher's manual. Britten by Les Gleaves £ Boy Holland, editor-in-chief: Eugene S. Smith, Jr. 46 p. (God's eternal word, teen studies) (S Gospel Teachers Publications, Inc.; 4NOV77: A910898.
Hey world! Teacher's manual. Britten
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