features, like the ghost of departed joys; it was but for an instant, however, and it added fresh darkness to the succeeding gloom. "I wish no privileges for my page," said she gravely, "beyond those usually bestowed upon his class. Treat him kindly, but promise me you will not over-indulge him, or I will not leave him with you."
"You have only to command," said Roderick, "and you may rely upon obedience."
"Adieu! then," exclaimed the princess, extending her hand, whilst a slight blush stained her alabaster complexion. "God bless you! — we may meet again."
Roderick kissed her hand as he would have done that of an empress. "Heaven grant we may!" exclaimed he, "for, rest assured, no earthly pleasure could afford me half the joy."
"None?" asked Zoe incredulously.
"None!" repeated he firmly; "unless, perhaps," added he with a smile, "the re-conquering of Spain."
"Then you will accept my page?"
"As a gift from Heaven!"
"He shall join you ere you cross the bridge: once more, adieu!"