3 Declare His glory among the heathen,
His wonders among all peoples.
4 For great is Jahve and worthy to be praised exceedingly,
Terrible is He above all gods.
5 For all the gods of the peoples are idols,
But Jahve hath made the heavens.
6 Brightness and splendour are before Him,
Might and beauty are in His sanctuary.
7 Give unto Jahve, O ye races of the peoples,
Give unto Jahve glory and might.
8 Give unto Jahve the honour of His Name,
Take offerings and come into His courts.
9 Worship Jahve in holy attire,
Tremble before Him, all lands.
10 Say among the heathen : " Jahve is now King,
Therefore the world will stand without tottering,
He will govern the peoples in uprightness."
11 The heavens shall rejoice
And the earth be glad,
The sea shall roar and its fulness.
12 The field shall exult and all that is therein,
Then shall all the trees of the wood shout for joy—
13 Before Jahve, for He cometh,
For He cometh to judge the earth —
He shall judge the world in righteousness
And the peoples in His faithfulness.
What Psa 95:3 says: “A great God is Jahve, and a great King above all gods,” is repeated in Psa 96:1-13. The lxx inscribes it (1) ᾠδὴ τῷ Δαυίδ, and the chronicler has really taken it up almost entire in the song which was sung on the day when the Ark was brought in (1Ch 16:23-33); but, as the coarse seams between vv. 22-23, vv. 33-34 show, he there strings together familiar reminiscences of the Psalms (vid., on Ps 105) as a sort of mosaic, in order approximately to express the festive mood and festive strains of that day. And