a jaundiced eye; and, not liking to own they find themselves deceived, they will overturn the government of Elvira to conceal for ever the folly they have been guilty of."
"But will not the government of Rosabella afterwards share the same fate?"
"No: for they will have learnt wisdom by experience; and having just suffered from the inconveniences inseparable from a revolution they will idolize every word and action of Rosabella, to spare themselves the necessity of again undergoing the same horrors, and yet avoid the charge of inconsistency. They will thus fear even to censure, and will gloss over any thing that may not quite please them, rather than run the risk of again interrupting that tranquillity which the late disturbance has made them taste the sweets of."
The sophistry of Cheops was well suited to the feelings of his hearers; and well did he know how to work upon the passions of those be conversed with. The indignation of Father Morris and Marianne subsided, and they again became the Egyptian's devoted slaves. Cheops