"How can you be so provoking?"
"Why it is very hard, if you are not in love with her yourself, that you should wish to prevent every one else from being so."
"Your Majesty's rank, I should think, would prevent your even thinking of Mademoiselle de Mallet."
""Thy should my rank prevent the possibility of my being happy?"
"Your Majesty's rank prevents the possibility of your marrying Pauline; and I should hope you would not dare to entertain dishonourable views respecting her."
"Dare! dishonour! Do you remember whom you are speaking to, Edric?"
"Perfectly; for I have not forgotten Roderick, though he appears to have forgotten himself."
"Edric! But I won't be angry with you. When people are in love, they never mean what they say; in fact, they very seldom know what they are talking about. I remember once when I was in love myself—"