ein König [“The Wise Man a King”], and Salomonis Weisheit in Hiskiastagen [“Solomon's Wisdom in the Days of Hezekiah”], 1849 ; and chapters xxx. xxxi. in a work entitled Die Politik der Weisheit [“The Politics of Wisdom”], 1850, Part hi. (1865) of the new exegetico-critical Aehrenlese [“Gleanings”] of Fried. Böttcher, edited by Mühlau, furnishes 39 pages of remarks on the Proverbs. Leop. Dukes, author of the Rabbinical Blumenlese [“Anthology”], 1844, and the Schrift zur rabbinisclien Spruchkunde, 1851, has published (1841) a commentary to the Proverbs in Cahen’s French Bibelwerk. There also is furnished a list of Jewish interpreters down to the appearance of L. H. Loewenstein’s Commentary (1838), which contains valuable contributions to the critical confirmation of the Masoretic text, in which Heidenheim’s MS. remains, and also the Codex of 1294 mentioned in my preface to Baer’s edition of the Psalter, and in the Specimen Lectionum of Baer’s edition of Genesis, are made use of. Among Malbim’s best works are, after his Commentary on Isaiah, that on the Mishle (Warsaw, 1867). [Vide Preface.]