ought to think," said Lord Gustavus; "no government can be worse than the one we have at present."
"The Queen has not performed one of her promises," subjoined Dr. Hardman; "and her caprice and cruelty are beyond endurance."
"Her extravagance is unbounded," said Lord Maysworth.
"And her arrogance extreme," rejoined Lord Gustavus.
The satellites shook their heads in chorus.
"In my opinion," said Lord Maysworth, "we had better seek Elvira and try to propitiate her. She was used to be mild and gentle."
"But will she not be too much exasperated with our former desertion, to listen to us?" asked Dr. Hardman.
"I think not," said Lord Gustavus pompously.
The result of this conference may be easily imagined. Rosabella found herself deserted; many who would not have had courage to abandon her cause, had they not found precedents