have always been her friend. I am sure that Nature intended the Enghsh and Irish for brethren; and I am too sincere a votary of the goddess to wish, even in the slightest degree, to counteract her designs."
"Your sentiments perfectly coincide with mine," said Edric; "and as it has been my fate to live in habits of intimacy for several years with a very worthy countryman of yours. Father Murphy, confessor of the Duke of Cornwall, who was the most intimate friend of my father—"
"Father Murphy!" interrupted Roderick.
"Yes," returned Edric, surprised at the wonder expressed by the King. "Is it possible you can know him?"
"The name appeared familiar to me, that was all," replied Roderick, evidently finding it difficult to repress a strong inclination to laugh. Edric looked at him with still increasing astonishment, not being able to discover any thing in the slightest degree ridiculous in what he had said; and Roderick's disposition to mirth seemed to increase in exact proportion to Edric's gravity. At length, perceiving he remained