i910812 - i91085«
JUL-DEC. 1977
4910812. Sans Bodular hi-fi coaponeats. Vol. 105, cat. no. aHP-105. 128 p. NM: conpliatioo C additional text. G Howard B. Sais and Conpanr, Inc.; 1Nov77: 4910B12.
»910813. Sans Photofact CB cadio series. Vol. 148, cat. no. CB-1«8. By the Howard H. Sans and Coopany, Inc. enqineerincj staff. 128 p. Howard W. Sags and Company, Inc.: 1No»77; A910813.
19 10814. Sans Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 149, cat, no. CB-149. By the Howard I. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard U. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 1HOV77; i91081U.
4910815. Saas Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 150, cat. no. CB-150. By the Howard B. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard H. Saas and Coapany. Inc.; 1Bo»77: 49 10815.
4910816. Saas Photofact CB radio series. vol. 151, cat. no. CB-151. By the Howard g. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard B. Saas and Coapany. Inc.; 1NOY77; 49 10816.
4910817. Saas Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 152, cat. no. CB-152. By the Howard H. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. 6 Howard u. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 1»o»77; 4910817.
4910818. Saas Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 153, cat. no. CB-153. By the Howard B. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard B. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; 1Ho»77; 4910818.
4910819. saas Photofact auto radio series. Vol. 251, cat. no. 4a-251. By the Howard «. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard B. Saas and Coapany* Inc.; lHo»77; 4910819.
4910820. Saas Photofact auto radio series. Vol. 250, cat. no. 4B-250. By the Howard B. Saas and Coapany, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. Howard H. Saas and Coapany, Inc.; llio»77: 4910820.
4910821. Theae and rhetoric. By Jaaes Burl Hoqins e Bobert Earl larber. 386 p. (ID: additions & updating. Science Research 4ssociates, Inc.; 18Har77; 4910821.
4910822. fiadielogic (X-ray) technologists. Folder. (SBi work brief, no. 340) HH: additions & updating. O Science Besearch 4ssoclates, Inc.; 9Har77; 4910822.
4910823. Store aanagers. Folder. (SKA work brief, no. 311) MB: additions e updating. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 9[lar77; 4910823.
4910824. Stationary firers. Polder. (SB4 work brief, no. 307) Nfl: additions e updating. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9l!ar77; A910824.
A910825. Banqe aanagers. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 307) US: additions e updating. Science Besearch Associates. Inc. ; 9Har77: A910825.
A910826. Supervisors. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 132) Bfl: additions & updating. Science Besearch Associates. Inc. ; 9llar77; A910826.
4910827. Geologists. Folder. (SB4 work brief, no. 143) NH: additions S, updating, d science Besearch Associates. Inc. ; 9Har77; A910827.
A910828. Bespiratory therapists. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 166) NX: additions C updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Bar77; A910828.
4910829. Instruaental ausic teachers. Folder- (SB4 work brief, no. 169) NH: additions 6 updating. O Science Besearch 4ssociates, Inc.; 9llar77; 4910829.
A910830. Jewelers. Polder. (SBA work brief, no. 174) BH: additions & updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 9aar77; A910830.
A9 10831. Machine parts programaers. Polder. (SBA work brief, no. 193) NH: additions e updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Har77; A910831.
A910832. Hachiue tool operators. Polder. (SBA work brief, no. 194) HH: additions (, updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Har77; 4910832.
4910833. Office machine repairers. Polder. (SB4 work brief, no. 224) NH: additions K updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Har77; 4910833.
4910834. Factory assemblers. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 117) NH: additions updating. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 9Har77; 4910834.
A910835. Experiaental psychologists. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 116) NH: additions S updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Har77; A910835.
A910836. Editorial assistants. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 104) NH: additions £ updating. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 9Har77; A910836.
A910837. Ecoiogists. Folder. (SBA work brief, no. 102) NH: additions & updating. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 9Har77; A910837.
A910838. Caterers. Polder. (SBA work brief, no. 56) NH: additions 6 updating. Science Besearch Associates, Inc. ; 9Har77; A910838.
A910839. Hass aedia in Aaerica, second edition; instructor's guide. By Don E. Peaber. 28 p. NH: additional teit & revisions. O Science Besearch Associates, Inc.; 22Har77; A9108 39.
A910840. The Sky observer's guide. By fi. Newton Hayall, Hargaret Bayall 6 Jeroae Byckoff, paintings & diagrams by John Polqreen. 160 p. Appl. au: Bestern Publishing Coapany, Inc. NH: additions & revisions. Bestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 60ct77; A9 10840.
A910841. Cookie Bonster and the cookie tree. By David Korr, illustrated by Joe Hathieu. 1 V. Appl. au: Huppets, Inc., employer for hire. NH: new Huppet characters artwork. O Huppets, Inc.; 280ct77; A910841.
A910842. Cookie Monster and the cookie tree. By David Korr, illustrated by Joe Hathieu. 1 V. Appl. au: Children's Television Borkshop. employer for hire. NH: art £ text other than Huppet characters artwork. Children's Television Borkshop; 280ct77; A910842.
A910e43. Service station. Cutouts in envelope. (The Scribbler's busy town. 2) Bestern Publishing Company. Inc.; 280ct77; A910843.
A9 10844. Super market. Cutouts in envelope. (The Scribbler's busy town, 1) Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 280ct77; A910844.
A9ia845. Pet shop. Cutouts in envelope. (The Scribbler's busy town, 3) C Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 280ct77; A910845.
4910846. Trixie Belden mystery fan club. 2 folders & 1 p. in portfolio. Q Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 30ct77; 4910846.
4910847. Bister Peabody coloring book. No. 1034. 1 V. P. A. T. -Bard; 130ct77; 4910847.
4910848. Practical spoken Italian. By Charlotte Piclcman-Gertz. with illus. by Bichard Scarry. 71 p. O on text; charlotte Pickman-Gertz; 1Sep77; 4910848.
4910849. Fire station. Cutouts in envelope. (The Scribbler's busy town. 6) O Bestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 280ct77; 4910849.
4910850. Nursery school. Cutouts in envelope. (The Scribbler's busy town, 5) Bestern Publishing Company. Inc.; 280ct77; 4910850.
A910851. The Squeeze He 1 cent gumball machine T-shirt. Kit. Add. ti: Oncle 41, the kiddies* pal. bubble gum balls. 4ppl. au; O.S. Chewing Gum Banuf acturing Company (pseud.: U.S. Chewing Gum C O.S. Chewing Gun and Candy Company) O.S. Chewing Gum Hanufactaring Company (in notice on T-shirt: O.S. Chewing Gum, in notice on instruction: O.S. Chewing Gum and Candy Coapany); 25Sep7;; A910851.
A910852. The Pear tree. Illus. by Debbie Kloss. 130 p. Appl. au: The Junior League of Knoxville, Inc. The Junior League of Knoiville, Inc.; 1Nov77; A9 10852.
A910853. Abstracts of scientific papers — 1977 ASA annual meeting. Compiled by American Society of 4nesthesiologists. Inc. 606 p. O 4aerican Society of 4nesthesiologists. Inc.; 150ct77; A9I0853.
4910854. Jacob Boehme: insights into the challenge of evil. By Ann Liea. 32 p. (Pendle Hill paaphlet, 214) O Pendle
Hill; 250ct77; A910354.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.